Rose Amaterasu Edogawa

Rose Edogawa

alt. keeper; missing action
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 11 Inch Whippy Cherry Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
`R o s e A m a t e r a s u E d o g a w a`

Rose; 'love, passion, resilience' ✫ Amaterasu; 'japanese sun goddess' ✫ Edogawa; 'of rivers and literary brilliance'
"Rose Edogawa is a vibrant yet anxious young woman who struggles with crowds and often feels overwhelmed in social settings, but her determination to prove herself and her loyalty to her family and friends keep her pushing forward despite her insecurities."


✫ Basic Information✫
Date of BirthEducation Wand
September 12, 2050Hogwarts New ZealandCherry wand, Phoenix Tail Feather
OccupationBlood StatusEye Colour
StudentHalf BloodBrown
Hair ColourRight/LeftArea of residence
Dark brown-blackLeft handedAoyama, Minato, Tokyo, Japan

Basic Appearance;
  • Slightly smaller than average height
  • Mixed Japanese heritage making her ethnically difficult to place
  • Smooth skin, warm undertones
  • Long dark hair, naturally wavy, usually warn in a low ponytail
  • Dark brown expressive eyes
With a mixed Japanese heritage, Rose can sometimes be a little ethnically difficult to place. She is quite small for her age, but her compact frame is well-toned and strong, thanks to years of playing Quidditch and spending hours on a broom from a young age. Her dark brown eyes are deep and expressive, often giving away her mood even when she tries to hide it. Rose's long, dark hair is usually pulled into a ponytail at the base of her head, though when she’s feeling stressed, she lets it fall in loose, natural waves down her back. She has a smooth complexion that rarely requires makeup, though she occasionally applies a touch of eyeliner when she’s in a brooding mood. Her athletic build and understated style reflect her pragmatic approach to life, while her occasional flair for eyeliner hints at her dramatic streak.

Clothing Style;

  • Wears well-fitted Quidditch robes more often than not
  • Occassionally incorporates Japanese inspired design, such as floral patterns to kimono style
  • She prefers more neutral tones, like blacks or greys, and likes to wear her house colours as well (to blend in easier)
  • She tends to wear sneaker or boots for ease of comfort
  • She isn't an accessories person, preferring to keep it simple with two gold studs in her ears
  • On special occasion, she will tend to wear something more formal that will suit the moment, but finds it restrictive usually.
Realistically Rose does tend to avoid having to pick her clothing if she can. Whenever she's in school she's almost exclusively in her uniform, or her Quidditch clothes if she can help it. Some of this is because it is both practical and comfortable, two things she likes. On occasion she will add something that makes it more her own styles, like something floral or her kimono style robes. She tends to prioritise ease of movement because she leads a fairly active lifestyle.

text - why is their blood status as it is?

text - where did they come from? what country were they born in, where are their parents from?

Narrative Snippet;
text - please give some insight into the above narratively, as if you were introducing them in a story


✫ The Wand ✫

Knotted 11 Inch Whippy Cherry Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core

✫ Creds✫

Dividers by Claire
Some inspiration and direction on tables also provided by Claire
Categories and editing by Me
Etymology from
Wand characteristics from Ollivanders Wand Shop HNZ
Wand from
Theme // Biography // Aesthetic // Relationships
Last edited:
Rose Edogawa's heart raced as she heard her name echo through the Great Hall. Taking a deep breath, she straightened her new school robes and began her walk towards the sorting stool. Her steps were steady, but her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. As she reached the stool, Rose could feel the weight of countless eyes on her, and a surge of nervous energy coursed through her. She glanced back towards the long tables of the four houses, her gaze lingering on the faces of students who were already cheering and whispering excitedly.

With Eli and Jonah already sorted, she wasn't sure where she would end up.

With a dramatic flourish, she took a seat on the stool and braced herself. The moment the Sorting Hat was placed on her head, she felt a strange mix of anticipation and anxiety. Her thoughts tumbled out, loud and clear in her mind. "Please let this be right," she thought. "I need to prove myself, to show everyone I'm not afraid." Rose's breath hitched. She couldn't help but think of her family, her siblings, and how much she relied on them. "I just want to find my place," she whispered in her mind, hoping the hat could understand her unspoken fears and desires.

Rose's hands gripped the edge of the stool, knuckles turning white. She glanced out over the hall once more, her heart pounding, eager to know where her Hogwarts journey would truly begin.

"There's a real desire to prove yourself, one that is not typically found. It would be a fine line between two houses, but I think the answer is obvious enough..You will best be able to prove yourself, to prove you are not afraid in...Gryffindor,"

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