RP for unsorted people!

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Elizabeth Burrows

Well-Known Member
12 1/2" Cherry Wand with Essence of Wood Rose
Would anyone like to RP with me? My character hasn't been sorted yet, and I'm hoping to get to know some people better.

Obsidian Harbour, perhaps?
Hey Elizabeth

You can open a topic anywhere in Obsidian Harbour/Brightstone Village/Unsorted RPing area, and title it for only unsorted people and they should join, there's plenty of them about that you could also join if you wanted too, maybe not one that has 5/6 pgs though :p
Alright. Thank you. =)
you could join the party in the train??found in the unsorted rp..
PM me if you need someone to roleplay with; but I'm inclined to tell you my character will be a total jackass unless you can understand him. Which is very hard. ;P
I'll do an RP... :)
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