Rory Michael Dewan

Rory Dewan

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains

` R o r y M i c h a e l D e w a n `

First name:
'Red King'

Middle name:
'Who is like God?'

'royal court', 'tribunal of justice', or 'treasury'

Birth date:
13th February

11 years

Blood status:

School attended:
Hogwarts New Zealand


Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains


Area of residence:
New Zealand

` A p p e a r a n c e `

Hair colour:
Dark brown

Hair style:
Short, straight, scruffy

Eye colour:



Small, thin

` D e e p e r `

Favourite school subject:

Least favourite school subject:

Being alone

To succeed in everything

Favourite colour:

Favourite food:

Favourite smell:
Baking bread

Favourite place:
Anywhere with his dad

Favourite day:

Favourite month:

Favourite sport:


` P e r s o n a l i t y `

Rory grew up in a muggle life, with muggle sports and muggle ways of life. Because of this, he has a strong passion for football and playing sports. He was also brought up with books, and will devour anything he is given to read with great enthusiasm. The fact he does not know much about magic at all makes him all the more eager to learn everything he can, even if that's not very practical. Rory is extremely determined to learn. For the last few years of his time at home, Rory did not have a motherly figure to support him. This makes him a little shy around girls, although he plans to combat his fears and not let that stop him from making as many friends as he can. In his muggle primary school, he had been teased by girls for reading all the time, which also makes him weary of them, though he feels that since he's in Ravenclaw, he shouldn't have this issue if he sticks to being friends with the right people. He's sure he will make friends in other houses, but he knows he will be most comfortable with Ravenclaw friends who won't think badly of him for being such a bookworm.
Rory has a very thoughtful heart, and he will share his love between as many people as he can. He hates being two faced and will be open and honest about his feelings if he can. His father brought him up in quite a laid back fashion, however when it came to honesty, he could be very strict. If there is one thing Rory won't do, it's twist the truth or outright lie to someone, as the guilt which hits him afterwards because of betraying his lovely dad is very strong.
Rory is not good at everything, and understands this. He doesn't show off his ability to learn extraordinary amounts and will keep very quiet if the matter does arise. Not only does he keep quiet because he doesn't like to be the centre of attention or to brag, but he also knows that there are plenty of things he can't do - such as cook, or stand up for himself. The only time he had tried to cook had ended up a complete disaster and he had nearly burned his house down, much to the horror of his dad. Standing up for himself is difficult for Rory. He is of average height, but he isn't very strong, and will also hang his head and become shy if challenged verbally or physically. Rory has never had anybody stand up for him and doesn't know what that sort of friendship feels like.
Since he was teased throughout primary school, Rory has never had a true best friend, or really any friends he can rely on at all. He is weary of people he doesn't know because he doesn't want his trust to be betrayed. He knows that he won't lie, but he can't be sure whether his friends will or not. He is also worried that he might subject to peer pressure and do something he shouldn't do, since he backs down easily and everyone can win fights against him. Rory is not very adventurous. He would be, if it were not for his fear of getting caught doing something he wasn't supposed to do. His dad, for one, would be extremely disappointed that his son had gone and broken the rules at a school he was so lucky to get into. However, he does wish that he could explore the castle when he wasn't supposed to, as the excitement would probably outweigh his fear and he would end up forgetting he was supposed to be worried in the first place.
Rory is also a very proud person. Anything he does, he will secretly be very please with himself. He doesn't say so, as he fears this would sound like bragging. Although his dress sense is a little unlike most students at Hogwarts, he doesn't mind at all because of his proudness about the way he keeps himself. He is never seen dressed untidily, and people respect him for that. His neat nature is something that probably came from his Mother, who was always fussing over the fact he needed to make his bed in the morning, and not wear odd socks like he would have if he'd had his own way. His obedience to follow rules meant that this stuck with him, and he would find it very difficult to change and be any less tidy and organized than he is now.
Rory knows that he is an ordinary young boy. But he has a dream. He does not yet know what he wants to be now, but he has a dream to do something big, something memorable.


` H i s t o r y `

Rory was born to the proud parents of a muggle family. His Mum and Dad, Vanessa and Darren, were madly in love with each other, and had only waited a few weeks before getting engaged, married, and then starting a family. Their rush lead them to problems in their later lives, although all seemed to be good and well for a long time. Rory was a healthy, supposedly normal, baby. He weighed the right amount, was the right size, and was absolutely perfect for the couple who had at this point, only been married for 10 months.
Rory attended a normal primary school at a normal age. His parents were still very very happy together. That was, until, strange things started happening. Rory of course had no idea what was going on, and neither did his muggle parents. However, soon enough, his Mother had had enough, and began staying out of the house an abnormally long time. It didn't take long for Darren to suss out that she had somebody else, though he was disgusted to find it was someone several years younger than her. He did not mourn her leaving much, and they are still to this day married and seperated.
When Rory recieved his letter to say he was a Wizard, his Mother was told the news but didn't even bother to reply. His Dad on the other hand, had an extremely proud look on his face. His son wasn't ordinary, he was a wizard. Nothing could have made his Dad feel less over the moon at that moment, not even his horrible wife.​

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