Closed ridiculous

Rose Edogawa

daddy's girl🌸asthmatic🌸most like mum🌸panicky
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 11 Inch Whippy Cherry Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Rose was going to kill him she didn't know how, but she was going to figure it out and kill him. She was going to kill them both, they were stressing her out more than she needed to be stressed out and she was not going to be calm and unbothered until her brothers worked it out. "I can't believe he pushed you," she said, frowning Jonah as she drags him to the Hospital wing. She was careful not to grab the wrong wrist, but she didn't think it was broken, not that she could tell, the nurse would be able to check it. She pushed him onto the bed and then fussed about as she went to grab one of the nurses she often had to see for her potions replenishing. She quickly took one out of her pocket and downed it whilst staring at her brother. "You're both being ridiculous," she said, though she was beyond angry that Elijah had pushed Jonah and made him fall and hurt himself and that he didn't even come here himself? Nah, she was pissed.
Jonah let himself be dragged by Rose towards the Hospital Wing. He probably should have gone himself. Wrist injuries were serious for a kendoka like him, but he just couldn’t bring himself to care. His wrist was throbbing but his hands and fingers were numbing to the pain now so it must be okay. (No it was very not.) He’d only fallen on it and he’d fallen lots of times (not with his wrist taking his whole weight!). It probably only hurt cause the grass was slippery. He didn’t reply to Rose as she tells him off for being ridiculous, she just lets her. He wasn’t really listening as he got on the bed, mindful of his aching wrist. He’d gotten good at that at least, both minding the wrist and the ignoring being berated. Everyone seems to want to have a go at him anyway. Maybe he could stand next to Sayuri and she’ll just rant off at him too. Oh and can’t forget Hina-nee. Don’t know how that will go but he just knew not on his side. Of course everything was his fault. Hardly any of them could do any wrong, especially perfect Elijah.

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