Hamish Kaster

Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 13 Inch Sturdy Willow Wand with Basilisk Skin Core
It was the start of the year, before Hamish had to do any semblance of work and he was perfectly happy with that. As it happened, he would need to meet with his mum and the soonest Brightstone weekend just to get all of the sh!t he had accidentally left at home. She wasn't going to be pleased, but she really should have known that trusting Hamish to pack his bags for his final year wasn't going to work. He was trying to cling to the idea that perhaps NEWTs wouldn't actually be hard, and all the complaining everyone did was just them being squishy, sensitive types. People complained about anything these days, anyway.

Despite this, the Slytherin was still headed to the library to have a bit of a snoop around. It wasn't really worth the four flights of stairs to get himself up here, especially since he had no idea what he should even be wasting his time on, but at least something like Potions would probably be straight forward - he gravitated to that material first. Hamish doubted that he would be allowed to perform some spells whilst in the library, but they couldn't begrudge him putting his feet on the table, surely.

Reclining as if in his own lounge room, Hamish sat the book in his lap and began flicking through some of the pages, searching for something that would catch his eye.
The start of the term has finally come and Danielle was, if not excited, happy to be starting her final year in Hogwarts. She wanted the holidays to extend but it was actually better not to prolong the agony of preparing for their upcoming NEWTs. E which stood for Exhausting really fit the bill. Students were already feeling the pressure eventhough they still haven't started on the lessons yet.

With all of these in the Hufflepuff's mind, Corelli made her way to the library to get a look on some other reference books she may find useful for the lessons. She was pleased to get an E on her Potions which she was certain she could qualify for its NEWTs class. She was devastated however to find low marks on her DADA and Transfiguration but she would just have to try harder this year then.

She directly went to the Potions section and let her hands browse the books while humming a tune,her voice softly filling out the silence. She didn't need to worry to be scolded by the librarian since her tune was so soft that only those near her would be able to hear it. She pulled out two random books and sat on a table across one other occupant. Danielle raised her eyebrows at the boy whose feet were on the table. Raising the book in front of her, she commented dryly,
"I assume the table is for the books and arms and not for the feet,am I correct?" The book covered her face so she was not worried about the person looking at her. Her voice may sound icy but she was actually smiling because she would even do that if she were alone at that moment.
Hamish was bobbing along to his own beat in silence, trying to ignore the fluttering of noise throughout the room as more people filtered in and did their thing. The Slytherin just wanted a moment to himself - was that too much to ask? He didn't have time for all these distractions. Without looking away from his book, he responded to the feminine voice. "Depends where you are, I guess." To spite her, seeing as she assumed she had some sort of problem with the placement of his feet, Hamish made himself even more comfortable, and crossed his legs at the ankles.

"If you've got a problem with feet on the table, you can always go to some other table. Probably in another room?" The nerve of people these days. He should probably be setting an example, given his position, but it wasn't like he had asked for the badge, anyway. First and foremost, he was a teenager, and he would have his feet on the table if he wanted to.

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