Riley Paul Smith

Riley Smith

Well-Known Member

-Full Name: Riley Paul Smith

-Birth Date: February 14 2007

Zodiac sign- Pisces

Birth place: New Zealand

Current living place: New Zealand

-Current Age: 17

Heritage: Spanish on his mothers and Hawaiian on his Fathers

Educated At: Hogwarts Scotland

Hogwarts Scotland starting year: 2017

House Ravenclaw

Favorite subject: Transfiguration.
This was Riley's favorite subject because it w the subject he excelled greatly in. He liked changing the appearance of different animal and objects and not to mention he liked his Professor because she taught him well.
Least favorite subject: Horology
This was Riley's least favorite subject because he could not do the work well. He didn't like plants very much and he found doing the work difficult which made his Professor give him detentions a lot. After a while Riley just gave up on trying to do well in that lesson

Graduation year: 2024

Occupation: Shopkeeper/Professor

People- Riley is god at talking to people. He has a knack of calming people down and getting people to trust him. He is good at making friends with people.
Charming- Riley has always been a charmer, even as a child he was taught b his older brothers and after years of perfecting it he finds that his charm more time than not works on girls.
Girls- Riley may be a charmer and a flirt but if there is one thing that he cant resist then it is a pretty girl who knows what to do.
Acting- Riley can sometimes pull off lying and what not but more times than not he is a terrible liar. He finds it hard also to be serious a he is a naturally happy personthat like to have a laugh with people.

best place in school: by the river because it was peacefull and beautiful.

-Blood status: Mixed blood

-What would their Patronus be? dog

-What would their Boggart be? a giant wasp, because when he was little he got stung by a wasp, and has been afraid of them ever since.

-What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one): wolf


Personality: Riley is basicly a charmer. He loves the company of girls and knows how to flirt and knows he is good at it. He is very laid back and takes life as it comes. He can however change depending on who he is with. If he is someone who is evil he changes his personality to fit around his companion and vice versa. Riley is very sociable and likes to meet new people and make new friends. He finds it easy to talk to strangers as he has a way with words

-What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? his childhood best friend who died in a car accident when on the way to see Riley.

-What memory could they use to create a Patronus? when his mum took him to the park for the first ime when he was 5.

-Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
Dear diary,
Went to go see my mum and dad today. When I got to their house I saw that my mum had fresh bruises on her arms and face. I new it was my dad but he and she deny it. When will she stand up to him? Im going to have to do something about it soon if she doesn’t.


dark brown hair usally spikey but he sometimes carnt be bothered to style so just lets stay flat.

eyes: Riley has brown eyes

Riley was born in New Zealand with his dad and his mum. Riley had a different mum to his older brothers because his dad had had an affair with another woman. Riley grew up with his brothers but was close mainly with Blake as Theo was evil to him and never wanted to be seen with him. Riley moved to Scotland as his brother mum had died. Riley attended Hogwarts Scotland where he started to get lots of friends. When Riley reached his teenage years he started to become interested in girls and soon discovered that they were very interested in him. This soon went to his head as he started to date numerous girls at the same time. Of course they still wanted to be with him as he was such a charmer. When he left in his last year he graduated from there at the age of seventeen with the best NEWTs and OWLs. When he left he went back to New Zealand again as he wanted to be back on his home country. When Riley moved back he met a girl who later became his girl friend. For the first time in his life Riley fell head over heels in love with someone. For a time he stayed loyal to Ana but it didnt take long for him to start his old games again. A few months into their relationship Ana told him that she was pregnant. Of course Riley was over the moon about this and was really looking forward to being a dad. How ever Riley ana Ana split up before she gave birth after they had a fight. When they met up again Ana went into labour and gave birth. They got back together in the process but disaster struck when their baby was take (by Rileys dad). During the time of the search Riley was certain that it had been Ana's uncle that had taken her and Riley, motivated by anger and revenge, went over to his house one night and killed him. This was the start of the turning point where Riley went crazy and became evil.
A few months later he was told by Ana that she was pregnant again but this time it was with Rileys best friend, Jason. Although again he and Ana split up shortly after due to the fact that he was caught with another woman. Riley soon snapped out of this evil state and became his old self again and met another girl, Adele, who he later got engaged too and then was informed by her that she was pregnant.

Millie smith

Ashton smith

relationship with parents: riley used be very close with both his parents until his big brother jack left and then his dad became an alcoholic and started beating him and his mum up. Now he hates his dad but there is a strange bond there which means that if something goes wrong then it would be his dad who he would turn to first and now and again he will like him as a father and enjoy his company. He is still very close with his mum.

Theo Smith:21- half brother

Theo is very dominating, evil, rich and arrogant. He was always taught by his father to be the one with power over people, and to hate muggles, and especially muggle borns.
He will never show mercy or sympathy towards anyone anything, not even to his own family. He won’t help a person in pain, instead he will make fun of them or leave them the way they are and not even care about them.

Adrian Smith-Brother: 20

Adrian was to Millie and Ashton Smith. As they already had two sons to look after though and as Adrian was an accident he was put up for adoption. He was adopted by a very nice couple and was raised as if he was their own. He grew up very happily and had lots of muggle friends before he attended Salem witches and met new wizarding friends. He had known about his magic for a while before he started school but it wasn't until he was in school when he realised he was veela. He had many girl friends as he went though school but they never lasted long as he was more in to his studies because he wanted to get the best grades he could so he could do well when he left.

Blake smith(deceased)- half brother

Blake was very confident, loving, loyal, sensitive, caring and funny he was a lot like his little brother Riley because when they were little they were inseparable and grew up together. Blake was close with his mum and he didnt really think of himself having a dad as he has never really been there for him. Blake was a terrible flirt and couldnt stop himself sometimes.

Alexia Smith:14- Adopted sister

Alexia is a very bubbly and fun girl. She has endless energy and loves to be with her friends. She is very sociable and likes to be in groups. Alex likes making friends and she is crazy about looking good. Her style is simple but pretty. She knows what she looks good in and likes to wear it.

Mark Stone(cousin): 15

Mark is a bright boy. He is very kind and loving. He is charming and loyal to the one he is with. Because of these traits it makes him easy to get along with and be friends with. However due to recent event he went through a stage of depression. It lasted for a while but he met a girl, she turned him back to his old self but he fears that once she is gone he will return to his old self.

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