Rose Lillian Bouvier

Rose Bouvier

OOC First Name
Knotted 15 Inch Whippy Pine Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
Rose Lillian Bouvier​
/img] [img]

Full Name:
Rose Lillian Bouvier

Date of Birth:
6th March 202?

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
[ul][li]Hair: Jet Black.</LI>
[li]Hair style: Long, hung loose over her shoulders.
[li]Eyes: Soft, large brown eyes, with lightly fluttering eyelashes.
[li]Shape of face: Slightly heart-shaped.
[li]Skin tone: Pale complexion, slightly tanned from their time in Chicago.
[li]Build and body type: Petite, but slightly taller than average for her age. Lily is slim, but not well muscled.
[li]Height: Slightly taller than average for her age.
[li]Weight: Rose is slim, but in the lower end of the average category.
[li]Scars: Rose has no scars.
[li]Smile: Rose has a strong, warm, welcoming smile which she often uses.
[li]Right or Left Handed? Right
[li]Piercings: Rose has had her ears pierced to allow earrings.
[li]Tattoos: Rose has no tattoos.
[li]Style: Punk princess, mixed with rock 'n' roll, often described as by boys as "princess and cute".
[li]Other Distinguishing Features: Can be mistaken for her twin sister very easily.[/li][/ul]

Rose is an extremely introverted character, shy to the point of talking to nobody outside of her own family, and almost never in public - she only speaks if she has to, and only then in French so that nobody outside of her family can understand her. She loves learning, and hopes never to stop doing so.

[ul][li]Mother: Jasmine Hinch Gonzalez Bouvier is a witch brought up in poor home. The youngest of four siblings, she was the only one not to attend Hogwarts, Scotland. Instead, she left for Beaxubatons, and was a rather clever, if unknown, witch there. At Beauxbatons she met her future husband, and they hit it off rather awkwardly. In fact, Alan Fournier insulted one of her only friends as a joke; they soon made up however, and now the two live happily together in a penthouse apartment in the centre of Chicago. Jasmine is an American woman, and she has lived in America for most of her life. She has no idea how she got her maiden name, but she presumes that there must be some hint of Spanish in her. Jasmine is quite the party girl, and she was the one who gave those genes onto Lily, Rose's twin sister.
[li]Father: Alan Bouvier grew up as an only child in Quebec. Born into a rich family, he and his wife were very different people. A very quiet boy, the two loved each other despite it. He spent much of his time in a muggle school, but moved to Beauxbatons at the age of eleven. There he met Jasmine, and the two married soon after school ended for them both. He is now a rather successful businessman on the muggle side, despite being a wizard. He brought up his two twins speaking French, as well as English so that they might be prepared for anything the world might throw at them.

Her horse, Shadow

Area of Residence:
Chicago, America

Blood Status:

Special Abilities:

Interests or Hobbies:
Her twin, Lily; her family; her horse; Quidditch; magic.

Additional Skills:

Loyal to her family, especially her sister; looks after animals well.

Constantly shy; hates bright colours.

Describe your character in three words:
Shy, quiet, clever.

Favourite place to be:
On her horse, on her own or with her sister.

Rose has no friends apart from her twin sister, Lily.

Hogwarts House:

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Learning as much about magic as possible; being sorted into Ravenclaw.

Best school subjects:
Care of Magical Creatures, and Defense Against the Dark Arts

Worst school subjects:
Potions, Muggle Studies, Divination

Extracurricular Activities:
Quidditch, horse riding.


Current Job:
Rose is too young to have a job yet.

Plans for your future:
Becoming a Hogwarts professor from where she can learn from other professors.

Your Patronus:
A Horse

Your Patronus memory:
Galloping on a horse on an open plain, whilst her sister laughs at something she just said, clinging to her as they swoop low to the ground.

Your Boggart:
Her sister dying

Your Animagus:
A Horse

Mirror of Erised:
Her with a Hogwarts professor robe, and a collection of books from which she is reading.

A page from your diary:
Dear Diary,

Today I stayed at home, reading a book. I said nothing as my sister left for yet another party. I tended to my horse - she had a stone caught in her hoof, which I removed. I read some more, waiting for my sister to return. When she did, I asked her what had happened, but she just shrugged in an infuriating way which meant that she had found another toy-boy. I silently cursed her for that, but my anger could not stay for long around her. We went for a ride together, before deciding that we wanted to play a small amount of Qudditch. I played for Keeper, and she as a Chaser. I blocked two, but missed the other two.


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