RP anyone?

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OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn

Would anyone like to RP with Briar? She's quiet lovely although introvert :)


ps. move this thread if need be.
Hey There! :)
I'd like to RP with Briar-Rose. I can offer Enzo here as a friend or anything more really, since I think that he's the closest character I have for Briar-Rose to RP with. Hmm, five words to describe him : Flirtatious, Adventurous, Independent, Mischievous and Confident. I can add a few more details if your interested, and also would like to know more about her.
I have briar rowan here if you want. She is loud proud rough tough and energetic. She also works in the ministry in the department for the regulation and control of dangerous creatures: werewolf support services. She is also a professional quidditch player playing chaser for the macaws a new zealand team. She is a werewolf herself and is not shy about it often/almost always waring a wolf shirt or if not a shirt a pin or necklace with a wolf on it in some way.
Let me know what you think
Also this is the perfect place for this topic.
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