Ruben Luftmensch

OOC First Name
Curly 13 Inch Rigid Cedar Wand with Doxy Wing Core
The irony and all my dreams ,
were keeping me from sleeping ,

Say Hello to
Ruben Jacob Luftmensch!
When they knock you down ,
you gotta stand up ,

Ruben Jacob Luftmensch

Ruben - In Hebrew the meaning of the name Ruben is: Behold a son.
Jacob - Jacob (later called Israel) is the son of Isaac and Rebecca and the father of the twelve founders of the twelve tribes of Israel. He was born holding his twin brother Esau's heel, and his name is explained as meaning "holder of the heel" or "supplanter".
Luftmensch - Literally means "air person", "human being in the air", the opposite of a materialist, may be the opposite of an achiever too. Someone whose strengths and pursuits are non-practical (may indeed be helplessly handless), not related to any sort of business or worldly gain.

As the last child of his parents, they decided that they would name him on the day, when he was born, and it had been his mother's choice, given that they were moving to New Zealand, she picked a name which respected their origins but was easy to understand, and so when Ruben was born, his father said, behold another son, and knowing the meaning of Ruben, his mother decided that that would be his name.
Jacob was the name that his father picked for him, thought they opted to not give his eldest brother a middle name and his other older brother had a middle name of Moldovan origin, Jacob was the name given to Ruben, just because they both liked it, but didn't like it enough to make it a first name for their children and had also then decided that they not be having any more this was their last opportunity.
His last name, it is not a long standing name in his family. It was changed after the fall of communism in Moldavia where his family is originally from, at least his father's family, they changed it to Luftmensch because of it's meaning and the connotations that it means someone has their head in the sky. They had previously had as Ruben's father's father called it a boring name and changed it to Luftmensch when they were able to. Ruben enjoys the surname, it makes him stand out a lot, but he doesn't mind it at all.

Rue is the only nickname that Ruben will ever allow him to call, though he could opt for the more masculine Ben, he much prefers Rue as a nickname, it's mostly only used fondly by his brothers he would rather people called him that than any other name that wasn't his own, in a perfect world only his brothers would ever call him Rue but he wouldn't stop others from doing so no matter how much he would rather it.


November 27th 2027


His family had been in Moldova for generations, he is the only son of his parents, both of whom still live in Moldova. He attended Durmstrang, and while he was not academically inclined was an excellent quidditch player, and he played for many years, and now helps coach teams across the country of Moldova and also sometimes New Zealand. He spends half of his time in Moldova and the other half in New Zealand. He spends more time in New Zealand because of his youngest son, when he was supposed to begin at Hogwarts when he then chose to attend Durmstrang, Ruben knows his father will start travelling to and from more often. Ruben's parents are not married, they are together but they never married, having not had the money when they were young and feeling it no longer necessary for them to do so now.

Her grandparents were born and raised in New Zealand, but she was born in Moldova, since they were working in the country as part of the ministry for magic in Moldova. Ruben's mother attended Durmstrang and excelled academically, she has pursued a career in potion making, and is very good with the creation of potions. She's written papers about different ingredients, she moved back to New Zealand with her family when her parents fell ill and they had to look after them. She is very close to her parents and her two siblings.

2 older brothers
Haskel Luftmensch, April 19th 2012, Durmstrang, Born in Moldova currently working for the Ludicrus Patents office. Haskel and Ruben are very close, Ruben respects his brother a lot.
Seth Luftmensch, June 30th 2022, Durmstrang, born in Moldova, Seth wants to be an auror after he leaves school. Seth and Ruben are very close too, and Ruben knows he will really miss his brother now that he has graduated.

Nephew - December 31st 3038, Bret Luftmensch Welsh, eldest brother's son

Ruben has no pets and nor does he really desire any, while he knows having an owl might be useful he doesn't want to have to deal with it so it is likely better that he never owns one.

Mixed Blood, both of his parents are of magical blood, his mother's side both of her parents where half bloods, and on his father's side the blood it is only his father's father's father who was of muggle blood. Both of his grandparents on that side are of magical blood.

Ruben has always tried to not care about his blood but he does find himself looking down on muggles, he doesn't hate them, but he also rathers that his family stayed pure that they didn't sully the blood since it wouldn't be too many generations more until they were purebloods so he would rather they be purebloods or eventual purebloods than anything else, he can fully realise that perhaps mixing the blood would be better, but Ruben would just rather to keep blood pure.

Chișinău, Moldova, Ruben was born in the city and this was where he lived for the first part of his life until they moved to New Zealand, where his mother's family was originally from, where his mother's family mostly still live. He moved just after he was born, though he has visited several times Ruben has no ties to the city.

Wellington, New Zealand, Ruben enjoys living in Wellington, far more than he likes visiting where his family used to live in Moldova, he just prefers Wellington and is pretty pleased that they moved not only because of the wizarding community which already exists there.

Easily his current house, while it's not Paris, or Berlin it's the place he loves most in the world, it's the only house he's ever known and it has always been the best house for him, he doesn't mind living with his grandparents because it means he can spend more time with them, it's not a large house but he has his own space both inside and out. To Ruben it's perfect.

FIRST HOME: Because Ruben doesn't remember the home he was born in, his first home will be the home they've always lived in in New Zealand, it's a large two story house with a modern interior but run again on magic. It has four bedrooms, Ruben has his own room, and his older brothers share, largely because the eldest no longer lives with them, but also because his mother's parents live with them, as they can not live alone, meaning that there are only two available bedrooms between three children. Ruben loves this house more than anything, it's his favourite place in the world.

Straight, although he doesn't want to really tie himself down, he does prefer girls he just would also not want to dismiss anything else.

None, too young to care


Not happened yet

Not Happened yet

Not happened yet

Too young

Too young

To Come

All of my demons are kicking and screaming ,
don't try to save me because I've never felt so alive

Ruben's naturally hair colour is a dark brown, he has hair just like his mother's and his older brother's. He has always liked his hair, he keeps it short and it generally grows out into curls which he finds sometimes a little difficult to keep under control but he just very often cuts his hair and he loves it. Even though he doesn't really think of himself as attractive he does love his hair and does spend a lot of time on it, making sure that it's properly cared for.

Ruben would never dye his hair, as much as he likes the idea of experimenting he would never actually do it with his hair, he doesn't think it's special or anything of that sort, but he definitely doesn't want to accidentally end up with permanently coloured hair, or for all his hair to become damaged and therefore unable to do anything with, or to then lose it all. Ruben has for this reason always vowed to never actually dye his hair.

Ruben has brown eyes, they are a light brown colour, which most closely resemble that of his mother's, he is very much like the rest of his family who all have brown eyes, the only ones to not are his oldest brother, and his maternal grandfather both of whom have green eyes, while it can be difficult for two brown eyed parents to create a non-brown eyed child it is possible, but Ruben does not have this. he has brown eyes which he thoroughly loves.

Ruben has no birth marks and the only things which he does have is a scar on his right arm from when he fell when he was about four years old and broke his arm, he tripped up over his own laces and fell down three flights of stairs eventually hitting the bottom and breaking his arm, it tore up through his skin and was a particularly horrible incident, but has also left a pretty large scar on his arm from where the bone broke through, it has over the years faded but is still very easily noticeable.

Ruben is a small person, standing a little under the average for his age range which is not then helped by the fact that he's always very scrawny, he's almost purely bones that anything else, Ruben has always been small in most ways and this just accentuates it. His family are not particularly slim people like he, he's sort of an oddball in this, but takes most after his paternal grandfather who was small and scrawny like Ruben when he was young. Ruben will, if he follows the same path as his paternal grandfather stretch out in more ways than one as he grows older.

B (+ve)
The only reason that Ruben knows this is because his brother made sure that they all knew their blood types before going on any walking tour, he should've known it already since it was necessary for the immigration papers to New Zealand, but he was too young to remember it, and since it has never once come up. Ruben has no idea what anything to do with his blood means, he has only ever associated it with his blood status.

Right handed, like most of his family, Ruben is right handed and he has never questioned this, much like both his brothers he severely dislikes using pencils and pens, though he unlike his brothers can admit to their practicalities, he has always written with his right hand, though when he was 4 years old and learning to write at home with his mother he broke his arm and while it was healed almost immediately by magic, given how young he was at the time he had to rest it for a few days and so attempted to write with his left which ended horribly.

It depends on which language he is speaking, but he has a small trace accent on his english, and a small accent on his romanian, neither would be heard that much if it wasn't pointed out by someone else. His accent on his russian can be pretty bad and it means that some times people don't really understand what he is saying, but it is improving with each day that Ruben spends at his school.

Because he lives and has lived in New Zealand for most of his life his english is the strongest out of all of his family, he speaks near perfect english, but he also speaks very good Romanian which is the language spoken in Moldova, he's been raised on both languages and is equally good at one as he is with the other, though his written Romanian has always been weaker than his English, just because of where he lives. He is pretty good at both languages and because of this is also pretty good at Russian which he needs for his schooling at Durmstrang. It's definitely the weakest of his languages but he knows enough and is immersed enough in it that he doesn't struggle with it.

Ruben is unlike both of his brothers who are allergic to something, Ruben is not allergic to anything, he used to have allergies to dust but they largely faded by the time he was six years old and showing signs of magic, he has never cared about being allergic to anything and it is likely a good thing that he doesn't due to the fact that much like how he is with clothes that he just eats whatever is in front of him, and though he enjoys different flavours and textures he believes there is more to life than food and so works hard to just eat quickly and efficiently since there is more he can do with his day.

Ruben's style can be mostly compared to whatever clothes he finds, he gets most of his clothes from his brothers, despite them not being a poor family he definitely doesn't mind using his brother's old clothes, though he is small than they both were and scrawnier than they were so the clothes doesn't always sit perfect he never once minded, in Ruben's mind clothes are just things, and he does not care at all about how he looks in them, ruben has never cared, he's never once bothered with any of it. Ruben wears a lot of jeans, and a lot of plain t-shirts, his eldest brother listened to a lot of music and has a number of band t-shirts which he passed on to Ruben they don't exactly suit him but he wears them regardless.

Adam Brody

Take it one step at a time ,
i know it's gonna be fine ,

Ruben enjoys talking to people, about people, just talking in general, though it began because he felt uncomfortable in silence Ruben has always enjoyed talking to people and he thinks it's the easiest way to learn anything about anyone. He finds learning about people so interesting and that in his mind can really only be done by talking, he loves getting his point across and winning arguments. He does occasionally just follow trends and will argue from which ever point he thinks will win, it doesn't diminish his desire to talk. Ruben also likes quidditch, despite being very terrible at it, he thoroughly enjoys the sport, Ruben doesn't play but he does really enjoy watching it and going to both school games and to games outside of school with professional teams.

Ruben dislikes disloyalty, he finds those that are disloyal to be the worst kind of people and he hates trusting someone who then turns out to not have his interests in mind at all, and Ruben will always try to avoid such people in his life, though it can be difficult. Disloyalty he views as cowardice and though he doesn't see cowardice as something bad he definitely views disloyalty as a bad kind of cowardice. Ruben dislikes being told to stay quiet or even momentary laps in silence, which means that he does over compensate by talking a lot but Ruben finds it easier to just sit and talk to people than to sit in silence and say nothing, he thinks it stupid and impersonal considering that there are plenty of things to say.

His goals in life are simple, he wants to succeed, and he wants to be remembered, Ruben doesn't know what he wants to succeed in, and he doesn't know how he wants to be remembered but he does and Ruben would stop at nothing to achieve this, he might be a bit of a pushover in certain occasions he would definitely stop at nothing once he figured out what he wanted to do, so that he would be remembered.

Even in his closeness to his brothers, loosing his parents would be he worst thing that could ever happen to Ruben, he loves his parents, he thinks the world of them and to have them taken away from him he couldn't imagine a worse thing to happen to him, so if faced with a boggart this is definitely something which he would see in front of him.

Blue Whale

Having always been very close to his brothers, his greatest memory was when they all went hill walking for Haskel's 24 birthday, despite not liking it one bit and complaining the entire way, he could admit to having a lot of fun, it was nice to stand and look out over everything he had overcome. He could definitely understand his brother's love for the outdoors and for that, but he doesn't really share it. Ruben would say that sitting at the top breaking bread with his brothers is one of his favourite memories, they were a little family of brothers and he would always hold that dear.

Ruben is not a particularly strong guy, he's a small scrawny child who has had his fair share of run ins with those older than him, and a particularly bad memory for him was a two week period where some of the older kids were picking on him pretty badly, he didn't know what to do about it and feared that it would get worse but it stopped when his older brother threatened them all. During the period of time when he was their primary target Ruben felt isolated and left out, he felt terrified and just clueless about what he could do.

Having two older brothers and them reaching relative success has raised the bar quite a bit in Ruben's mind and he definitely fears that no matter the amount of work that he might put in that he would never be good enough to beat his brothers or even be as good as, he doesn't often talk about his insecurities regarding his own successes when compared with his brother largely because he knows its pointless but he really can't help it. He works as hard as he can in all of his classes to be the best that he can but he definitely fears never being good enough.

Given the rather large age gap between him and his eldest brother and the close nature of their relationship, Ruben would see him and his brothers in school together at the same time, something which is never going to happen, but exactly what he would see if he looked into the mirror. It's perhaps not the most complex of things but Ruben has always been a huge family guy and his eldest brother and him are very close to the point where Ruben would've liked that they were at school together, he thinks that his older brother could help him out more than the other one at school with him, though he is also very close with that brother.

Ruben loves cheese, he has an affinity for cheese and would likely smell all different kinds of cheese, he just loves it so much, and would easily just smell that from the potion. He's always enjoyed cheese but found as he's grown that his tastes have altered slightly, that he likes some cheeses more than others which he'd likely smell. Other than that, Ruben enjoys mint, perhaps a large contrast to the cheese but a very strong scent and one that he thoroughly enjoys to smell.

While there are a lot of figures that he looks up to the primary person he looks up to is his father, he finds the way his father balances life in New Zealand, with his life in Moldova, and the way he balances his work and home life to be just impressive. Ruben doesn't get to spend a lot of time with his father but he does love it, he finds his father pretty amazing and what little time they spend together he spends helping Ruben out. Ruben has a lot of respect for his father and despite the fact he's not that great at quidditch he would very much like to follow in his father's footsteps.

Jewish - Non-practicing
Ruben's parents are both Jewish, though largely non practicing. Ruben was brought up with some of the traditions and customs and so does often do them within his life, but these are generally small things. He'll celebrate Hanukkah rather than christmas, but he's not interest in doing nothing on the sabbath. He likes being out and about, going on adventures. He believes there is a god, though he questions it occasionally when he sees bad things which muggles have done. He sees the good of an almighty being in the creatures and plants of the wilderness. He doesn't attend services, and his parents barely spend any time on the things outside of celebrations but Haskel still very much considers himself Jewish.


Ruled by the benefic planet Jupiter, Sagittarians possess a natural exuberance, sense of adventure and love of life that makes them one of the most optimistic zodiac signs of all. Like their astrological symbol - the Archer - Sagittarians are renowned for aiming their sights towards whatever it is they find alluring - a love partner, dream job, vacation - and making it their own. They believe that anything is possible - and because of this belief system, Sagittarians are adept at seeking out their very own pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. But sometimes trying to tie down these free-spirited individuals is frustrating for those around them. Sagittarians are happiest on the move - exploring new cultures and ideas and many are attracted to occupations related to travel, the media, outdoor work and philosophical pursuits. In love, their catch-cry is "don't fence me in". But once they find a partner who understands their need to retain their own sense of self and identity, Sagittarians can be the most big-hearted, generous and fun-loving companions of all. Freedom loving, optimistic and honest, Sagittarians are ruled by Jupiter, the planet of abundance and higher learning. The wisdom of Jupiter imbibes Sagittarians with an inherent need to develop their own unique philosophy of life. The Centaur is their astrological symbol, and it gives many insights into the Sagittarian personality. The higher-evolved Sagittarian learns to integrate the two ends of the Centaur (half-human, half-beast) in order for their arrow (another Sagittarian symbol) of higher aspirations to be more on the mark. Although they are intellectually and spiritually advanced, Sagittarians are notorious for their lack of tact. In relationships they demand independence, but when in love, it can't be denied that they are one of the most big-hearted signs of the zodiac.

Ruben is very young and incredibly easily influenced, he likes reading books but is easily excitable, he easily talk for hours on end without seemingly one breath. He has always been an outlier in his family of relatively quiet stoic people, he struggles with such things, feeling the need to fill every single quiet moment with his own voice, voicing his ideas and opinions. Despite the sort of trouble that Ruben can get into for this, he usually is good at sticking to his opinion. He is a follower, he'll want to stay a part of the good crowd despite how little he fits into it and is usually happy to do his own thing, he wants to fit in and will try, but fully realises he never will. Ruben is a very talkative person, he doesn't stop talking a lot of the time and people do get easily frustrated by it, he's also surprisingly not that shy, if his time at school has taught him anything it is to be bold.
They had eyes like knives ,
this world can cut you open

Curly 13 Inch Rigid Cedar Wand with Doxy Wing Core

Length: A strange length for a wand and a number which symbolizes misfortune.
Style: Great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality.
Wood: 'You will never fool the Cedar carrier' - weilders of a Cedar wand have great strength of character and excellent perception of the motives of others.
Core: Doxy wing cores produce unstable wands. They are excellent for hexes and jinxes, and for those who plan on practicing dark arts.
Flexibility: Rigid: A difficult wand to control and sometimes broken under little force, but powerful in a fight.

Ruben bought his wand back in Moldova, despite not being able to understand the man, his father insisted that they go back to where all of the men within his family had bought their wands, and so they bought it back there, Ruben did not really mind this being the place where he got his wand in the end because he's truly in love with his wand, he definitely thinks that it is one of the most amazing things in the world and all that it allows him to do.


He chose in the end to go to Durmstrang, he had originally been going to Hogwarts New Zealand due to it's close location but Ruben decided about a month before attending that he wanted to go to Durmstrang instead, both of his brothers attend, one having left and the other still at the school, he didn't want to be the first of his family to go to a different school so he opted to attend Durmstrang. He was very surprised with the school, for the entire first day he just stuck by his brother, unsure of what to do and nervous about what the day might bring. However he was impressed by the school, it stood proudly against the backdrop it provided, it was harsh and unforgiving but he loved all of his classes.

Second Year

1st - 4th:
5th - 7th:

Has no clue

Too young

Too Young

None yet

Potions: OHistory of Magic: OThe Dark Arts: OCharms: O
Transfiguration: OAstronomy: OHerbology: O 
[th colspan="4"]First Year Grades[/th]

<SIZE size="50">OWLs & NEWTs:
Too young

Potions since he finds it the easiest of all his classes, the fact he gets to work on the potions usually means that he keeps pretty busy which is pretty good for someone like him who constantly needs to be kept busy.

Astronomy, although really anything where he just sits around and listens to someone talk, while relatively smart, he doesn't do well in environments where he generally has nothing to do. Which is why out of all his subjects his worst ones are the ones where he has to just sit and listen

This world can get so lonely ,
The sad songs they understand me
Coding Done by Emzies, if you want to use it, just let me know
Lyrics: Stand up - The Cab

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