Riven Faye

Riven Faye

Active Member
Full Name:
- Riven Coral Faye

Date of Birth:
- December 22 2024

Current Age:
- 11

Basic Appearance:
- Almond blue eyes.
- Straight blonde hair
- 4'3
- 35kg
- Nose and cheek freckles

- On the outside, Riven can seem quite shallow, with her love of shopping and care to her appearance. But Riven's love for these things grew in spite of her family. Riven hates having to travel, once being mocked and called a 'hippie', where her parents think of themselves more 'new age' and 'travellers'. Riven believes in working hard, and following the rules set for society. She will often help others, but only with the expectation of something in return. Riven loves to take charge, and have things done her way, a taste of power that only seems to be growing. She is patient with people and work, and understands that people see things differently; but the way that they seem them is wrong. Riven is not one to change her mind easily, and will tell other people that their views are wrong, and that they need to change them to her view.

- Willow Felicity Faye, Muggle, Mother
- Chase Lucky Faye, Muggle, Father
- Crimson Felicity Faye, Muggle, Sister

- Ryan Seed Faye, Muggle, Uncle
- Aurora Crimson Faye, Muggle, Aunt
- Aspen Willow Faye, Witch, Cousin
- Sebastien Coyote Faye, Wizard, Cousin

- Persian Cat : Allene

Area of Residence:
- All around Australia.
Currently Hogwarts

Blood Status:
- Mudblood

- Australian

Interests or Hobbies:
- Riven loves when she gets to shop. It's not often that she gets to, or be in a crowd, but she gets joy from being in a crowd. Riven gets more of a joy when she stands out in the crowd, when she is the centre of attention.
- Riven enjoys drawing. It's something she does that passes time, and to take her mind off things. She isn't very good at it, and definitely wouldn't want, or be able to make a career out of it.
- Riven loves fishing. It's not something she would tell people a lot, but she finds it very relaxing.
- Riven also enjoys going on a computer. She follows blogs and shops online (though she never purchases anything).

- Riven is very honest and un-bias. She believes in fairness and she hates lies and liars.
- Riven is very persistent. She believes in working hard and not giving up with what ever she has her heart set on.
- Along with being persistent, Riven is patient. Not only is she patient with her work, she can also be patient with people. This doesn't mean she won't snap though.

- Riven is very stubborn. She believes it's her way or the highway. Because Riven is honest, she believes that what she is saying/thinks is right, and will not easily be swayed.
- Again, with thinking she is always right, Riven is quite bossy. She believes that her way is the best choice, and likes to take charge. Riven loves when the limelight falls on her, so she will quickly step up into a leadership position and tell people what to do.
- Riven loves to know what others are up to. She pries her nose into other people's business, and doesn't believe in a think called privacy. Riven doesn't like secrets, and it leads her to be quite a gossip.

Describe your character in three words:
- Hard-working. Calm. Gossiper.

Favourite place to be:
- Riven doesn't have a favourite place at the moment.

Hogwarts House:
- Slytherin.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- To learn different types of magic to get her a well-paying job.
- To be placed in a leadership position - perhaps even Head Girl.

Best school subjects:
- Charms
- History of Magic

Worst school subjects:
- Herbology
- Potions
- Transfiguration

- 2043

Current Job:
- Student

Plans for your future:
- Unsure

Your Patronus:
- A Fox
Your patronus takes the form of a Fox. Clever, discreet and sneaky when necessary, a fox uses his cunning and wit to his advantage. Like a fox, you are very intelligent and are particularly street smart. You tend to keep your guard up, but you do let your guard down when you are around those you trust. You tend to have trouble conjuring a patronus during a battle, because you instinctively gravitate to more direct methods like a disarming spell or blasting curse to harm your foe.

Your Patronus memory:
- Understanding Hogwarts is real.

Your Boggart:
- Herself, homeless and unknown.

Your Animagus:
- A Cougar
Leadership, Courage, Power, Swiftness, Balance.

Mirror of Erised:
- Herself as Head Girl, with lots of admirers.


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