
Emilie Silverfox

Well-Known Member
Almond Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Phoenix Tail Feather
Emilie was restless. She had woken up and been tossing and turning in attepmt to sleep again. In the end she gave up. She lay looking at the ceiling; her mind wandering. After a while the ceiling got a little boring, so Emi carefully slipped out of her bed. She chucked over jeans and a hoodie over her PJ's. Then she crept down and out of the common room.

Somehow she had ended up at the lake, she wandered down by the shore, and took a seat. She brang her legs up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. The lake looked so peaceful at this time of night, the moon, shone brightly, giving the water a sliverly effect. She spotted an owl flying into the owlery and wondered if it was Belle. She smiled to herself at the thought of her beloved owl. Looking to her side she spotted a flat rock; perfect for skimming. Her Mum and Dad had taught her this, when she was younger. Whenever they went camping by a lake, Ryan, Rubie and Emi would have a competition to see who could make theirs skim the most. She stood up, and positioned the rock in her hand. Remembering what her Dad had set, she flung it out, and watched it skim

"One... two, three... four" she counted until it sunk. Then she sat back down, like she had done before, bring her legs up, while still looking for more rocks.
(( mind if I join? ))

Arisa had been sitting out by the lake since after dinner, just sitting there thinking. She hadn't died her hair in months, there was an inch of black hair growing out of her head before it was a pure bright blonde. Just then she heard a splash and looked over to see a girl sitting sitting there on a rock, "Hello" she called out.
[No Probs :) Emi's always needing new friends :doh: ]

Emi heard a "Hello" startled she turned towards the source.

"Oh, Hey" she replied spotting that she was not alone. She got up and walked along the shore till she reached the girl, taking a seat beside.

"Hows it going?" she asked, decideding she would introduce herself after the girl had answered.
Arisa watched as the girl came towards her, she seemed to be at least a year younger. Arisa sat with her chin rested against her knees with her hands wrapped around her legs, "Pretty good, how about for you?" Arisa asked looking out onto the lake.
"Yeah, me either" Arisa replied, "Sometimes the lake helps, its calming" she added. "I'm Arisa by the way"
"Yeah it is" Emi agreed, must have been why her legs led her there. The girl then introduced herself, Emi replied

"Emi, nice to meet you, your Hufflepuff to right?" Emi asked, sure that she had seen her before in the common room.
"Yes, I'm in Hufflepuff, are you?" Arisa asked, she was sure she saw the girl around the common room before.

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