Open Retracing Your Steps

Marnie Frogg

Scrivenshaft's Asst 🐸Chatterbox 🐸 Froggtastic
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
8/2045 (17)
Marnie couldn't believe they were only a few weeks into the school year and she'd already managed to lose her rememberall. Admittedly, she'd already lost the last two she had, but at least she'd had the good sense to lose them over the holidays and not actually during the school year when she needed it for class! Not that she could usually remember what she'd forgotten either, but it meant she knew she should ask Penny or Emrys if she'd forgotten a test again or check her bag for her quills, so it wasn't nothing. Frankly, it was a miracle she'd even remembered to check she still had it before going up to the common room, though now she was at loss for where she could have left it.

"Did I have it at breakfast I think I did cause I always have to check it just in case I forgot about homework again before class I mean I usually have but that's why I always check it so maybe it's at the house table? Ohh but I'm sure I remember having it on the stairs coming up here but which stairs why are there so many stairs in this castle oh Merlin if I dropped it on the stairs it could be anywhere by now," she muttered to herself, lifting up the tail end of a tapestry and apologizing quietly as the embroidered animals complained and scuttled elsewhere across the threads. If her remebrall wasn't in the corridor somewhere nearby Marnie wasn't sure what she was going to do with herself.
Teddy's steps echoed through the corridor as he meandered, his eyes darting from one detail to another. Suddenly, a glimmer flickered in his peripheral vision, catching his attention. He picked up the peculiar glass ball adorned with a golden seal. Intrigued, he admired the soft white smoke swirling within the glass.

"Ooooh!" Teddy's exclamation escaped his lips involuntarily as a tingling surge of excitement coursed through him. The smooth sphere nestled perfectly in his palm, the ethereal smoke dancing and shifting within. As his fascinated gaze remained fixed upon it, the smoke transformed before his eyes, taking on a deep, radiant red hue. "Ooooooooh!" Teddy's voice echoed once again, this time holding a note of astonishment, both longer and higher than before. Intrigued and captivated, Teddy paid no mind to the student further down the corridor who appeared to be searching for something.
[quietly reviving this thread after weeks but I will NOT be offended if you want to drop it after so long lol]

Marnie was in the midst of re-checking her pockets for the third time when someone's excited cooing caught her attention. She was glad for the distraction, there were few things that frustrated her more than losing something when it felt like it should be right in front of her. And speaking of right in front of her, there was no mistaking the familiar shape of the remebrall in the boy's hand. It couldn't be a coincidence could it? Or maybe it could, knowing this school, but still Marnie hurried over eagerly.

"Oh perfect, did you just pick that up? It might be mine I lost it like wow go Marnie it's one thing to forget your remebrall but losing one feels like a whole knew level of dunce you know, and like they say it's always the last place you look but really why would you keep looking if you've found it though in this case you found I guess in the first place you looked well I mean I'm guessing you weren't looking for it unless that is yours," Marnie said, peering down at the remembrall in the boy's hand as if she could tell it was her's just by looking at it. "Oh, you've forgotten something by the way. Good luck remembering what it is though the second someone invent one that actually tells you what you've forgotten it's over for everyone I'd be unstoppable!"
[Hey Kris, that's fine with me! :)]

Teddy held the ball in his hand, his amusement evident in the quirk of his lips as he listened to the energetic flurry of words that came from the girl who approached him. He glanced down at the object in his hand, apparently called a remembrall, then back at her with a playful glint in his eyes. "Oh, hey! Yeah, I found this on the floor just a moment ago," He watched as she rambled on about losing and finding the remembrall. Despite the rambling, he managed to catch the gist of what she was saying. "Uh - did you want this back?" Teddy replied, holding the remembrall just out of her reach, a playful challenge dancing in his eyes, suggesting that he might be toying with the idea of keeping it just a little longer.
Marnie was relieved when it seemed that the remembrall in the boy's hands was in fact hers. Or at least it wasn't his. Assuming he was going to give it back. "Yes please, I swear I'd lose my head if it was screwed on or however that saying goes though do you think something like that is offensive to ghosts and such I know there's a few like beheaded ones wandering around in some places do you think they mind?" She said, reaching for the remembrall and squinting her eyes as the boy held it just out of reach. "You remind me of my brother he'd totally do something like this too I think the only reason he never bothered to hide my remembrall is I'd forget it's missing so what's the point oh I know how about this, you give it back and I'll help you figure out what you must have forgotten!" She offered, nodding to the red smoke still coiling inside the glass of the remembrall.
Teddy grinned at the older girl's attempt to reach for the remembrall. Naturally, he moved it an inch further away, enjoying the playful back-and-forth. "Well, I wouldn't risk it, those ghosts can be quite unpredictable," he replied, trying not to think too much about the poltergeist lurking around. Teddy perked up at the girl's offer. "Sure, sounds like a fair deal," he agreed, then added with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, "If you throw in a bag of sweets too." Extending the remembrall toward her, he presented it like a prized possession, the red smoke swirling gently inside. He considered the invention rather pointless although did wonder what it was that he might have forgotten, "Deal?"
Marnie nodded in agreement, though it was tempered by a frown as she still couldn't reach her remembrall. "Right, yeah, sorry ghosts!" She called, relieved when the boy seemed to finally be about to give back her remembrall. "Yay great- wait what?" She said incredulously, hand halfway extended to take the offered remembrall. "I don't think I have any sweets on me besides I'm not paying you to give me my own stuff that's ridiculous if I did that I'd never have any money at all I mean that is if I didn't already spend most of it on new art supplies but I really wanted to try getting back into knitting but I didn't have the right colour yarn like yes I had the pink yarn but it was the wrong pink you know," she explained, waving a hand in frustration. "Which is to say no, no deal, that's stupid, give it back please," she finished, refocusing and extending her hand again. "Too much sugar is bad for you anyways, maybe that's what you forgot."
Surprised at her rapid response, which seemed to cover a wide range of topics, including yarn colours, although that bit went over Teddy's head. However, her evident annoyance was crystal clear. He gave a playful sigh. "Alright, no sweets or finders reward," Teddy said with a mock-sad expression, though a grin soon followed. He didn't know the value of remembralls to warrant a finders reward, as their function seemed pretty worthless to him, but who knew, maybe they had some worth. He continued to grin, thoroughly amused by her jab about sugar. Teddy dramatically placed his hand over his heart, pretending to be hurt. "Oh, that's just so mean," he teased, laughing as he handed back her remembrall. "Here you go. Have your remembrall." He didn't take his hand away. "Take better care of it next time." He added with a hint of sarcasm.

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