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-Full Name: Riley Paul Smith
-Meaning of name- Riley- Rye Wood
Paul- Small; Humble
Smith- worker in metal
-Current Age: 29
Birth date: 14th February 2005
Zodiac sign- Aquarius
Wand:Kingwood 15 1/2" with Essence of Thestral Tail HairAquarius said:Aquarius eleventh zodiacal sign
January 21 - February 19
Quality: Fixed
Mode: Thought
Kingwood is aptly named - a rich and regal exotic rosewood, it is treasured for its strength and protective properties. This wood is an excellent healing wood, closely tied with willpower. This wand is not for novices or the untrustworthy.
Birth Place: Wellington, New Zealand
Current living place: Wellington, New Zealand
Home town: Wellington New Zealand and Carlisle, Scotland
Heritage: Scottish on his mothers and Hawaiian on his Fathers
Hogwarts Scotland starting year: 2017
Graduation year: 2024
Favorite subject: Transfiguration.
This was Riley's favorite subject because it w the subject he excelled greatly in. He liked changing the appearance of different animal and objects and not to mention he liked his Professor because she taught him well.
Least favorite subject: Horology
This was Riley's least favorite subject because he could not do the work well. He didn't like plants very much and he found doing the work difficult which made his Professor give him detentions a lot. After a while Riley just gave up on trying to do well in that lesson
Friends Riley had always been god at making friends. Even at a young age he loved talking to new people and he started at Hogwarts with a lot of friends. Riley was popular throughout his schooling life, always in groups with people he laughed with. He was also popular with he girls in his school, and others. He ad a reputation of being womanizer.
People- Riley is god at talking to people. He has a knack of calming people down and getting people to trust him. He is good at making friends with people.
Charming- Riley has always been a charmer, even as a child he was taught b his older brothers ad after years f perfecting it he finds that his charm more time than not works on girls.
Girls- Riley may be a charmer and a flirt but if there is one thing that he cant resist then it is a pretty girl who knows what to do.
Acting- Riley can sometimes pull off lying and what not but more times than not he is a terrible liar. He finds it hard also to e serious a he is a naturally happy personthat like to have a laugh with people.
Basic Appearance- Riley is a tall male who stands at 5ft 9in. He has tanned skin and black hair that can sometimes look dark brown in the sun light. Riley usually has his air short and spikes it up sometimes although it naturally stands up. He sometimes put it flat and doesnt spike it but he doesnt do it a lot. His eyes are a warm brown that match his hair color in the sun. He had a puppy dog face as he still has a lot of puppy fat on it.
Riley has a very muscular body as he works to a lot. His body is naturally bulky but Riley likes to keep in shape for the ladies is his excuse. He likes to exercise to keep healthy as he doesnt want to be unhealthy like his dad.
Fashion: Riley doest really have a specific fashion sense as he goes really for anything that looks good. He doesnt really like to wear red much and prefers brown to wear on a shirt as he suits brown He likes wearing shirts more than Tshirts. He wears dark colored jeans as they match most of what he wears on his top half although he will sometimes wear shorts if the weather is really hot.
Food- Burger and chips
Drink- Gin and Juice
Spell- Expecto patronum
Place- Forest of Dean, England
Quidditch Team- Ballycastle Bats
Patronus animal- Wolf
Annimagus- Siberian Husky

Ashton Smith (deceased)

Millie Smith (deceased)

Theo Smith
Half Brother

Adrian Smith

Blake Smith (deceased)
Half Brother

Alexia Smith
Adopted sister

Mark Stone

Justin stone
Logan Blackwood
Lowan Smith (Son of Adele Smith)
1 year. Born November 2023
Noah Smith
2 years
Riley was born in New Zealand with his dad and his mum. Riley had a different mum to his older brothers because his dad had had an affair with another woman. Riley grew up with his brothers but was close mainly with Blake as Theo was evil to him and never wanted to be seen with him. Riley moved to Scotland as his brother mum had died. Riley attended Hogwarts Scotland where he started to get lots of friends. When Riley reached his teenage years he started to become interested in girls and soon discovered that they were very interested in him. This soon went to his head as he started to date numerous girls at the same time. Of course they still wanted to be with him as he was such a charmer. When he left in his last year he graduated from there at the age of seventeen with the best NEWTs and OWLs. When he left he went back to New Zealand again as he wanted to be back on his home country. When Riley moved back he met a girl who later became his girl friend. For the first time in his life Riley fell head over heels in love with someone. For a time he stayed loyal to Ana but it didnt take long for him to start his old games again. A few months into their relationship Ana told him that she was pregnant. Of course Riley was over the moon about this and was really looking forward to being a dad. How ever Riley ana Ana split up before she gave birth after they had a fight. When they met up again Ana went into labour and gave birth. They got back together in the process but disaster struck when their baby was take (by Rileys dad). During the time of the search Riley was certain that it had been Ana's uncle that had taken her and Riley, motivated by anger and revenge, went over to his house one night and killed him. This was the start of the turning point where Riley went crazy and became evil.
A few months later he was told by Ana that she was pregnant again but this time it was with Rileys best friend, Jason. Although again he and Ana split up shortly after due to the fact that he was caught with another woman. Riley soon snapped out of this evil state and became his old self again and met another girl, Adele, who he later got engaged too and then was informed by her that she was pregnant.