
Thomas Smith

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2" Core - Tail of Charmed Newt
Thomas made his way out of the castle and down the familiar path to the Lake. The weather was returning to it's glory and the Ravenclaw 4th Year felt sometime outside, away from everyone and everything was required. With the start of a new year, like every year, Thomas wished for an easy year with no drama that just seemed to be ozzing out of the walls of Hogwarts. True most of the drama caused was partly his fault but he knew he needed to fix what was broken.

Sitting down on a small slope just before the lakefront Thomas thought about the past few years that he had spent at Hogwarts, he had had his fair share of ups and downs, like many other students at the school and even though at the time some of the downs had been particularly hard to deal with he knew that sometimes they lead to an up. The main one being his break up with Autumn which in turn lead to his relationship with Isabella. Sure their relationship didn't have the best start but it was the only thing that kept Thomas going most of the time, he had lost too many friends during his time at Hogwarts, Isabella was the only person he knew he could fully rely on.
Walking on the Lake Front, Joceline read. Since the drama that last year and the year before had caused, she felt as if it was a perfect time to turn a new leaf, to let go of everything that had been done to her by her brother, by his former friends and Thomas Smith. In class she would not glare at him, she just didn't have it in her anymore, it was far too petty anyway.

As she walked along she bumped into someone. "Oh my mistake," she said, with her heavy French accent as she took a shy step back from the person she had bumped into. Her wide sapphire eyes only widened when she saw that it was Thomas, but for a split second she thought it was Ivan, simply because they had spent a lot of time together lately. "Sorry Tommy," she mumbled quietly before stepping past him shyly and continued onward while she read.
Thomas felt someone bump into him and even though he hadn't heard the voice in sometime he knew who it was before he even looked. Taking his eyes off of the lake he looked up at one of his former best friends. What had happened to them over the past few years. When they first met back in first year they had gotten on so well together, things were great. That was until the day when he had read her diary, after that everything just seemed to go down hill between the two. Thomas had lost count of the amount of times he had beat himself up about reading her diary, why couldn't he had just left it. When he heard Joce's apology and watched her walk away he called after her "I'm sorry too." It was long over due but at least he had said it.
"I'm sorry too." Joceline looked over her shoulder and quirked an eyebrow up at Thomas, as if inspecting whether what he was apologizing for. The sincerity in his eyes brought her to turn around and asked through her ever expressive eyes, what had happened to them and if they could ever be friends again. She hoped that they would be able to, despite everything they had once ben great friends and she wanted to get back to that and she hoped that one day they would be able to, consdiering the fact that Ivan and herself were becoming closer to one another she knew that it would be impossible to avoid each other.
Thomas looked up at Joceline, wondering if she would just walk on or if she would let them try this 'friend' thing one more time, after all it worked out so well the first time why couldn't it be good again? A hopeful smile crossed the Ravenclaw's lips as he saw Joce turn round and her big blues gave away more emotion than words ever could, some things never changed. Jerking his head quickly to the side as in motioning Joce to come sit beside him. Thomas sat up fully now, hoping she would accept his invitation, this may be a slow process but it was one that he was willing to suffer through, especially if it meant the outcome was having Joce back as a friend again.
Joceline smiled and accepted Thomas' invite as she walked closer to him. She knew this would not be a easy or fun process but it would happen, she missed him so much. "Thomas, I'm really sorry about it all. I am so over everything. Isabella, Autumn, whoever, could we please be friends again?" she asked in all one breath as she sat beside him her eyes hopeful and anxious for putting herself out there so much. It was something she hadn't done in a long time. She had been afraid to show any weakness to anyone for a long time but it was becoming clearer and clearer each day that she was lonely, even with Wendy.
Thomas breathed a sigh of relieve as Joce sat down beside him, so far it was going good, he just hoped that it would remain to do so. At Joce's words Thomas' smile turned into a beaming grin, she had pretty much just taken the words out of his mouth. To have Joce back as a friend again would be the perfect way to start the year back again, building old bridges and whatnot. "I'm sorry too! I know a part of this has been my fault too." he said, finally taking responsibility for his actions because he too had been in the wrong. "Yes! I'd love to be friends again." he said, his smile as big as ever.
Joceline felt giddy with excitement at the thought of having her friend back again, hoping that she wasn't showing her fear to trust him again because she was scared. It all went back to the warning her Mom gave her when she was a little girl "Don't trust any boys, they'll always hurt you". It was a known fact to Joce that her father had broken her mother's heart all those years ago and every year on her birthday, the girl would be warned with it. "Perfect!" she said, her smile so wide that her cheeks began to hurt before wrapping her arms around him and hugging him like she had never hugged him before.
Even though it had only been a few minutes and simple words were exchanged, Thomas felt happier than he had in so long and better about how the way things were going to be from now on. He had missed the simplicity of the way things were when he first started Hogwarts, friends, school and just an overall good time, that's all he really wanted. Alas that wasn't meant to be and even though things had taken a turn for the better after a lot of the drama his and Isabella's relationship stopped, he still missed his friends.

Hearing Joce's summery of the whole thing he wrapped his arms around her in a tight embrace, enjoying the fact that he had his friend back after he had lost her what seemed like so long ago. Releasing her he moved back a bit. Relaxing he looked at Joce with a small smirk on his face, "So you and my brother huh?" He said, his smirk growing. He wasn't exactly too pleased about the two becoming close but now he was over it, "What's going on there then?" he asked.
As their hug ended, Joce smiled at her once ex-best friend but it quickly changed to an expression of confusion as he mentioned Ivan. She couldn't imagine that he was incinuating anything because since they were friends who, for some reason, kissed each other at times. "He is my only friend, Thomas," she said woefully before remembering her best friend, Wendy. "Well, other then Wendy." She really liked the Gryffindor girl and was so thankful for her friendship throughout everything that had gone on and especially thankful for just her being her friend.

Joceline pat her friends hand gently and grinned excitedly, "We have forever to catch up. Let's have fun!" She flicked her dark brown hair over her shoulders as her blue eyes lit up at the thought of having fun. It wasn't exactly something that happened regularly in her life, nor was making up with her best friend which was the biggest thrill she had in a long time.
Thomas rolled his eyes playfully at Joce's comment. He knew they were just friends but from the few conversations he had with his brother he could never be 100% sure. Then again maybe it was just Ivan's view on things and, being one, he knew boys judgement wasn't always the most accurate thing in the World. Thomas felt a small twinge of guilt in the pit of his stomach when Joce mentioned Wendy, yet another friend that he had lost contact with. He hadn't exactly fallen out with her but he knew how close she and Joce were and figured she had sided with her best friend over him.

Looking down at his hand where Joce's had been moments ago he looked up again seeing he grinning, it was a great sight to see. At her comment he too grinned. "Well what do you have in mind?" he asked, agreeing completely that they had forever to catch up because now they were back to being friends again he wasn't too keen on ruining it again any time soon.
Joce had a feeling she probably should have thought it out more as Thomas asked where what she had in mind, because she really didn’t know. She just wanted to have a good time with her best friend and couldn’t imagine telling one another how sorry they were and how they had missed one another’s friendship was any fun. “I really don’t know. As of late my look on fun has been going to the library or writing letters to my grandfather. It’s really funny (but also a little sad) when he writes back not knowing who I am,” she said shrugging her shoulders shyly. “What do you think?" she asked before remembering her certain fear of heights and how Thomas had once thought she liked flying. Oh how wrong he had been. "Anything that doesn’t involve heights, I’m terrified of them,” she said, shuddering as she remembered first years flying lessons and how clumsy she had been on that ruddy broom stick and how, at the time, it had been the bane of her very existence.

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