Rosa Antolini

Rosa Antolini

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name

Clock strikes upon the hour
And the sun begins to fade
Full Name: Rosa Grace Antolini
Pronunciation: r(o)-sa, g-ra-ce, an-tolini
Nicknames: Rose, Twinkles
Name Origins:Rosa is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Rosa is "rose". Popular flower name for girls that This Latin word was not used as a personal name among English speakers until the 19th century, during which a number of flower names came into use for girls, including Daisy and Lily. Rosa is the Latin form, Rose is English, and both are well-used in English-speaking countries.
Grace is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Grace is "favor; blessing". A virtue name referring to God's grace. Greek mythology: the Three Graces were goddesses of nature: Aglaia (brilliance), Thalia (flowering), and Euphrosyne (joy).
Antolini is of Spanish or Italian origin.
Date of Birth: October 3rd, 2015
Current Age: Currently twenty one</FONT>
Still enough time to figure out
How to chase my blues away

Basic Appearance: Rosa has what is labelled as an exotic skin tone and brown eyes. She is about 5'5 in height and she weighs about 123 lbs. She is built quite slimly though she is fit as a dancer.
Personality: Rosa is really bad with money and spending and often has trouble with saving for anything, this means she is often broke and tends to get a little bit panicky if she can't buy something she thinks she absolutely needs. For this reason she tends to be described as a bit of an airhead and she really doesn't like the term or the implications with it, unfortunately she does very little to be able to prove them wrong. Rosa jumps to conclusions very quickly and this can get her into trouble with various people for various reasons, though she is a fiercely loyal friend and she really tries to keep her friends secrets, however because she is a blabber mouth, she very often tends to blab peoples secrets though she feels very bad about it later. Rosa is sweet and she loves to make friends, though her tendency to make assumptions often causes people to drift away from her. Rosa maintains hope however and is, for the most part, a perpetual optimist.
Family: Alvise Antolini - Grandfather, wizard.
Adelina Antolini - Grandmother, witch.
Carlo Antolini - Father, wizard.
Bianca Antolini - Mother, witch.
Orsino Antolini - Younger Brother, wizard, attended Durmstrang, now works mostly with dragons
Vicenzo Antolini - Younger Brother, witch, attends Beauxbatons
Clara Antolini - Younger Sister, witch, attends Hogwarts New Zealand, Hufflepuff</SIZE></SIZE>
I've done alright up 'til now
It's the light of day that shows me how

Pets: None currently
School: Graduated from Durmstrang
Blood Status: Mixedblood
Heritage: Italian
Interests or Hobbies: Dancing, Coffee, Spending Money, Modelling
Strengths: Rosa is very good at reading people, she is more perceptive then most give her credit for.
Weaknesses: Unfortunately, Rosa isn't very good with money and finds it hard to save up for things she really wants.</SIZE></SIZE>
And when the night falls
</i> Loneliness calls

Describe your character in five words: Compassionate, Loyal, Forgetful, Blabbermouth, Sweet
Best school subjects: Magical Creatures, Herbology
Worst school subjects: Transfiguration, Dark Arts
Others classes: Astronomy, Charms, History of Magic, Potions, Arithmancy
Current Job: Model/Dancer
Plans for the future: Rosa wishes to be a successful Supermodel
Patronus: Rosa is not able to conjure a full Patronus
Patronus memory: --
Boggart: Rejection
Animagus: Sparrow

<COLOR color="#000"> Oh! I wanna dance with somebody
</i> I wanna feel the heat with somebody

<FONT font="verdana">Now hear this kiddies. This template is created by me with thanks to Tenilee. No touchy or I break you... Kay Oh , oh and song lyrics are "I wanna dance with somebody" by Whitney Houston.​
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