
Eden Silverback

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
Eden was mad so mad that she was ready to fight someone. Not only had her personal life been aired for the whole world to see she was also being labled by everyone and there mother! What was wrong with these people? Eden was dating Tohoru so what? And yes Hoshi had mentioned that she wanted her to be part of the goth gang but who cared? As for that glam comment Eden did not care she dressed how she dressed and no one was going to say anything about that and get away with it. Not knowing what to do Eden picked up a rock and threw it as far as she could into the water. Standing there Eden looked out into the water as tears rolled down her cheeks no one cared that she was smart and trying her hardest to fit in but with this who knew what it would do.
(( Hey, you don't mind me joining, do you? If you were wanting someone else, just say and I can edit ^_^ ))

Vivienne didn't know why she had come for a walk down to the lake. There was homework that needed to be done, as well as packing for the holidays. But she was bored, and felt like a walk was the best solution. Swinging her arms lightly as she strolled through the trees, Vivienne noticed a girl about her age standing by the lake. She had thrown a rock into the water, and looked a little lonely. Being the social person she was, she decided to go introduce herself. As she neared the blonde girl, Vivienne realised that the girl's face was shining in the light.. she was crying. Oh.. maybe I shouldn't.. Vivienne paused, not wanting to embarass her or whatever.

Deciding that the girl might want someone to talk to anyway, she continued towards her. When she was a couple of metres away, Vivienne spoke out softly. "Hey.. are you okay..?" she said, her voice kind and genuine. While others may fake caring, just because they were nosy, Vivienne was not like that. Sure, she was not perfect, but she did have a real sense of empathy, and was really asking to check if the girl was alright.
(No your more than welcome to join me)

Eden gasped when she heard someone talk to her. "Great just great." She muttered under her breath. Deciding that she should at least find out who this girl was before she said anything. Eden rubbed her eyes carefully so that her eyes would not get all puffy. Turning around she looked at the girl. She seems fine Eden thought to herself. "I have been better its just that stupid rumor mag. Whoever is writing it told everyone things about me that I was not ready to have the whole world know. And I'm seeing this great guy and his sister is so sweet to me and she even tried to offer me a place in her group but the other members are so mean that it makes no sense. And really why should anyone care if I dress "Glam" or Goth" or even like the hobo down the street! It makes no sense!" Eden took a deep breath and realized that she did not even know this girl and she told her pretty much her whole life story. "Well my name is Eden Luna and I'm sorry about that. What did you say your name was?" Sticking out her hand she hopped that this girl did not think she was a nutter.

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