Remus Firn

Remus Firn

Well-Known Member
Ebony / Kingwood Wand 14" Essence of Chimaera Scale
Full Name: Remus Drafis Firn
- Birth Date: 31st July
- Current Age: 30
- Basic Appearance: Well built, straight/spiked hair fair skin and a decent height.
Hair: Brown, Spiky
Eyes: Hazel / Blue (Depending on how the Light hits them)
Height: 5'11''
Occupation: Professor
Affiliation: Good
Birth Place: Glasgow, Scotland.
Place of Residence: Baxter,Victoria, Australia.

- Parents: Fathers Name : Undisclosed, Mother : Mary Firn (Deceased)
- Siblings, if any: -
- Area of Residence: Baxter Victoria.
- Blood status: Half Blood

- What would their Patronus be? A Lion
- What would their Boggart be? a Scorpion
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) a Fox
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? His mother being alive once more.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? The Occasion when his mother and father were both together living the peaceful life he had at the age of three.


Remus was born in Glasgow, Scotland though did not inherit a Scottish accent, he rather inherited his Mothers Australian Accent in who moved to Scotland from Baxter located in Victoria, Australia. From a young age Remus had been known to be quite intelligent as he walked from an early age as well as spoke. Remus' father was a very skilled Wizard who tend to fight off dark forces in his own free time to keep the Wizardry world safe, though no one could clarify this due to his confinement rather then openness to wizard as his father was Betrayed many times. Remus' father was out one day, assumed to be at Gringotts bank when his wife Mary Firn was murdered by a Death eater at a cliff side. Remus' was only five years of age when his Mother was murdered and was taken care of by his father until about eleven when he was sent to Hogwarts where he completed his Education in Slytherin house and to be quite frank at first hated it before finally understanding the true meaning of being in Slytherin house. Remus was later studying into becoming a professor at Hogwarts which he accomplished in 2022.

Personal Information

Likes:Animals, Transfiguration practices, Reading, Drawing, Acting.
Dislikes:Untrustworthy People, Scorpions, Yelling, Laziness, Confined spaces.
Relationships:Remus tends not to get close to people too often, as he has a fear of dishonesty toward him as well as betrayal.
1. What are Remus' views on muggle-borns?
2. How experienced in the muggle world is Remus?
3. Does he like chocolate?
4. Has he got anyone in mind for a relationship?
5. If yes to the above, who?

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