Open Rogue book

Penny Wills

Eeylop's Assistant | Pretty Broke
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 11 Inch Unyielding Ebony Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Penny was not a lover of books, preferring to be active instead, like running or flying. She had practiced her broomstick finesse in the garden and had reached the point where she needed tuition in the form of a guide to improve. This overlap between action and reading had taken her to her grandmothers library. She'd found an ancient looking, thick textbook in the library about flying that had been bound in a heavy leather belt. When she inquired about it, her gran had told her not to open the book and refused to tell Penny why.

Penny's curiosity had got the better of her and she'd taken the book without permission to Obsidian Harbour, where she could open it away from her Gran's gaze. She carefully picked the book from her bag and unbuckled the belt. The book instantly sprung to life, she grabbed wildly at it, but it had already taken flight, circling above her head. Penny watched in a mix of intrigue and shock as it soared then began a decent. Its trajectory was going to take it directly into the head of someone who happened to be nearby. "WATCH OUT! FLYING BOOK ALERT!" She shouted to them with half a second warning.
Nola was excited to finally be going to Hogwarts. It had taken such a long time to get to this point, and she had certainly been through enough of drama to feel like she could be excited to go. Of course she was going to miss her younger siblings, but was incredibly excited that her brother was going too, at the same time. It was like she was already going with a friend! She had been given a little bit of an allowance to go and buy some new school clothes, but hadn't had a ton of success. Nola just didn't know what she wanted her style to be this year. She knew she was going to have to go back to the drawing board, and think of what she wanted before she actually went shopping.
Already making a mental list, Nola was snapped out of her fashion brain when she heard someone yell. With a split scream, a book hit Nola on the head, and she stumbled to the ground, her hand moving to where it had hit. "Owwwwwww." Nola complained.
The unfortunate bystander couldn’t react quickly enough to stop the text hitting her in the back of her head. Penny winced, it looked painful. “I’m so sorry, are you okay?! I did not know it was going to do that, it not my book exactly!” The book had not finished it's destruction, it hovered just out of reach and when Penny jumped to try grab it, it soared away. “Oh no! I have to retrieve that book!”
Today Finn's mother decided she had to grab some things from Obsidian Harbour. Which meant that Finn joined her, he hated shopping, but knew he still needed some bits and pieces for Hogwarts. Why wasn't there some online shopping service for Wizards and witches. Finn shrugged and when his mother walked into some clothing store Finn definitely wasn't joining her. His mother laughed and told Finn to meet back in an hour. So that Finn could buy the items he needed.

Finn was on his way to the shop when he saw a book flying towards him. His instincts kicked in and he grabbed said book out of mid air. Finn was pretty sure he had heard about flying books before and knew how to deactivate them. He closed the book again and made sure the buckle was on safe. Then he looked around to see where the book had come from. Then he spotted two girls that seemed to be involved with the book. One girl seemed to be crouched on the ground over the other. He walked towards them and smiled. ''Hey, did you guys lose a book?'' He then got a good look at the other girl who seemed to be holding the back of her head in pain
'You alright?'' Finn asked.
Penny feared that the book would go on to cause more destruction, or so she thought until a boy effortlessly grabbed her book out of mid-air, a feat that greatly impressed the young girl. She smiled, momentarily distracted away from the injured girl, “Wow! I can’t believe you caught it. Are you a seeker with that hand-eye coordination?”

Her attention returned to the injured girl. Her voice softer. “How is your head feeling? I really am sorry, I didn’t mean for you to get hurt. I didn’t know this was a flying book.” Penny knew this whole thing had been her fault and had a horrible feeling of guilt in her stomach, she would never open the book again. “I have a leather belt we can bind the book to make double sure it won't pop open again.”
Nola looked up at the girl that had come over apologizing, and she gave her a small smile, about to say she was sorry when the girl jumped up. Nola blinked, her hand still on her head as she slowly stood. It wasn't the worst pain in the world, but like, it was never nice being hit in the head with a book. A boy came over with said book, and Nola took a small step away in case it decided to unleash it's fury again. She smiled at the boy, nodding her ead and then at the girl again as she spoke to her. "Oh! That's totally okay. Flying books, right?" She laughed lightly, though incredibly awkwardly. Nola held out her hand like she knew was the polite thing to do. "I'm Nola." At least that was a conversation starter.
Caleb had stepped away for two minutes to stick his head into the doors of one of the shops he and his sister were looking around. He knew Nola was really excited about school, but he was really apprehensive about it. He'd been through enough different environments already to know how intense things like that could be, after all, he'd been in foster care since he was a baby and only been adopted two years prior. He didn't think he'd spent enough time with his new family yet and already he had to leave them, but, at least he had Nola, right? Right? He turned to find Nola was nowhere to be seen and frowned, following the sound of her voice around the corner to a group of other kids. He rushed right over when he saw her on the ground, but she seemed fine, because she got up. "Nols?" He asked, looking at the other kids to see if he had to be a protective brother or whatever. Siblings were annoying sometimes, but he loved Nola.​
Finn smiled when the girl asked if he was a seeker. His hand-eye coordination was definitely above average, but he was no were near the level of seeker. It wasn’t like they let an eleven-year-old try out for the Quidditch team nor was there a children’s team around. The sport was dangerous and people had actually died playing Quidditch. ‘’I just got lucky’’ Finn smiled broadly and handed the girl the book. The other girl seemed fine and was already back on her feet. ‘’I definitely wasn’t expecting flying books today’’ Finn grinned and heard that the other girl was named Nola. ‘’I’m Finn’’ while looking at both of the girls, they seemed close to be close to his age. Soon another person had joined the commotion and this boy already seemed to know the girl that had just been hit by a flying book.
The injured girl looked okay and stood up, she introduced herself as Nola, and the boy as Finn. Penny chuckled softly. "I'm Penny and I'm so happy that you are okay, Nola!" She replied. Penny stepped out of the way of a concerned friend who had arrived. She looked at Finn, "I wasn't expecting that either. It's a book about flying but Merlin knows how anyone is supposed to be able to read it?" Her tone was that of curiosity, privately thinking she'd open the book again someday for the purposes of mastering it.
Nola smiled as the two introduced themselves, before looking away when she heard her voice. Caleb approached them, and she smiled at him to show she was okay, putting her hand on his arm gently. "Just making some friends." Nola said, before looking back at the others. "This is my brother, Caleb, and this isssssss... Finn? And Peeeennnny?" She said, not surprised that she had already forgotten their names. If they asked, she'd just blame the book - that could have given her a concussion, right?

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