Rippling water.

Bella Matthias

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains
Bella walked slowly towards the lake front. Having just had a conversation with Xavier Littlefield, Bella realized that she has not made any friends. Usually, she would be okay with this, but she was finding her spare time extremely uninteresting and boring.
She stopped just in front of the lake, watching the water ripple. She breathed in the fresh Spring air, with a slight smile on her face.
She folded her arms across her chest, thinking about how she came to this situation.
She started humming quietly to herself, playing with her bracelet from her father.
Shaylah was sat by a tree by the lake. She had the letter in her hand. It was from her father. He wasn't sounding the same as she remembered him. Her eyes were slightly red from where she had been crying. She missed her dad more than anyone else. In a way, she wished he would stop sending her letters so she could remember him as the man he used to be rather than the man that azkaban had turned him into. She didn't want to let go though. The letters were the only things that were proving to her that he was still out there.

Shay wiped her face when she saw a girl stood not too far away. She wasn't in the mood to tell the girl to get the hell away from here so she decided to go for the easy option-be nice...ish. "Nice bracelet. Where'd you get it??" At least that was kinder than what she would have said on any other day.
Bella jumped a little bit, startled to hear a voice. She turned and saw an older girl, sitting by a tree. Her eyes were slightly red, and it looked like she had been crying. After realizing she hadn't answered the girls question, she quickly replied.
"It's from my father. It was a gift after he recieved the letter that I was sorted into Slytherin." She moved over to the girl, and sat down in front of her. She realized she was holding a letter, and now, Bella definitely knew that she had been crying. However, she didn't want to mention anything to her. She knew how Slytherins could be, and Bella was hopeful that she could take Xavier's encouragement into play, and make a new friend.
"I didn't get a letter back from my father though. Just a bracelet. He isn't the best with writing letters." Bella smiled.
Shaylah smiled slightly at the girl's comment. "When my dad found out I was in Slytherin he sent me this." Shaylah pulled a silver chain out of her jacket which was hanging around her neck. On the chain was a small pendant with a crest on it. "It's my family's crest." This necklace was one of Shaylah's most prized possessions. It was one of the few things that she had left of her dad. "Do you live with your dad??" Shaylah was madly jealous of anyone who lived with their dad. She wished she still did. It wasn't like he did anything majorly wrong. He was protecting Shay's mum when she was in lobour with Shaylah's half brother and sister. It wasn't his fault the idiot kids had no brains.
Bella smiled at the necklace the girl showed her.
"It really is quite beautiful." Bella replied. She had noticed that a lot of people had their own family crest. Bella didn't know if her family even had one. She made a mental note to ask her father in her next letter.
Bella nodded at the girl's question.
"Yes, I do live with him. Though, he is hardly around. Most of the time at home, I spend it alone. But when dad does come home, it's really nice." Bella smiled, reminiscing.
"I'm Isabella White by the way." She held her hand out for the girl to shake it. "But just call me Bella."
Shaylah put her necklace back inside her top with a smile on her face. At least there was someone else who thought her necklace looked as beautiful as she did. "You're lucky to have him. Whatever you do, don't let him slip away. It'll be the worst mistake you ever make." That's definitely how Shaylah saw it at least. She shook Bella's hand as she introduced herself. "I'm Shaylah Rouge. You can call me Shay." Bella sounded a lot like Shaylah was. Her dad had barely ever been home when he was there because he was always off on business trips and what not. When he was home, Shaylah had more fun than with anyone else.
Bella nodded as the girl told her to not let her dad slip away. Bella noticed that she had spoken this with authority, as if something had happened to her dad. She smiled sadly at her, hoping that this wasn't the reason she was crying beforehand.
The girl introduced herself as Shaylah. Bella nodded and smiled as she told Bella to call her Shay. Bella had a feeling that she might get along with this girl, and was happy because of it.
"What about your father? Is he home much?" Bella asked curiously, wanting to know what Shaylah's statement beforehand was about.
Shaylah shook her head at Bella's question. "No. I let him slip away." Shay found this a hard topic to talk about but she felt Bella was going to be a good friend so she wanted to explain. "My dad was thrown in azkaban when I was your age. April of my first year at the school and I get a letter from my mum saying that dad's gone in for a trial and that things aren't looking great." Jay had always been like a best friend to Shaylah. For the first ten years of her life it had been just the two of them living in Scotland. She had loved it.
Bella sighed deeply. She felt bad for Shaylah. Even though her father was hardly around, it was at least better than having him in jail.
"I'm so sorry Shaylah. That's not fair on anyone." Bella replied, looking at Shaylah with sadness in her eyes. "Thank-you for opening up to me Shaylah, I understand how it can be hard to talk about." She smiled sadly at her.

[OOC: Sorry its lame, on time pressure!]
((No problem))

Shaylah shrugged. "I'm not usually like this. It's weird." Shaylah wasn't used to opening up to people like this. She spent her whole life keeping to herself and making sure people stayed out of her business. It was how she got through everyday. Shaylah held the letter so she was looking at it but she wasn't taking in any of the words or even trying to. It just felt weird reading the letters. They weren't right.
Bella smiled.
"Maybe I just give off a good vibe." She grinned at Shaylah. Bella understood that Shaylah hardly opened up to people. Bella doesn't usually open up to others either.
"Listen, Shay. I understand that this is hard for you. You don't have to say anything you don't want to. But I am here if you do. I haven't got, er, many friends. But just know that I do think we could be good friends. We would have fun, picking on people from other houses, talking about stuff that doesn't matter, and helping each other when we need it. Er, what do you think?" She rambled. It wasn't like her to talk much, and it was far from her personality to even say what she just said, but she wanted to be friends with this girl. Or even just have her as a mentor. She shrugged, and looked down, a bit embarrassed.
Shaylah grinned. Really grinned. An unfake grin. She wasn't used to properly grinning like this. It was only when she was around people she actually liked that she properly grinned. "I think that sounds great." She was glad she had a new friend. Then she had a great thought. "Hey, how about I teach you a load of things?? That way, when I leave, you can carry on my great work." Shaylah had done a good job of keeping people away from her. Anyone older than her just thought she was a stupid little third year and anyone the same age and younger was scared of her. It suited her fine.
Bella was extremely happy that Shaylah agreed with her. She felt like the grin that she received from Shaylah was sincere, and it made her smile. Bella hadn't smiled, or been this happy in a very long time. In fact, the only time she was ever this happy, was when she was with her father.
Bella didn't need to think much about the offer Shaylah gave her. She immediately nodded. "That would be fantastic Shaylah. I would love to learn." She grinned. "Hmm. What should I know first?" She asked, excited to start.
Shaylah thought for a bit. "First off, make sure people know to fear you. That's what I do. Everyone knows who I am and what I'll do to them if they try anything with me." She shrugged and folded the letter up, tucking it in her back pocket. She was feeling better now that she had someone to talk to. Sydney had always been the person she talked to and now she was gone so she had to go alone. Now she had Bella and she was feeling loads better.
Bella gazed towards the lake, and thought for a bit. She nodded. She wanted to impress Shaylah. She could do this.
Bella turned and looked back at Shaylah.
"Okay. Make people fear me. Right. Er. How exactly do I go about doing that?" She asked curiously. She didn't want to get it wrong.
Shaylah shrugged. The answer to that one was simple. Well, it was in her opinion anyway. "Easy. Just find someone to beat up. They'll go crying and then they'll tell their friends who will also then be scared of you. It's how I did it." She slouched against the tree as she smiled at Bella.
Bella looked at Shaylah and sighed. She wasn't much of a fighter, but in order for people to fear her, she had to do this. Bella knew this was going to be a long process for her, but she knew where to start. She already had her first victim in her head, and she grinned.
"Okay, but what if they are stronger than me?" Bella half laughed.
"Just use their strength against them." This was one thing Shay had been taught and it had made her able to take down people twice her size. "Something else you could do is scheming. If people know that you can sceme then they will fear what information you know. By scheming, you can control people." Shaylah never did much scheming but she enjoyed it when she did.
Bella grinned. Scheming sounded more like her. Again, she had the perfect victim for this. It happened to be the same victim as before. Bella had already thought of something to do to this poor girl, before she had met Shay, but it was refreshing to know that she had someone's support with it. She laughed quietly to herself, before turning back to Shaylah.
"Thanks Shay. I appreciate this." She grinned at her, as a question popped into her head.
"So, obviously you've done some sorts of scheming. What exactly have you done?" Bella asked curiously.
Shaylah nodded with a smile on her face. "I just like having someone to teach my ways to. I only have my little brother but he sucks up to my mum more than anyone else." Shay thought about the times when she had schemed to get her own back on other pepople. "There's loads of times. Once I blackmailed to spread a rumour around the whole school about someone and they ended up doing what I wanted for three months. That was one of the easiest schemes I have ever done."
Bella laughed at hearing a way that Shaylah had schemed against someone. It sounded like fun, and really easy. She was confident in herself, and was eager to impress her new friend.
"This sounds like fun." She giggled. "I'm pretty happy that I get to be the one that you 'teach your ways' to." She grinned widely at Shaylah.

[OCC: UGH, not feeling super creative sorry Tin! Hopefully you can reply somehow haha xD ]
Shaylah nodded. "Yeah, tell me about it. I love getting in the way of people when they're trying to do things." She put her hands in her hoody pocket to hide them from the cold. "And I'm glad to teach them." She laughed slightly and looked over the water again. She had always loved the outdoors. She had grown up in the countryside in Scotland and loved it there. She especially loved the peace and quiet. The only problem there was the loneliness. Her dad had always been away on trips and she never made friends with anyone because she was home schooled.

((No problem :D ))

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