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- 9
- OOC First Name
- Sasha
- Wand
- Apple Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Belladonna
Full Name:
Rima Sumiragi
10th of October
Current Age:
Basic Appearance:
Rima is a brat princess, acting spoiled all the time because her father permits her to. That's why when she asked him to transfer her to Hogwarts New Zealand in order to find her siblings, his father agrees and didn't even object. Rima is bubbly and happy almost all the time, only frowning when she's irritated with someone or something. She loves singing and it works that she has a beautiful voice. She does modeling, but really hates it. It was the only thing her father was able to force her into doing. She is one of the typical prejudice pure bloods who doesn't care a bit about mudbloods. This comes into view as far as when Rima abuses them physically, verbally, or even mentally--a gift she was blessed to have--although it is unfortunate that she uses to to her advantage all the time. But despite being almost completely mean, she secretly cares about her siblings. Contrary to what her parents and other people thought, Rima was the one who cried the most when her mother and siblings left.
Kusano Sumiragi (Father)
Being the current head of the pure blood Sumiragi family, he is superior, strict, and cannot be taken down easily. He is strict and doesn't accept failure from his children, leading him to rank them--Rima being the first and the most talented.
Reiko Sumiragi (Mother)
One of the typical bossy pure bloods, she didn't get along well with her ex-husband who has the same level of superiority complex, leading to their divorce. She took Clyde and Sasame with her not because she pitied her other two children but because she wanted to make them better than Rima who her ex-husband chose.
Clyde Sumiragi (Brother)
The eldest and the only son in the family. Originally, Clyde would have been their father's favorite. But because Rima was the first to show a sign of being a witch, Clyde was ignored. He was taken away by their mother during their parents' divorce.
Sasame Sumiragi (Sister)
Being the youngest and the one who's supposed to have the least say about things, Sasame is quiet and doesn't seem to have any interest in family affairs. She isn't necessarily important to Rima, so Sasame only clung to her big brother.
Area of Residence:
Currently residing in Japan, at the Kyoto prefecture.
Blood Status:
Pure Blood
Special Abilities:
Interests or Hobbies:
Singing, dancing, modeling, swimming. She enjoys shopping and is fond of flowers.
Looks, blood status, power of persuasion
She is impatient and easily gets angry
Describe your character in three words:
Pretty, cunning, intimidating
Favourite place to be:
Any park, as long as it's not irritating.
Hogwarts House:
Not yet sorted
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
To have fun
Best school subjects:
Possibly DADA
Worst school subjects:
Possibly Herbology
Extracurricular Activities:
Current Job:
Plans for your future:
Your Patronus:
Your Patronus memory:
Playing with his brother and sister when they were little.
Your Boggart:
Your Animagus:
Mirror of Erised:
Happy family
A page from your diary:
Today I--damnation.
Rima Sumiragi
10th of October
Current Age:
Basic Appearance:

Rima is a brat princess, acting spoiled all the time because her father permits her to. That's why when she asked him to transfer her to Hogwarts New Zealand in order to find her siblings, his father agrees and didn't even object. Rima is bubbly and happy almost all the time, only frowning when she's irritated with someone or something. She loves singing and it works that she has a beautiful voice. She does modeling, but really hates it. It was the only thing her father was able to force her into doing. She is one of the typical prejudice pure bloods who doesn't care a bit about mudbloods. This comes into view as far as when Rima abuses them physically, verbally, or even mentally--a gift she was blessed to have--although it is unfortunate that she uses to to her advantage all the time. But despite being almost completely mean, she secretly cares about her siblings. Contrary to what her parents and other people thought, Rima was the one who cried the most when her mother and siblings left.
Kusano Sumiragi (Father)

Reiko Sumiragi (Mother)

Clyde Sumiragi (Brother)

Sasame Sumiragi (Sister)

Area of Residence:
Currently residing in Japan, at the Kyoto prefecture.
Blood Status:
Pure Blood
Special Abilities:
Interests or Hobbies:
Singing, dancing, modeling, swimming. She enjoys shopping and is fond of flowers.
Looks, blood status, power of persuasion
She is impatient and easily gets angry
Describe your character in three words:
Pretty, cunning, intimidating
Favourite place to be:
Any park, as long as it's not irritating.
Hogwarts House:
Not yet sorted
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
To have fun
Best school subjects:
Possibly DADA
Worst school subjects:
Possibly Herbology
Extracurricular Activities:
Current Job:
Plans for your future:
Your Patronus:
Your Patronus memory:
Playing with his brother and sister when they were little.
Your Boggart:
Your Animagus:
Mirror of Erised:
Happy family
A page from your diary:
Today I--damnation.