
Shaylah Rouge

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Taneaka [main]
15" Ebony and Raven Feather
Shaylah grinned as she walked along the lake side. She had been here a lot but never just walked. She was always doing something.
She sat down at the edge and took her shoes and socks off so her feet were in the edge of the lake. She looked out over the lake and the rippling reflections on the surface, not paying any attention to what was happening around her.
Angela was a bit jumpy, just having been led out of the school by a guy she barely knew. Sure he was nice; but older men had always given her the creeps. Except Shay's dad. But, now Shay gave her the creeps. Speaking of Shay, Angela could spot her from where she stood. It was now or never if she was going to find out. She walked lithely across the lawn toward her, and took a seat beside her. "Hi." She said with a wide smile.
Shay turned her head when she heard someone speak. She beamed when she saw who it was. "Hey." She watched as Angela sat next to her. "How've you been?? I haven't seen you in ages."
So far there was no flirting; maybe that Sydney girl was full of herself. "I've been good. No more broken bones. And me and Adam are dating." She beamed. She knew that Shay knew Adam. "How about you?"
Shay knew she had promised Sydney that she would flirt so she had to start at some point. "I'm glad you've got no more broken bones." She slowly edged towards Angela with a weird grin on her face. "Broken bones can ruin the way someone looks completely." She carried on grinning.
"Okay are you gay?" The words spilled out of Angela's mouth. "Because Sydney told me you were and stuff, but i didn't believe it, and i'm just curious, because it seems unlike you, because you have only had boyfriends..." She took a deep breath and gave a crooked smile. She really just wanted to know.
Shaylah laughed. "Anyone who knows Sydney knows not to believe anything she tells you." She smiled at Angela. "She's my half sister and I'd trust her with anything bu she's blooming good at making things up." She laughed again. "Plus, I've only had one boyfriend in my whole life." She shrugged. "So how are you and Adam doing??"
Angela laughed a little bit; she knew it was all a lie. But, how was she supposed to know they were related. "Well, you guys are nothing alike. You are so nice; and she was mean to me." She smiled never the less. "Anyways, me and Adam are doing fine but..." She stopped dead; she couldn't say anything.
"We only found out at christmas." Shaylah shrugged. "Before that, we were just great friends. Then my dad invited her mum to take Sydney and Marcus to my house for christmas dinner and dad and Tracy started talking. Then Tracy called Sydney outside and dad called me into his office. We were then both told that we were half sisters because Tracy is my mum." Shay still wasn't used to having to call Tracy mum. She didn't know whether she ever would be.
Shaylah frowned at Angela. "But what??" She hoped there was nothing going wrong. If there was then that would mean that Angela would be upset and Shaylah would have to do something about it. She didn't want to do anything to Adam though because he was also a friend of hers. Talk about complicated.
"Well what a wonderful present." Since she could remember, Angela hadn't celebrated Christmas. She didn't want to ask what it was like though, because that made her feel stupid; because everyone knew what it was. Thankfully, and un-thankfully, Shay changed the subject. But, it was back to her. "Well, it's a long story, i don't want to bug you with it..." She didn't want anyone to be bugged with it. Not anyone that she knew; not Adam, Shay, Kala, or Skyle. Especially not Skyle.
Shay smiled at Angela. "Come on. If you're bugged, I'm bugged. At the moment I don't know what I'm bugged about." Shay had always found it hard to not act potective over he friends and if there was something that was upsetting Angela then she wanted to help her.
She giggled slightly. "Well... I got kissed by Adam's cousin, who is dating my cousin, and I don't know what to tell Adam!" She had to try hard not to raise her voice.
Shaylah's jaw dropped. She wasn't expecting to be told that. "What did he do that for?? Who is he?? I'll deal with him." Shay found boys to be idiots most of the time as it was.
She looked down. "nah, don't worry about it! I mean, i'm sure he didn't mean it." She said looking down. "I don't need you getting in trouble or hurt." Angela had seen Darian fight; he was good. If it wasn't for his asthma, he'd be amazing.
"Only if you're sure." Shaylah smiled. "If you change your mind, all you need to do is say the word and I'll be there. I will do whatever is needed, believe me." Shaylah thought like her father. Only the other day, he has killed a man because he called Shaylah a mudblood. She was worried because she heard that the ministry was looking for the killer but he had stood up for her all the same.

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