Rose Lethe

Rose Lethe

New Member
Full Name:
- Well, my full name is Rhodanthe Kalypso Lethe. It's Greek, and very long. My last name comes from the name of one of the five rivers of Hades and means oblivion. That's like forgetfulness, which is totally accurate to my family. My name was shortened to Rose when I moved to New Zealand, because I found that New Zealanders have trouble remembering and pronouncing it. Rhodanthe means Rose, which is why it was shortened to that. I think I like the shortened version of my name better.

Date of Birth:
- Her birthday is sometime in January. She doesn't know the exact date, as as her family doesn't celebrate birthdays. Her family all celebrate a collective 'birthday' in June. Rose's actual birthdate is on the 1st of January.

Current Age:
- Eleven years old.

Basic Appearance:
- Hair's very long and curly. The colour is golden-blonde and it goes white-blonde in summer. Her eyes are blue-green and you can always tell what she's feeling. According to family, the only way to tell if she is lying is to look into her eyes, and even then it is hard. Sometimes she wears contact lenses. She is quite tall, at 5"1 and she has tanned skin from living in Greece.

-Rose, while at first glance is bubbly and friendly, is capable of being a very cruel person. She tries to do the right thing, but often finds it hard.

- Rose never talks about her family. Her whole family, including her extended family live in a mansion in Greece. Rose has lots of siblings and cousins. Her family attended the original Hogwarts and her all in Slytherin. Rose's family expect her to be in the same house.

- About 100 or so tropical fish and a few peacocks.

Area of Residence:
- Greece

Blood Status:
- Halfblood. Her father was a muggle, and he was killed. Her mother was also killed, but Rose was spared. Rose is despised by her family for being a half-blood.

- Greek

Interests or Hobbies:
- gymnastics, dancing, horse riding, drawing, animals

- good at singing, very flexible, very intelligent.

- not good at talking to people

Describe your character in three words:
- confused, kind and secretive

Favourite place to be:
- Anywhere but home


Hogwarts House:
- hoping for Slytherin, because she will be in trouble if she isn't in the house.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- get out alive?

Best school subjects:
- dunno yet

Worst school subjects:
- dunno yet

Extracurricular Activities:
- She will probably be in a lot of things.


Current Job:

Plans for your future:

Your Patronus:
- Do not know, she's only 11!

Your Patronus memory:

Your Boggart:
- Death. She's scared of dying because she doesn't know what will happen to her.

Your Animagus:
- some sort of bird.

Mirror of Erised:
- Her parents.

A page from your diary:
- Dear Diary,
I hate writing, but whatever. I have been banned from using my voice. It is some kind of punishment. I do not know why I am being punished, but I am. I am going to New Zealand very soon. I am looking forward to it. Anything to get away from here is good.
I :wub: your character's name. It's so unique ^_^
I've got a few questions for you about her:

Why is the family's collective birthday in June? Do they do anything to acknowledge everyone's birthday?
Is Rose close to anyone in her family?
Does she know that her parents were killed? How old was she when it happened?
What is Rose's favorite food?
Has she ever been away from her family?
Did she have any friends growing up?

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