Resting up.

Hadan Winters

Mother of 2
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Cypress/Ebony Mix 14" Core of Basilisk Fang; Black Walnut/Maple 12 3/4" Essense of Silver Thistle
October 31, 2007 - November 7, 2039
It had been a while since it was shady and the autumn air was crisp yet warm too. Hadan wore a swimming outfit. She removed the white, long jacket, revealing a yellow swimming suit and her newly healed branding of the Zhefarovich symbol on her back. Three months ago, she had it put on, and Hadan wore it with pride. She stepped into the water, before she sank in and let her body float with the water. It was always peaceful here, and she closed her ruby red eyes. So many things have happened to her during her fourth year at Hogwarts.

Technically, it was her fifth year. Though she was just held back once. She was sixteen, growing accustomed to the new changes, and had recently accepted her new siblings into the family. Hadan thought that she had better just grown up and accept something that is out of her control. She did not mind Chavdar's marriage to Rosaline. Rosaline could never replace Hadan's mother. No one could. Venita Johnson was the best woman in the world to Hadan. She opened her eyes and stared up at the sky. "Oh mom, if only you were alive long enough to see your child grow into a healthy and bright young woman..."
Raffael rolled his shoulders as he walked across the grounds leisurely. It had become one of his favourite past times, simply enjoying the fresh air and the gentle sound of water in the lake. It sounded so incredibly clichéd, but it was relaxing. Raff let his shoulders hunch a tiny bit after he rolled them, the small difference still felt odd to Raff. Instead of forcing himself to stand up straight like most people would, Raff had to force himself to hunch. The reminders from his past crept up on him momentarily, and usually Raffael pushed them back down without a second thought, but when he was roaming around by himself like this, he allowed himself to contemplate them. It was amazing how much Raff had changed, there was still the small things, like struggling with his posture, or not being able to do something as simple as walking out of the common room without styling his hair for fear he might be scolded. But Raff was learning to forget those things, learning to run a hand through his hair whenever it suited him, to use-

Raffael swallowed as all thoughts flew out of his head to make room for the image in front of his eyes. He was a reasonable distance away, but he could still identify the figure as Hadan... in nothing but a bikini. Raff swallowed again, there seemed to be a huge lump in his throat that refused to go away. He realised he had stopped walking without intending to and was probably gaping like an idiot. Raff snapped his mouth shut, yep, he had been gaping. Continuing to walk, Raffael watched as Hadan slipped into the lake and was momentarily disappointed that the water hid the sight of her beautiful body. What? He was a teenage boy. Raffael scolded himself regardless, having been taught to respect woman completely. That was a trait he didn't want to break out of.

As Raffael got closer, he noticed the tattoo when Hadan turned around. He bit back a gasp. She had gotten a tattoo and didn't tell him? Hadan still hadn't noticed him and as reached the lake, he caught her words. "...she would be extremely proud." Raff finished the sentence, grinning down at the girl he had completely and hopelessly fallen for. There was no point denying it at this stage.
Hadan didn’t even feel the eyes of her boy upon her. However, it was when that voice that constantly haunted her thoughts – in a good way rather – spoke from afar. Hadan opened her eyes, and she gasped when she lost her balance in the water, her head going under for just a moment. Raising back up, she stood firmly on the ground. She smiled at Raffael, but then she realized, she was just in her swimming suit. Fresh blood filled her cheeks as she ducked into the water once more, to cover what body she had to show. She moved her wet hair behind her and out of her face. A sheepish smile formed over her lips, and she stared into the eyes of the one who managed to have claimed her heart.

“Thanks, Raffael. Mom would be, I suppose, and proud of the one whom I manage to think about as well,” Hadan could be more open with Raffael now, even if she was embarrassed that he had just caught her in her afternoon swim. Hadan wanted to run out of the water and hug him, to have the feeling of being in his arms, now that her entire back has healed, she could do that. That tattoo was a little rougher than she expected. It covered her entire spine, and her shoulder blades. “I guess you saw the new addition to my body,” she said referring to the tattoo, “I didn’t know if you would like it or not.” It was a creepy looking two snakes wrapped around some sort of weapon. Hadan smirked a bit, “Why don’t you come in for a cool swim?” Hadan put her arms in the water, causing a bit of a splash.
Raffael was filled with a familiar fondness when he managed to startle Hadan, although he wouldn't deny the small hint of relief he felt when she arose from the water again. The relief turned into a form of gratitude as his eyes swept down, before snapping back up to her face. Hopefully that move had been subtle. Raff told himself, even as the small disappointment came back when she sunk back down into the water. He returned her sheepish smile, meeting her eyes as he felt a warmth seep into his heart. He almost let out a sigh of content, but he help it back as he swallowed the lump that was still in his throat. And as Hadan spoke, Raffael noted the lump dissolved and he felt the distance between them too much as he wanted nothing more than to hug her at that point.

At her words about the tattoo, Raffael said nothing, instead transforming the sheepish smile back to a fond one, deciding he would have to see the 'new addition' up closer to make his final verdict, but knew it wouldn't matter, what Hadan did was her choice... although that tattoo was huge. Shaking off his train of thought, Raff looked down at his rolled-up jeans and navy blue shirt* not thinking them very suitable for swimming, but wanting to be closer to Hadan regardless. He gingerly pulled at his shirt, it was one of his favourites. The jeans however, were nothing special. Looking back up at Hadan, he met her small smirk with one of his own, before he looked back down to hide the faint blush of his false confidence as he unbuttoned his shirt. Finally he let it slip from his shoulders and he quickly walked over to the edge of the lake and slipped beneath the water. Glancing back up at Hadan, hoping his cheeks weren't too flushed he smiled, closing the distance between them a little.

*I couldn't resist the treat for the eyes. xD
Hadan shivered a bit, but not from the coolness of the water. She inched her way toward the shore, but not so much that it is highly noticeable. Hadan loved those pretty eyes of Raffael's. Those eyes made Hadan feel warmth in her blood and in her body. It completely countered the coolness of the water. Hadan could only smile in glee when Raffael started to remove his shirt - a shirt that Hadan was fond of. Then again, anything on Raffael Hadan adored. However it was when he took it off, Hadan's breath was taken from her. Holy hell, he looks great! Hadan bit her lip a bit to keep from saying anything crude.

Hadan thought that the distance between them clothing was just not soon enough. Without much thinking, Hadan closed the distance, her arms around his neck and Hadan stared into his eyes. She murmured, "This is much better, isn't it?" Hadan enjoyed the skin upon skin contact, and it gave Hadan warmth and chills at the same time. Hadan used one of her hands to thread through Raffael's hair.
Raffael kept his eyes on Hadan and when she closed the remaining distance, Raff let the sigh of content he had been holding out. He brought his hands around Hadan's waist, drawing random patterns against her skin, loving the feel of the soft flesh not only under his fingers, but against his chest as well. His heart beat frantically in his chest and a shiver passed through him as her hand ran through his hair. He felt the weight of his heavy denim jeans in the water, but he couldn't have felt lighter with Hadan in his arms. "Yup." He said slowly in agreement, this was much better. He grinned widely, as he let his right hand trail up Hadan's back, he stopped just before he reached where he had seen the tattoo. "It doesn't hurt does it?" He asked, the pads of his fingers gentle as they caressed her skin. He wasn't sure why she had felt the need to get such a large tattoo and such an odd design, but Raff had a feeling that Hadan would let him know when she felt like. It was a trait about they're friendship that helped keep them strong. Nothing had to be shared between them, but it was at their own time. Raffael didn't think he'd trusted anyone more than he trusted the girl in his arms. His heart swelled that the very thought.
Hadan shook her head, "No, it doesn't. It healed up last week." Hadan would reveal that she had to get the tattoo for her family honor, or else well, die. Though that would not happen for a long time, Hadan was happy that she managed to get the tattoo though. She enjoyed such an odd design. It was original. The closeness was relaxing, and Hadan never would have let someone do this to her three years ago. Hadan played with his hair, and messed it up at the same time. It was just cute, even with messed up hair, he looked cute. She completely trusted this boy with her heart, with her past and future. Everything about her, he would soon know, if he didn't already. Hadan's ruby red eyes glanced down at his lips for a moment, before she stared back at her eyes, "You know, I think I really like you. It is obvious, isn't it?" Hadan only used the words that she knew of. After all, it was easy for her to lose her words with Raffael. And for that, she adored it. No one ever had this affect on her.
"Kay." He said, not realising his voice was almost a whisper as he brought his hand over the space where the tattoo was. He didn't mind as she messed with hair, simply hoping he didn't look too ridiculous. Raffael didn't miss the movement of Hadan's eyes and he unconsciously ran his tongue across his bottom lip. His own gaze darting down before meeting the ruby of Hadan's eyes again. She was so uniquely beautiful that Raff was always left feeling captivated in her presence. He almost missed her words and had to stop the movement of his hands just to process them. It was obvious and it made Raffael wake up every morning with a smile on his face. Hearing the words tumble from Hadan's lips was like fire through Raffael's veins. Without giving it another thought, Raff clutched Hadan tighter to him and closed the entire distance between them, pressing his lips to Hadan's with an urgency, like he might never get the chance to do so again. He really hoped Hadan wasn't lying about her tattoo not hurting, because Raffael's hands held the girl tightly and there was a high chance he would never let her go.
Hadan loved his hair. It was so much fun to play with. Oh how sweet of his demeanor. Hadan stared into his eyes, and instead of receiving any words back, she received something much more. Her first kiss. It was nothing like she had ever dreamed of. It was ten times better. The grip on her tightened, and Hadan loved it. It caused her to give her energy and the realization that he was kissing her. Full of passion, Hadan started to kiss him back. Her hand traveled down his bare back, feeling his muscular body. Her other hand threaded through his hair. Lips parted, she deepened the kiss, and Hadan thought that she was flying. The bodies meshed together, and this moment was perfect. Hadan pulled away, her lungs starved for air. Hadan whispered, "Raffael, be mine?"
Raffael had only been in three relationships, two out three of them weren't anything special to him and both of those two girls he had kissed. But they didn't come close at all to the experience with Hadan at that moment. As the kiss deepened Raffael thought he might have died and gone to Heaven, but he concluded that it wouldn't even matter, because he died happy. Raff brought his left hand up, his thumb resting in font of Hadan's ear and his other fingers slipping into her hair, pulling her that little bit closer. So many times he had wanted to do this, at the Yule Ball, simply walking the halls with Hadan, but each moment he had decided to wait until it was perfect. It couldn't have been better. The water rippled peacefully around them and cooled the fire that had ignited at the touch of Hadan's lips against his own. All too soon, the need for air pulled them apart and Raffael opened his eyes, but didn't dare venture too far from the gorgeous Slytherin in front of him. He still held her close and drunk in her next words. Moving his right hand up to mirror the hold of his left, Raff placed another gentle kiss on Hadan's lips. "Any day, Hadan." He whispered back, his lips still on Hadan's in a feather light touch as he spoke the words.
This moment had to be the most perfect moment in the entire world. Hadan could not have imagined such a beautiful moment in her life, just kissing the boy that stole her heart and haunted her dreams and thoughts. Raffael Fox. A Beauxbatons transfer molded from the angels and delivered just for her. Hadan wrapped her legs around him, having a tight hold. Now, she was fully in his hold, even though she had enough leg muscles to hold herself up against him. Her body was on fire against his. She wanted more, but she could not bring herself to tell him this. This was all so foreign, even though it felt just right. Her eyes stared into his, like ruby-like gems sparkling in happiness against his. Once more, she kissed him lightly, and she murmured, not even bother breaking the sweet and gentle kiss, “I don’t want anyone else to have you. I refuse to be anyone else’s as well. No one but yours.” This words were barely in any understanding of Hadan’s. She just spoke, intoxicated by the touch of his hands, the fuzziness and heavenly feeling the kisses brought to her.
Raff felt dizzy, his head only spinning more when Hadan's legs wrapped around him. He held her tightly, restraining himself from pushing what had happened too far. In truth, it was damn difficult, but being the gentleman came first and Raff instead tried to clear his head and listen to what Hadan was saying. He brought his hands forward to trace patterns with his thumbs across Hadan's soft cheeks. "You must be crazy to think I'd want anyone else." Raff whispered in response, reluctantly pulling his head back a tiny bit, to look into Hadan's eyes better. "After everything you've done for me? After this?" Raff spoke with a playful tone as he leaned in and stole another kiss. His intent was to pull away and continue speaking, but instead Raff's eyes fell shut and he lost himself in Hadan's kiss. Speaking was over-rated, Raff concluded, as his right hand slipped into Hadan's hair. He couldn't believe today's turn of events, but he had been anticipating them for a long time. He could now say Hadan was his and she could say he was hers. His heart beat frantically in his chest and his head spun, but it was the best feeling in the world.
Hadan's eyes passed over his lips as he spoke. Truth were in his words, as were hers. The perfect match. Never would have Hadan dreamed of being with anyone other than Raffael. They were, as others might say, finally together. Her head was dizzy, and even though her body starved for more, Hadan would only allow herself to have so much of her Ravenclaw boy at a time. "You've done so much for me as well, Raffael. You are too adorable." Hadan had a playful spark to her eyes, and she smirked as he yet stole another kiss. Though talking was seemingly the goal, it appeared not so when neither broke apart. Not that Hadan minded; she could kiss Raffael forever. Her arms were about his neck, only pulling him in closer for a deeper kiss. Though she had to admit, even though her body was on fire, the water was nippy, and much longer, they would receive a cold. Oh, this reminds me of when we first met, last year, in the rain... I got a cold. Why not again?

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