Romiah Belrose


Romiah Belrose
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Full Name:
Romiah Vadim Julian Sarkozi-Belrose.
Romiah comes from Ro, meaning red-haired, and Miah, a title of nobility.]. Vadim means the knowing one, whilst Julian means youthful. Romiah prefers to use his father's second last name, Belrose, which means beautiful rose.

Date of Birth:
September twenty-three, two thousand and eleven.

Current Age:
Romiah is currently twenty eight years old, and this horrifies him. He doesn't want to hit thirty and still be where he is.

Basic Appearance:
Romiah has short brown hair, and is just half off of 6''. He comes from a family that is more often than not on the shorter side, and he is one of the taller males in his family. He has brown eyes, and rather pale skin - however it more tans than burns.

To come.

Akilina Belrose - mother
Maxme Sarkozi-Belrose - father
Clement Sarkozi-Belrose - younger brother
Etienne Sarkozi-Belrose - younger brother
Matthieu Sarkozi - younger brother
Alicia Sarkozi - younger sister
Yvain Sarkozi-Belrose - younger brother
Marcella Sarkozi - paternal grandmother
Stanislav Sarkozi - paternal grandfather
Joska Sarkozi - paternal uncle
Damaris Sarkozi-Gereben - paternal cousin
Lizeth Sarkozi-Gereben - paternal cousin
Elik Sarkozi-Obenauf - paternal cousin
Elias Sarkozi-Obenauf - paternal cousin
Roza Sarkozi-Obenauf - paternal cousin
Esfir Vetrova - maternal aunt.
Ermolai Vetrov - maternal cousin
Alexei Vetrov - maternal cousin
Alissa Vetrova - maternal cousin
Asya Vetrova - maternal cousin
Andrei Vetrov - maternal cousin
Evgeni Vetrov - maternal cousin
Kazimir Vetrov - maternal cousin
Liliya Vetrova - maternal cousin

Romiah's parents' names are Akilina Belrose, and Maxime Sarkozi-Belrose. Maxime's parents, Stanislav and Marcella are divorced, and after this fact, Maxime was sent to like with his maternal aunt. Sharing her name with that of his father's, Maxime later married Akilina Vetrova and the two have had a strong marriage since. Akilina, a pureblood herself, is much more strict with the raising of her sons, whilst Maxime was the hard-working but absent father, and allowed his wife to do as she pleased. When he turned seventeen, Romiah decided to cut his contact with the Sarkozi's, and so removed that part of his name and remained as Romiah Belrose. He has a terrible relationship with his paternal grandparents, whilst his maternal grandparental relationship is only slightly better.

Romiah is the eldest of his siblings. He has four younger brothers, and one younger sister. Clement and Etienne are just under five years younger than him, and he has a very good relationship with both of them. His younger sister, Alicia, and he have a rather good relationship. He writes to her frequently, as she is currently living in Sweden with her boyfriend. His younger brother, Matthieu, is about ten years younger than him, and the pair have a good relationship. Romiah tended to pay a lot of attention to him and his other younger brother, Yvain, who is about twelve years younger than him. Up until recently, he kept in contact with his siblings through letters, however, now he is travelling through Europe with his three brothers, Clement, Etienne, and Matthieu, at Etienne's behest.

Romiah's father has several siblings, and so does his mother. Through these siblings, he has numerous cousins.

Romiah has no pets beyond his owl, Jeremy.

Area of Residence:
Romiah is currently on the move with his younger brothers.

Blood Status:
Romiah is a pure-blood, as are his siblings. He is not as impressed with his blood as others might be. Having been raised in a household that prized practicality and logic, he could not help see some inconstancy with regards to purebloods and their being 'better' than others. He is, however, confused by muggles and is by no means a lover of muggles, he just sees them as he would any other person.

Romiah has a mixed European heritage, with his mother being Russian, and his father being a mix of French and Hungarian. Romiah was born in France, and considers himself nothing other than French.

Special Abilities:
Romiah has no inherited abilities, nor did he ever have the determination or talent to pursue any higher form of magic beyond the normal. He is, however, rather talented in healing magic, and finds wordless magic much easier to perform than wandless magic. His best and most preferred branch of magic is Charms, which he has always excelled at.

Interests or Hobbies:
Romiah's hobbies include writing and keeps a detailed daily diary of what he has accomplished that day and wishes to accomplish the next. He once played the guitar, but has not touched the instrument in many years, and so would consider himself rather rusty.

Additional Skills:
Romiah's skills include being trilingual, having French as a first language, Russian as a second and English as his third. French has been his home language all his life, whilst Russian was whenever he traveled with his mother to her homeland to interact with his Russian cousins. English was for his paternal cousins that did not live in France, and their common language was English. His Russian has gone unused for several years, but he is still comfortable with the language.

Romiah is a decent broom flier, having played backyard Quidditch with his brothers and cousins in his youth. He is rather good at juggling, a talent he uses to entertain his brothers whenever they are bored, and his knowledge of Herbology has stopped his younger brother Etienne from being accidentally poisoned on numerous occasions.

Describe your character in three words:
Flexible, loyal, and playful.

Hogwarts House:
Romiah never attended a magical school, and was home schooled. He knows nothing about the houses of Hogwarts, however, his hard-working attitude and loyalty would have him leaning more towards Hufflepuff.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
See above.

Your Patronus:
Romiah cannot produce a patronus. However, his patronus, were he to have one, would probably be some sort of canine, a creature that enjoys companionship, and is as loyal as the oldest friend.

Your Patronus memory:
Romiah has no memory that is powerful enough to create a patronus.

Your Boggart:
Romiah's boggart would be a dementor. He has no protection against such a creature, and the thought of all his happiness, and then his soul, being taken from him is horrifying.

Your Animagus:
Romiah never planned on becoming an animagus, and so has no form. He has no way of testing his animagus shape, but he does think it would be quite awesome if he were some sort of bird.

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