
Jeffrey Gershner

Well-Known Member
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4 Essence of Silver Thistle
The breeze was at its usual temperature when Jeffrey took foot into the Lakefront. He's always been in the Lakefront but not in a way that he might stop there for awhile to just hang out. He missed his Muggle place where he can always hang out in the beach. Unfortunately, there's no beach here in Hogwarts but just an old lake located in front of the school. Jeffrey always passes this lake whenever his class from Herbology finishes and also whenever he's bored and decides to explore the castle. The minute Jeffrey set foot outside the castle; he was surrounded by cold, relaxing air which reminded him of the beaches in New York. The place wasn't really crowded. There were only a few people. Most girls if Jeff might point out, but he's not in a mood to talk to any girl since he just had his most emotional girl-talk with his best friend the night before, which was full of drama and Jeff hates drama. Jeffrey doesn't even want to recall that moment. Sam was just overacting; he kept on saying to himself. When he reached the corners of the lake, he sat up comfortably on the moist ground and observed the lake intensely.
The day was today was rather boring for Ally Jackson. Damn, the first year usually spent her time only inside her common room when she had her vacant time with her. It was unusual for her to go outdoors because she just was not used to roaming around freely. The air was cool, and Alliyah stepped out of the Gryffindor Common Room with a bored expression on her pretty features. She did not even have any Gryffindor crest with her. For an eleven year old, it was actually destined for her to be ruggedly pretty when she would grow up. She would make a dark death eater because of her pale features that would glow if she would wear that dark cloak that the Death Eaters wear to hide their identity. Ally, with her bubbly personality did not really feel comfortable talking about Death Eaters, knowing that her great grandfather always wished to be one. Her flowly top that was embroidered with flowers flew with the wind. Her skinny jeans made her look more casual looking, thank Merlin. With her hands in her pockets, she headed to the Lake, where she can see that lovely view of the seascape. It was said that there was a giant shark residing there and a squid too. Ally shivered with horrid feelings about the lake. Despite this, it did not stop her to go the lake.

The lake only had one person there. Wherever Ally goes, it was usually empty or the only people there were about ten. Alliyah smiled and thought immediately about a conversation that they can talk about. The boy seemed lost in thought because of his serious gaze that wandered on the lake. Very quietly, she walked to him just so that he won't be surprised of her unknown presence. Her bubbly personality bubbled inside her, longing to talk to him. Well, she hoped that she would not invade his personal space. She studied him, knowing immediately that he was a couple of years older than her. She can't estimate, but at least she knew one piece of information. "What's up with the lake?" Alliyah gave him a look of question and turned her head to the direction of the lake. Why was he staring at it like that? There was nothing really fantastic about it. She was not awestruck about it. Only the North Tower struck her senses, making her gasp loudly and admire its view from above. The boy was alone and Ally just wanted to join him. There was no harm anyways. "Can I join in?" She asked, hoping that he would agree with her. So far, this was the second boy that she has met. The Gryffindor still did not have much friends and she was determined to make some. It will be such a lonesome life in Hogwarts without having any friends.
The lake was not that wonderful as Jeffrey might point out. The beaches in New York were even better than the lake. But of course they should right? Because they're beaches, Jeffrey told himself. Even if the lake wasn't that wonderful as the other lakes and beaches at NY, it still looks very clear and very pleasant to look at like it was every time Jeff walks by. Jeffrey kept on looking down on the lake. It was like a mirror. It was very clear. A friend once told Jeffrey that mermaids reside in this lake, Jeffrey doesn't know if this is a myth or the truth, though but he wanted to find out. The lake doesn't have a single fish living in it; instead, it has those thick algae surrounding the side of the land beneath it. The place was very quiet, birds and other chirping animals were the only music that can be heard. This was a completely resembles the beauty of nature. There were no modern technologies whatsoever surrounding it, at least none that Jeff could name. As much as he loved hearing the true music of nature, Jeff reached put for his pocket to grab his iPod. Being born in NY and all, Jeff was a modern music fan. When he pulled out his iPod, the first thing he saw was an apple that has been bitten at the right top of it. Jeff wondered how was that possible at first, but then he realized that, that was the logo of the Muggle Company named Apple. Realizing the information, Jeff sighed, disgusted of him for forgetting. The scenery on the lake really took out the live presence on his mind. After that, Jeff lamely untangled the headphones attached to his iPod and then put it into his ears and began shuffling the songs on his iPod.

Later, Jeff got bored of the songs that were continually playing into his ears. He had heard those songs for almost a hundred times now. It wasn't like there was a laptop store available on the corners of Hogwarts so that he could buy one and download new songs. Sighing, Jeff rolled up the headphones and began reaching for is pocket to return them. After doing so, Jeff went back into his intense observation of the lake. As what Jeff saw earlier, the lake was as its usual tone. There were no signs of any breathing creatures on the depths on the lake. Jeff rolled his eyes. So the mermaid thing was just a myth, he told himself. The lake was not really that blue, it was just clear. Jeff folded up his robes to reveal his right hand. He wanted to touch the water so he can determine its temperature. He reached out his index finger into the water. It was cold. Colder than the breeze. Jeff quickly put back his finger and wiped it into his robes. Then, he went back into his intense observation. He wasn't really observing it now since he has seen all the information he needed to say that the lake wasn't at any point of being lavish. Just as he was doing what he calls his "observation" he saw a girl’s reflection appear on the lake. The girl seemed to be walking towards his reflection. Jeff leaned back for he thought that the girl was a mermaid. He watched the water closely, hoping that it would breathe out of the water but unfortunately it didn't. And it wasn't a mermaid, he saw. It was a girl. A real, live girl. The girl spoke from Jeff's back. She asked if what is up with the lake. "Nothing. It just looked....weird" Jeff replied. The lake really looked weird. For witchcraft and wizardry school's lake, it really looks like one of those random lakes back in NY. There wasn't any special thing beneath or even surrounding it. "Sure" was Jeff's simple reply when the girl asked if she may join him. Even if he didn't want any girl conversation to take place, he agreed to be at least a little polite. He was getting bored so maybe a simple conversation might fade that entire boring mood away.
Alliyah gave the boy a small look. She turned her head towards the direction of the lake and observed it, carefully than she has ever done to it. Really, nothing was wrong about it. All was actually perfectly normal. The color was nothing than unusual. The weather was even at its perfect state. The breeze was also lovely for Ally. Alliyah Jackson knew that almost all lakes in the world looked the same, unless it was charmed for something. It was clear. Almost everything below it can be seen but the depths were to scary to discover about. She never was interested on those things anyways. Mermaids resided in there, and she never conversed with a mermaid before. Her sister did, just last year but that was different. Artemis Jackson was not a good explainer, therefore Alliyah still did not want to come out of her curious self when it came to the subject of mermaids.

"Looks weird? There's nothing wrong with it..." Ally said shyly as response to the boy's observation. She always thought of her personality as sometimes a rude one. Just because she was bubbly, she sometimes accidentally talks and interrupts because of her excitement. With new friends, she blabs about random stuff that could really make them in the mood to talk to her. Alliyah was always that type of person, and she wanted to change that. Maybe not now, but sometime later during her third year or something. Maybe to quiet down but still make her bubbly personality remain in her was the best option. "New student perhaps?" She asked, as she sat down femininely beside the boy. He looked damn familiar, but she just could not recall where she saw him. in the Great Hall? It seemed so. But there were more places that she was almost sure that she saw him. The Gryffindor had a hard time recalling so she just decided to drop it. The answer will be revealed anyways by the boy.
Jeffrey wasn't looking at the girl. He was still observing the lake. This might look like a stupid thing to do for someone who finds the lake normal but Jeff really was expecting a more different kind of lake since it was after all a lake that belonged to a school that was founded a thousand years ago. More creature-living, less-algae, sparkling lake would at least be convincing that it was owned by an enchanted school. Jeff folded his robes again. He wanted to know what the temperature of the lake is, this time. He wanted to know if anything has changed or if it was just the same temperature that Jeff had felt earlier. After folding his robes, he reached out his hands into the lake to cup the water by his hands as he decided. The temperature indeed changed since it was warm as Jeff might recall earlier that he felt the opposite. Jeff was a bit surprised. Surprised enough for the girl to notice. Jeff sighed. I guess the only special thing about this lake is that it changes temperature quickly, he thought, rolling his eyes.

Jeff turned his gaze towards the girl and raised an eyebrow looking confused. So, the girl doesn't think of the same thing he was thinking. Apparently, the lake looks extremely normal for her. Jeff on the other hand thinks of the opposite. "Well, I just think there is. From my observation, it looks exactly the same as what Muggle lakes are. Isn't that supposed to be weird? You know, being owned by an enchanted school and all. I just think that it’s supposed to be, you know, enchanted also." Jeff explained, in the most polite way as possible. The other girl looked shy and young, and Jeffrey doesn't want her to be offended. The girl sat down beside Jeff. He didn't observe her like he just did to the lake, but he noticed that the girl looked a bit familiar. More of a Hogwarts person than a Durmstrang person if Jeff might recall. "Yep, I'm from Durmstrang Academy. I'm currently going here as a third year, Gryffindor student." Jeff muttered, regarding the girl's previous question. "How'd you know?" he added. Jeff wants to know why. Maybe the girl hadn't seen him from her past years here in Hogwarts that's why she thought he was new? Maybe. That could be possible. Jeff breathed the air around him and turned his gaze back in the lake.
Alliyah thought that it was a bit rude for the boy just to stare at the lake without bothering to make eye contact. Her sister always did this to her, but that case was just totally a different one. The only time that he actually turned to her was when she sat down beside him. The Gryffindor decided to return back what the boy had done to her, by not making eye contact. The lake was near them and Ally shifted her body nearer to it, cupped her right hand and dipped it in the lake. She never actually felt how hot or cold it was, but it seemed perfectly normal. She wondered where that big shark and squid can be, probably roaming around the lake's depths. "It's just safety first I guess. If it is enchanted, then students might go nearer towards it. But if not, they probably would lose their interest to do so. That's my guess anyways." Alliyah spoke with truth and recalled all the memories when she encountered any body of water. The past brought her back and she found herself thinking and recalling the time where she was just playing with a small lake near their residence. The view of the lake was just as lovely as the Hogwarts lake is but there was something slightly different. Sounds came out from the water and as her younger self, Ally went away from it. There were possibly living creatures in it, not wanting her to disturb them from their sleep or rest.

She let go of the water and watched it as it fell as drops into the lake. She wondered if there were small fish in there, wanting to play. She hoped that she would see a mermaid or something. It would be a nice day to actually see them. Alliyah was usually shy around those strange creatures and her lips managed to stay shut whenever she saw them, but she would always befriend a mermaid for her own purpose. Some of them were beautiful and they looked human, meanwhile, the others still had the same heritage. Those ancient mermaids that looked like real fishes were scary as hell. Ally smirked when she heard the boy's question. Her memory had told her correct thank goodness. "Third years do not really wonder whether the lake is enchanted or not." Ally chuckled softly as she sat beside him, Indian style. From all wizarding schools, Hogwarts was said to be the best. Alliyah always thought of the school there in Durmstrang. Was it just like Hogwarts? A bit bigger? Or perhaps a bit smaller? "What does Durmstrang look like anyway? Just like Hogwart or totally different?"
Jeffrey looked at the girl when she cupped her hand and dipped it in the lake. Jeff was sure that she won't find anything wrong with it since she hasn't felt its previous temperature a few minutes ago. Jeff rested his elbows on his knees. He was a bit tired and hungry since his classes had just finished and he wasn't able to come by in the common room and pick up at least a cookie. The day was a sunny one. It was obviously summer in Hogwarts since the sun was shining brightly. The sun's rays reached the end of the lake and it looked extremely beautiful. The lake's water was sparkling. It looked like it was showered by tiny diamonds. Now, Jeff's point of view on the lake changed. It seems that all it needs is a simple glow of Mother Nature itself. The other girl on the other hand hadn't noticed this since she wasn't following Jeff's gaze. She seemed to be returning Jeff's favor of not making eye contact. The girl said her guess of why the lake is not enchanted like the school is. While hearing her reasoning, Jeff just nodded. The girl had some point. Maybe it was just safety first. But Jeffrey remembered other students talking about seeing a mermaid. If it's really safety first then no one would approximately see any different creatures such as a mermaid or a squid in the lake. However, Jeff didn't mention this because he didn't want to have any arguments at this time of day.

The boy looked at the girl's hand once more when she decided to drop the water. After doing so, Jeff looked back at the water. Jeff was really having a bad mood since he wasn't all that talkative as he always was. Seriously, if he was, he'll be talking nonstop now. Jeff looked tired of observing the lake. Its appearance never changed. Well, except for the rays touching its end but that disappeared now and the lake is back to normal. The girl finally said why she'd known Jeff was new. "They don't" Jeff said, raising both of his eyebrows. The words he just said was more of a "They don't? Why, do they have a different tone of thinking or what?” Jeff sighed when he realized he was thinking about an awful reply. The girl looked really young. Jeff didn't want to hurt any kid just because of his stupid mood. Later, the girl asked him a question. "Well, it looks a lot like Hogwarts but only a bit smaller." He replied.
Students in Hogwarts always got the change to roam around the castle, even in if their schedule was busy enough for them not to feed themselves. It was also odd for a student who has been in Hogwarts for three years, still wondering about the castle's lake that was their for more than five decades already. Alliyah rested her head on her palm, as her elbow rested on her right thigh. It was ticklish for some reason she could not explain yet she enjoyed the sensation. Her warm brown eyes turned towards the boy as he raised his eyebrows in a pathetic manner. Both of them were raised, and she decided not to tell him about it. Eyebrows were something Alliyah would make a fuzz about, while she would learn how to lift one up only. She did at a very young age and was very successful about it. Her expression was completely blank yet she did not think that the boy was in such a foul mood currently. She slowly bobbed her head up, then down. "There are also creatures there. I wish I'd seen one." The Gryffindor frowned, recollecting the memories wherein she would sometimes think of exploring the depths of the lake. Her petite body would not exactly do that, because her of zero skills in floating on the water. Alliyah also knew the pressure below there, but perhaps the mermaids did not even feel it. If they did, then all of them should have been dead by now. Only their corpses should be seen if that would happen.

Alliyah ignored Jeffrey with his quiet reply. He did not even make an effort to expand his response! Oh for Merlin's sake, how could Ally even make a decent conversation between them, if he would not cooperate with her. She did not care if the boy was slightly irritated because of her presence. After all, it was usually her personality that would cheer the others up. The Gryffindor nodded with an obvious look that she heard his reply. As she looked again at the body of water, her warm eyes found a small group of flowers that were delicately planted firmly on the ground. She plucked up one and stroked its petals slowly. She brought it close to her face, as she held it up to her nose. Alliyah took in its wonderful scent, breathing it out in a contented way. Alliyah momentarily forgot about the awkwardness that was probably present between her and the third year. She was distracted about the wonderful thing that was in her hands. As of now, it was Jeffrey's turn to bring up a subject, and it sure needed to be a good one.
Jeffrey went back into looking at the water. He was starting to get bored by doing so. Jeff was starting to get annoyed by this. Every time he looks at the water, all he could see is his reflection and some seaweeds and algae underneath the lake. He wasn't expecting much, really. But some mermaids or even a fish would at least brighten up his mood. His being a new comer in Hogwarts seemed pretty obvious to the girl. He doesn't know why and doesn't want to find out. Maybe the girl thinks he's different from the others because he's weird and hearing would definitely darkened his mood. The air was lovely, though. It was very soothing. Something like he always inhales back in the NY beaches. For some reasons, it reminded him of old times. There were a lot of similarities between the two places. Take the air for example. It was the same soothing and relaxing air Jeffrey always breathes. The water would also be added on the list since it was very clear. But as Jeff's observation deepened, he found out it was not like old times after all. First fact is that it's a lake, not a beach, and there were no sands in this lake, beaches have sands. The algae would be taken as an example of their dissimilarities also, since the beaches back in NY and especially in Malibu were as clean as freakin' water from the faucet only people can't be so sure about this but as far as Jeff know, it is. Those were only a few of what Jeff had observed about the lake and beaches' similarities and dissimilarities. Jeff sighed heavily. His mind was crowded while thinking of this. Too crowded which just made his mood worse. "Yeah. Me too" was Jeff's bored reply when the girl told him she wanted to see a creature.

Jeff was starting to get a bit sleepy. No one could blame him, though since it was a lonely day for him and well, the soothing air hasn't helped much either. Jeff looked at the girl when she reached for the flowers that were blooming firmly on the ground. She plucked one and brought it close to her nose. Jeff looked back at the water when she smelled it though. He doesn't know why, he just feels awkward staring at the girl while she plucked flowers and smell them. If Jeff had said that loud, it might really offend the girl. Jeff won't have any choice but to pay attention to her if she gets offended, he's just having a bad day, that's all. Jeff stared at the feminine reflection that was reflecting from the water that was coming out of the surface of the lake. The girl looks very young. The thought of that made Jeff asked the girl. "Still a freshman?", looking intensely as the reflection breath the scent of the flower it was holding. The girl does not look young only but familiar too. Maybe she was a Gryffindor like Jeff was or maybe she was one of his friends' friend from Hufflepuff that he always talks to. Seriously, if only the girl caught her in a good mood, she'd be wanting to shut Jeff now. Clearly, at this point of day, he wasn't really that sociable person as he used to be.
Alliyah bored her eyes into the flower's center taking no notice of the boy looking at her through the water. Her reflection there was quite blurry, because of the movements stirring under the mysterious body of water. The residents down there were maybe doing something that was in their tradition. The lake had its occasional movements in the water. Usually, a small ripple would be produced, starting from the center until it reached somewhere. It eventually died down, when it was almost near them. Then again, the boy's voice erupted from nowhere, which made Alliyah look to him, surprised. His voice momentarily disappeared from her thoughts, but now it was there again to her dismay. She looked at him, curious with what he was going to say. Before she knew it, she frowned in thought. The term he just used was not commonly heard around Hogwarts. "Freshman? Is that muggle?" Alliyah asked with the same usual interest. Muggles were sort of the people who are adventurous with what they do and invent, and they do not even know what wizards can do to their little inventions. Alliyah was more into photography than any other hobby. During the holidays, she planned to let her sister borrow her camera, knowing that the older Slytherin would have fun with it.

The word that the older male asked still was in her brain, ringing everywhere. Alliyah thought of paraphrasing his previous question, just so they could discuss the topic with easiness. She thought of her age and year, and also the term that the boy used. Fresh was an obvious term for something new and not yet old. Only a first year in the whole castle would be considered as a freshman, base on Alliyah's thoughts. "Anyways, do you mean first year? I am one." The Gryffindor replied with a small hope that her paraphrased statement was indeed the right one. She did not want the boy to get her wrong. There was also a fat chance that Alliyah could guess that he is a Muggle Born. Muggle Borns, lately, were not making any issue around the school. It was always those arrogant spoiled Pure Bloods, who thought that they were a good bunch of people to talk to. Most of them were Slytherins because of their ambitious dreams and fantasies.
Tiredness and boredom were only a few of what describes Jeffrey's current mood. The people around the two seemed to go back to wherever they were before and to wherever they were heading leaving the two alone in the lake. That makes Jeffrey want to sleep even more. The air was definitely not helping. All Jeff wants to do is to relax. Relax himself for awhile to forget everything about him such as the fight between him and Sam, his missing the NY beaches and so much more. Jeff looked back at the girl's reflection. She was clearly enjoying the flower. Jeff doesn't know why though, maybe the girl like him is bored and just wants to relax and she can find amusement by smelling the scent of the little flower she was holding. Jeff rolled his eyes. Obviously, the girl hadn't saw that since she wasn't paying the least attention to Jeffrey, she was concentrating on smelling the flower instead. And why should she pay attention to Jeffrey when he did noting but observe that darn lake. Actually, no one could blame her and no one could blame Jeff for his action either. The female's words made Jeff smirk with anxiousness. He doesn't know Muggle and Non-muggle terms about this and that. It's just a word he often hears when someone is asking another person if they're still a first year. The words jumbled across his mind as he thought about it. He's no smart person so he doesn't really know what to answer. Getting bored by the thought, he just said the first thing that popped in his head. "I don't know. Maybe. Haven't heard of that word before?" He asked.

The girl's blood was obviously a Pureblood related one since from the look she was giving, she was unfamiliar of certain words that people always asks other people in the Muggle and the Wizardry World. When the girl asked him if he meant First Year, Jeff winced. Duh, was the word Jeff kept thinking when the girl said if freshman stands for First Year. "Yeah." Jeff said in reply to the girl's question. He hadn't said the Duh word since he wasn't in the mood for arguments. He nodded when the girl said she's one. Young, he thought. Later, the idea of introducing himself was coming right up in his mind. He was bored so no one could really blame him if all he says are lame sentences. "I'm Jeffrey Gershner, by the way. But I go by the name Jeff." He explained, reaching out his hand for the girl to shake.
With a certain frown, the small Gryffindor shook her head. That word was something that she never heard off when she talked with the magical people. They only said first year, second year, third year, etc. Alliyah knew all those ranks. From freshman then sophomore, junior and lastly senior. Those were only for those muggle people who studied in their school. Hogwarts had seven years for each student to learn about the world of magic and there were no alternative words for fifth up to the seventh. The boy was actually lucky today, for he got Alliyah to be his company. If someone even cold strode near him and actually reached the current part of their conversation, they would immediately sneer with disgust about his muggle knowledge. The description was absolutely similar to those prejudiced Slytherins, with their purpose in life to just show of their riches and blood status to those muggle borns. "Maybe twice or thrice. But I heard it in the muggle world. Never in the wizarding world." Commented the Gryffindor first year with a small feeling that the older guy would dislike her even more because of her smart comments about their world. Alliyah just spoke honestly, and she did not really mind if she had those enemies. Enemies are worth ignoring, and this guy was just nothing for Alliyah to be a snob with.

The foul mood that the boy gave her was something she did not really like. It was like a disease that was contaminating her precious bubbly personality. Usually, she'd just be the one who would comfort the other person. However the male was someone who she barely knew. Alliyah ignored the boy as he winced, by turning away from his direction with the look of blankness on her face. She did not really give a damn to this boy. He was in a sour mood and maybe a trip to the kitchens would make her feel even better. Unfortunately, his sharing his mood with me, Alliyah thought as she continued to stroke the flower. She put it down for a while, apparently done with the flower's presence. It already was tiring her own eyes. If she just brought her camera, she could maybe take pictures. Her valuable gadget was just in her trunk, still not touched by her ever since the start of the first semester. Alliyah suddenly heard his voice again and turned to him, detecting from her ears that he was introducing himself already. "Alliyah Jackson. Call me Ally." She replied as she shook the boy's hand.

Alliyah looked at the watch she had. The time was just so fast, that they were there already for thirty bloody minutes of torture. Hell, the boy's company was just sodding and it made her impatient with him. The chances of them being friends were quite slim, but that did not matter at the moment. Ally sighed as she put her wrist down. The silence was there, making the awkwardness even more prominent and noticeable than ever. Her companion seemed grumpy as of the moment and Alliyah decided to leave him alone, just so he can think properly. Maybe her company was messing him even more up. "It's quarter to five already. See you around the common room Jeff." Alliyah did not even flash a single smile at him, while she simply stood up and gave him a few seconds to respond as she dusted of her jeans. The small Gryffindor accompanied her farewell with a single nod and she tried giving him a weak smile. Her footsteps then headed to the Gryffindor common room to get some rest. Maybe there, her company would suit her better than this third year with a terrible mood that was flowing in his veins.

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