Rosalinda Montez

Rosalinda Montez

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OOC First Name
The Basics
Character's Name: Rosalida Harold Montez
Rosalinda is her Late Grandmother's name and she resembles her a lot so she was named after her.Her nick names are:-
1.Rosie:- her parents called her that until she turned 17 when she insisted that it was too childish but she is fond of the nick name.
2.Rose:- this is the name that she allows only her boyfriend to use.Her anger flares up if anyone else uses it.
3.Red Lips:- it was a nick name given to her by the boyfriend who lasted longest but she had no real feelings for him so he is her past.

Character's Birthdate: 8th June 2008
"She is so fidgety that it becomes very difficult for her to become deeply involved with one person or place. The mind of a Gemini female never settles down at one place and her thoughts are always wandering."
"She is least likely to be bounded by a relationship or commitment."
"A Gemini female can look at other guys, even when she is sincerely in love with you. Change is in her nature and she has to learn to control her own behavior."

Hometown: Los Angeles,USA
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Birch Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Dragonstone:
~Birch is a powerful wood, and combined with dragonstone it forms a brilliant master piece of a wand. It is designer for duelling and attacking, not for the faint hearted it is capable of performing the most power spells out there.Rosalinda likes to dues especially due to her flaring temper and competitive nature.She has often got into duels and won without much effort and she is very fond of her wand.

Educated At: Homeschooled.
Rosie loves luxuries of home and she didn't want to be separated from them.So she goes about throwing a tantrum and gets her wish of being home-schooled.

Occupation: N/a but she wan't to start an entertainment house in the wizarding world,a theatre probably because she was born among actors or she might form a band because she loves to sing.

Hair: Pale Blonde and straight
Eyes: Light Green
Height: 6 feet tall
Rosalinda loves her height and her slender figure and loves to show it off.She likes to wear short dresses and skirts and stockings,leggings underneath.Most of her t-shirts are long and she is also fond of long jackets and coats and platform shoes or ankle boots.Most of her clothing and shoes are black.She loves dark lipsticks mostly red and pink which stand out on her pale face.She likes to have a smokey look around her eyes so she applies a lot of black and gray eye make-up.She likes to experiment with her hair even if it looks weird to other people.

Other Distinguishing Features:
She has a small brown beauty spot on her collar bone and one on the right side of her back just below her shoulder.

A Little Deeper
Rosie is very demanding because she is very pampered and spoilt by her rich parents.She is used to get whatever she wants so she expects the same treatment from others.She has a very bad temper which can flare at any moment.She is very impatient because of having the habit to get everything in seconds.

Rosie is also very possessive of the guys that she dates.She is competetive and likes competetion in such matters.She hates losing a guy to another girl and would do anything to get him back.But once she has had enough of a guy she feels no pain in dumping him.She has a cold heart which doesn't know love but only desire.She has this idea that a guy is like a toy because of her mom who was a man-eater and simply married her dad due to his money.

Special Talents/Abilities:None

Rosalinda was born on 8th June 2008 in LA.Her parents were very rich.Her father,Harold, owned most of the shops in the wizarding market and invested in various sectors.Rosalinda was the only child and so she was pampered by her parents.Her mother,Olivia,was a housewife and spent most of the time spending money on unnecesary things.She was the example by which Rosie led her life.When she turned 11 she got letters from 4 different wizarding schools but she did not want to go away from the luxuries of home so she was home-schooled.

In LA,there were many wizarding families.Her best friend was Angelina Murray whose father was one of the oldest friends of Harold.When they both turned 11 they were both home-schooled and a bond grew between them.But due to a brawl between Harold and Mr.Murray they were separated.Rosie didn't miss her friend but Angelina was more fond of her.Then Angelina was sent to Beauxbatons Academy at the age of 14.When Rosie met a girl called Mellisa who was from a wizarding family also,they became friends but Mellisa moved away after a year so Rosie was friendless.

At the age of 15 she met Brian who was her first boy friend.But after realising he was a bad kisser she dumped him.In the same month,she met Jason next who was from a richer family of wizards and was a flirt.He was 18 years old and he had convinced Rosie to sleep with him but they were caught before they could go out of limits.After some time when she turned 16 she met Roger who was a muggle-born wizard.He was also 18 and he was her longest boyfriend.They made out secretly a couple of times before Rosie's parents found out and separated them and filled Rosie with hatred for muggle-borns by making it look like he had dumped her.

She had many boyfriends after Roger who she dated just to show the other witches of her age that she was better.She landed in many duels over boys and she always won.She had many enemies over this period but the one she would never forget was her first best friend Angelina who was back from school and Rosie had locked lips with her boyfriend in front of her which led to a duel.But in the end Rosie left Angelina without a hair on her head.She literally did a spell which made her bald. This made her realise that she loved competition in the field of love.

She turned 17 and was completely ready to abuse her freedom.She convinced her parents to let her fly to New Zealand and spend some time making friends.But what she wanted to do in New Zealand was survey on the people and research on entertainment which would be liked by the witches and Wizards of New Zealand.She wanted to start a theater and also form a band which would rock New Zealand.

Family:(Include any relatives your character has [parents, siblings, children etc.] and some on them [A mini bio, if you will {Age, occupation, blood status, a little history}])​
Her only family:-


Harold Montez
Mixed Blood
Hilary Black
Mixed Blood
Head of Sorority of Witches LA(SWLA)

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