Rowley Cairns

Rowley Cairns

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4", Essence of Raven Feather.

Rowley Marilyn Cairns.

Date of Birth
8th of March 2010

Current Age
11 years old

Basic Appearance
Rowley's around average height for her age, standing at 4"6, she's slim and pale skinned with brown eyes and dark blonde hair which falls just past her shoulders. She doesn't have much fashion sense and when her mother hasn't picked out her clothes she'll stick to a casual/comfortable/sporty style, she doesn't care much for her mums girly choices.


Bubbly, kind, friendly, slightly sarcastic and strong willed, Rowley's a fairly typical young girl who just wants to have fun and cause a bit of trouble. She can be quite funny and likes a carry on but has a genuinely good nature, always smiling, she'd befriend anyone.

Parents - Lorraine Cairns (maiden name McAndrew; muggleborn, 30) and Joseph Cairns (Half-blood, 34)
Siblings - Zachary, one year younger than Rowley.
Grandparents - Mothers side (muggles) Marilyn and Hugh McAndrews.
Fathers side (wizards) Tommy and Elma Cairns.
Aunts, uncles and cousins - Louisa(Dads younger sister) and Drue Thornby have two children, Lux, who's the same age as Zack and Tarryn who's four years younger than her brother.
Emerlie(Dads older sister) and Nate Rayne have one child, Piper, who's 20 years old and an aspiring professor.

At home the Cairns' have a grey tabby cat named Gally, and a ginger kitten, Mr. Bojangles (Bo), whom Rowley was given as a birthday gift to take to school with her and whom shes particularly fond of.

Area of Residence
Darwin - Northern Australia.

Blood Status

Interests or Hobbies
Growing up with a brother only one year junior to her, Rowley was never very girly and would often play rough with Zack at 'wrestling', soccer and basketball. She's always been a bit of a book worm, loves adventure novels and they often create their own make-believe games which she then copies down as stories, she has a real interest in creative writing.

Describe your character in three words
Friendly, bubbly, happy.

Favourite place to be
Anywhere there's food, or her hide out. Her hide out's a hut down the very bottom of her garden, behind the bushes. Her parents know it's there but to her it's her magical, secret place, where she'll go to read, write and chill.

Hogwarts House

Best school subjects
Rowley wasn't sent to muggle school, her parents chose to home school her and Clayne on some basic muggle studies like english and maths, Rowley enjoys studuying english most of all but can't wait to begin Hogwarts and discover wizarding subjects, she's most looking forward to Care of Magical Creatures and Defence Against the Dark Arts.

Worst school subjects
Maths, she just can't get her head around it.

Rowley was stood in the amazing great hall of Hogwarts New Zealand waiting to be sorted, surrounded by her fellow first years, her eyes wide as she stared around the large room, still in awe. She hadn't seen much of it yet, but so far the castle did more than live up to all of her greatest expectations, and she knew it would continue to do so. She felt extremely lucky to be there, to be a wizard, to finally be starting her first of seven years magical education, and this.. this sorting, would be a decider of sorts, this would determine where, and possibly, with whom she would be spending the majority of her time in the castle. This hat, would decide what kind of person she truly was, and tell her where she belonged. She wasn't one for nerves, but as the sorting began and the headmistress began to read out the names, her stomach began to flutter and her palms clammed up a little. Sod it, she thought, it's hardly a test, no need to be nervous, there's nothing you can do to effect the results whatsoever. To be honest, she hadn't put much thought into the houses at all, and she hadn't been worried about where she'd end up. She was sure no matter where she was placed, she'd still have a great time, and it was hardly like she was only going to want friends from her own house anyway, at the end of the day, a house doesn't define who a person is, not every person in each house is going to be the same type of person or have the same traits, she just hoped other people took the same view on things and wouldn't miss-judge or be prejudice.
Rowley wasn't really paying attention when all of a sudden "Cairns, Rowley" burst her thought bubble, she looked up in surprise as heads began to turn, waiting for this Rowley character to step forward. Wiping her hands on her robes, she made her way up to the stool, smiling widely at the headmistress and plopping herself down. The old, over-sized hat was sat on her head and she could feel that it came down to her eyebrows. Well.. she thought, Not too sure how this works, what I'm supposed to say, or if I'm supposed to say anything at all... tell you what, if you can hear me, I'll just be quiet now and let you do your thing! My future is in your very capable.. ehh.. point.</COLOR>
<COLOR color="black">"No preference at all, huh? Well, there's no doubt that one founder would love you in her house: HUFFLEPUFF!"

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