Rescue me

Professor Lyra Potter

Mother of 4 💜
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Vine Wand with Chimera Scale Fragment Core
It was New Year's Eve, and there were many places Lyra Potter could be out having fun or meeting new people. Instead, she was in her apartment over Ollivander's, alone, because she couldn't imagine having fun tonight. Albeit, Lyra was waiting on someone to arrive. The anniversary of her mother's death was still fresh, and tonight was the anniversary of the end of her relationship with Felix. While that had been completely her choice, Lyra still missed him if she was being honest with herself. She needed a distraction, but even more so a friend and someone to understand her which was why she had sent an owl to Lanithro Styx, asking him over and telling him how to get in to the apartment.

Lyra was dressed simply for an evening at home in a tank top and shorts. She'd change and go out with Lanithro if he wanted to, but she was hoping he'd just want to spend time with her at home. Lyra missed Lanithro. He had always been one of her closest friends, despite the fact that he was her first boyfriend. In a lot of ways, he had been perfect for her, but his family didn't want him to date a Potter, so they had parted amicably. Still, Lanithro had always been there for her. He was the only one of her friends to attend her mother's funeral, and she had spent more than one night in his bed during the last semester when she couldn't sleep. Lyra poured herself a drink and sat down on her couch as she waited for him to arrive.
Having to help raise three kids were rough, especially since Lanithro Styx managed to get custody of his only daughter, Fayre. He asked Kairi to watch over her for the moment, since Kairi had a son her age, and seemed to be pretty good with kids. Lanithro had a date, not that kind of date, with Lyra Potter. Since his dad seemed to back off the whole Potter thing, as much as his entire family no longer really resented the Potters once some new evidence came up... Lanithro also did not appear to be prejudice like the rest of them. He started off that way, but now he had a pure-blood son, a part-veela daughter, and a half-blood son. He could not say a word. Lanithro put on some sweat pants and a loose shirt, wearing black and white. He apparated to the apartment, following her instructions clearly. When he got to her door, his brought his knuckles up to knock, before shrugging. He turned the doorknob, and opened it to see Lyra in shorts and a tank. Glad that she wasn't dressed to go out and party for the new year, he smirked a bit at her. "Glad we both want to stay in tonight." He walked over, closing the door behind him, and practically fell down onto the couch. He didn't sit too close to Lyra, but close enough to not cause any concerns. "Merlin's beard, it took me hours to get a hold of Kairi to baby-sit. I just got custody of Fayre. Good holiday gift for me I guess."
It didn't surprise her when Lanithro walked into the apartment without knocking, and Lyra actually didn't mind it. She grinned at him, noticing that he was in a sweatpants and shirt, clearly not dressed to go out. She nodded her head at his comment as he flopped down on the couch next to her. "Oh you got custody? That's good news. Congratulations." she said, fully aware of Lanithro's three children with three different women. She knew one was Felix's ex, Georgina, but she didn't know the other two mothers nor did she really care. Her concern was for Lanithro and how he managed it all. Not that she could blame them. Lanithro had always been ridiculously attractive. Chemistry was never something they lacked in their relationship. Lyra's drink was empty, and she stood up to go to the kitchen. "I'm getting another drink. Would you like anything? A drink? Food?" the blonde asked as she made her way across the room.
"Thanks. Now to get that Georgiana to disappear, that would be great. If only," he shrugged. Lanithro had a decent thing going on with Sophia, with her raising his son, and he coming around when it was convenient for the two of them. At least Hadrien would know that Lanithro was his father, and not Ivaylo. Lanithro would not let that happen no matter what. The thing between him and Georgiana were a little on the stressed side, considering her blood status. He definitely had not had intimate relations since then, mainly afraid that he would end up with even more kids. He knew how to use protection, but he must have read the directions or something wrong. As she got up, he peered up, thinking. "A drink would be awesome. Anything you are having," Lanithro didn't mind whatever she would give him. He was a guest, and finally away from his ordeal. "I heard my dad is trying to date again. I find it odd as hell!" Lanithro spoke, a little loudly while she went to get drinks.
Lyra Potter listened to Lanithro talk as she went to the kitchen. She knew it couldn’t be easy to have three children with different women all the same age, but she thought he handled it well. She didn’t say anything about Georgiana. She didn’t want it to come off as too snarky or jealous considering how close Felix was to her. The news about his father was interesting though. “Trying to date? Really? What makes you think so?” she asked curiously. Lyra took another glass down from the cabinets and poured in some fire-whiskey before adding some to her own glass. The blonde picked up both glasses before heading back to the sofa, handing his off to him. Lyra sat down next to Lanithro, pressed up against his side. She nudged his arm around her so that she could curl up to him. She knew he was used to this sort of thing from her, and she had even shared his bed several times during their last semester at Hogwarts. The girl smiled. “I missed you, Lanithro. I’m glad you’re here.” Lyra said, frankly, looking up at him with her green eyes.
What did make Lanithro think that his dad was dating? It was just a feeling that he had. "He had our family elf over, the ancient one, come over and get things ready before booting everyone out of the manor. He normally doesn't do that." It was a hunch, and normally, Lanithro went on those. Since he wasn't necessarily Ravenclaw material, hunches were all he had. Lanithro swirled the firewhiskey before taking a drink of it. It practically burned going down his throat, but he didn't care. "I almost don't want him to date. It is weird. Everyone has a right, but that much work seems exhausting." Unless his dad just wanted some alone time and wine and dine himself, but that too was not like him. At least, the latter part. He wrapped his arm around Lyra's shoulders, naturally pulling her closer. His golden eyes glanced down when she mentioned that she was glad that he was here. He was grateful that he could hang out and just have a drink every now and then. "I've missed you too. I've missed this. Just sitting around, hanging out, and having a drink. I don't get to do that much." Being out of the house was a relief for him.
Lyra nodded her head as she listened to Lanithro discuss the possibility of Professor Styx dating. It seemed so...weird. The blonde couldn’t really imagine it. “I guess you will find out eventually...or maybe not with how private your father is.” she said. Lyra smiled as Lanithro pulled her closer. She curled into his arms, throwing her legs over his as he pulled her closer. “You know you are always welcome here. Whenever you want to escape.” Lyra said sincerely as she looked up at him. “Being with you is so much easier than being with someone else. You don’t ask me annoying questions that you already know the answer to. I’d much rather spend my time with you.”the former Gryffindor teased lightly, but really she meant what she said. Lanithro was someone Lyra never grew tired of over the years despite their controversial meeting and failed romantic relationship.
Lanithro gave a quick nod as Lyra spoke about how private his dad was. But, he let the subject go. He didn't want to talk about his dad the whole night. He wanted to talk with Lyra and just hang out with her. As he had pulled her closer, she curled into his form, which he could not help but notice that she was almost on top of him. Lanithro chuckled, "Of course. I don't like wasting time on pointless things I already know the answer to." How could he not? After all, he had known her since they were eleven. A part of him loved her as a friend, and someone he was protective over. "Do you want to keep cuddling on the couch, or do something else?" Lanithro was up for anything, but right now, he was kind of in the mood for a bath.
Lyra grinned at Lanithro as he agreed with her. She liked it when people agreed with her, and Lanithro generally shared a lot of the same thoughts that she did despite their initial differences and the fact that she sometimes made it a game to see how far she could push his annoyance. Lyra was surprised by his question, and it showed in her eyes as she looked up at him. "You don't like the cuddling?" she questioned. "Or is it that you just want something more?" she asked with a smirk on her lips. It was a dangerous line to cross, but she knew he would never take it as something serious. Besides, chemistry had never been something they lacked. "What did you have in mind?" she asked, curiously, with a coy smile.
The confusion in her eyes told him what he needed to know, and Lanithro suddenly realized what he said, and what he could have implied there. "I mean, I like cuddling as much as the next guy but..." He noticed that she had a smirk on her lips, and seemed to be a little more enticing than before. Well, at least his mind did not go into the gutter at first. Lanithro started to think about it. Could he really do that with his best friend? He was a little on the cautious level since he did manage to father three kids, and didn't really want to step into that again. But, since he wasn't drunk... He could be smarter. Would it ruin their friendship? Likely not, as long as they both set ground rules. Lanithro definitely didn't want a relationship. Commitment just made him ill. "I was actually thinking of a bubble bath, to really ease my muscles." Lanithro smirked, his golden eyes twinkling with mischievousness. "Since your mind is a little dirty, you are welcome to join me."
Lyra knew that what she was proposing had the potential to turn sour quickly, but she didn't care at the moment. The blonde was several drinks into the night, and she desperately wanted a distraction from her pain and for someone to hold her that actually cared about her even if it wasn't the same way that Felix did. Lanithro was the only other person that knew that she still loved Felix for whatever it was worth, and she knew he wouldn't be worried about her getting too attached to him. Neither one of them wanted a relationship. Lyra closed the distance between them, sitting in Lanithro's lap properly, and she wrapped her arms around his neck with her fingertips touching his blonde hair. "Hmm. I think that's something I could be into." she said, softly. "But first.." she said before closing the empty space between his lips and hers. Her hand moved to the side of his face as she kissed him, shutting everything out but the two of them.
Lanithro watched with absolute curiosity as Lyra moved to straddle him, with her arms wrapped around his neck. He placed his hands on her back, with one resting not so much on her back at all. She took up with his offer to take a bath together, but she wanted something else first. His golden eyes closed as his lips met with hers, pulling her closer to him as he deepened the kiss. Tasting her started to drive him wild within, and he had to have more. He pulled away for a moment, and stared at Lyra, a little breathless. "No strings attached, right? I don't want... I'm definitely not ready for anything serious. I want to make sure." Lanithro was almost positive that Lyra was not wanting anything, especially since she still harbored some feelings for Felix. Lanithro did not want to be the rebound either, since he was sure that they never ended well to begin with.
Lyra's lips slipped into a slight pout as Lanithro pulled away from her. He had been kissing her back, and she was confident enough in herself to know that he had been enjoying it as much as she was. The blonde felt the familiar quickening of her pulse and longing for something more. Lyra rolled her green eyes playfully at his question that she thought he would already know the answer to without her having to tell him. "No strings. In fact, I insist on it. I'm not a relationship girl...anymore." she said, clarifying since Lanithro had been her very first boyfriend. "Is that all?" she asked, hoping they could get back to more than friends part of the evening.
Lanithro breathed a sigh of relief when she told him that she insisted on no strings attached. Good. He was not wanting to get hurt again. After all, Lyra was the only girl that did not cheat on him. It was pretty terrible. But he was not ready for anything more. He wanted to play and have fun. He smirked a bit and shook his head, “Definitely not all. Let’s go run the bath water, and continue this there, Lyra.” It was a new experience that he sought and doing this with a trusted friend only made it more appealing. Plus they understood each other’s needs. This time, more physical needs would be meet and learned. He couldn’t want to please Lyra and learn her body.

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