Reisha Messier

Reisha Messier

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
11 ¾ inch Birch wand with a Phoenix Feather core, inflexible
Reisha Serilda Messier

Name Meaning: Origin | First
Name Origin: English / Russian variant

Date of Birth:
January 16th 2029
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
School: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Hometown: Broxton , Oxford
Bloodstatus: halfblood

Books || sunshine || soft rain || snowflakes || the sound of laughter || dancing in her pyjamas when she thinks no one is looking || yoga || mindfulness || being with her friends || ballet || cats especially her cat Abysmal

dogs || mice || gerbils || liquorice || fast, loud music || muggle-borns expounding on everything muggle || pure-bloods expounding about how superior they are ||

General Information:
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 111 lbs
Hair: silver blonde
Eye Colour: blue
Sexual Orientation: hetrosexual

Distinctive Features:
- slender, graceful figure
- one runic tattoo on her back between her shoulder blades
- black mole on left shoulder
-gentle endearing voice

11 ¾ inch Birch wand with a Phoenix Feather core, inflexible

Phoenix tail feather

Phoenix tail feather is a popular wand core due to its versatility and power. Its main strength lies in Defense Against the Dark Arts, although its adaptability can wrench it to hexes and jinxes if need be. As with the dragon heartstring core, the phoenix core is common amongst Light Wizards, but its users are not necessarily Light Wizards. This core may specifically impede Dark spells, so it is not common amongst Slytherins. However, it is by far the most common Gryffindor wand core, and is not unusual amongst Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs.

Birch wood:

Although it has a reputation for weakness, in actuality birch is one of the finest Light wandwoods in existence. It is associated with both driving out evil spirits (and thus will produce a strong Patronus) and with healing magic.


The wizard with an inflexible wand will have more spell strength once he finally masters it. Rigid and inflexible wands are the hardest to master, but dependent on their core and wood, can be the most powerful.

Broom: Nimbus Swift 2

Academic Achievements:

OWLs: -
COMC - EE || Transfiguration - EE || Divination - A
History of Magic - EE || Charms - O || Herbology - EE
Muggle studies - A || DADA - O
Astronomy - EE || Potions - O

Boggart: thestrals
Amortentia aroma: lace, sea air, elderflowers

She is the only surviving child of Gregory and Carragh Walker and the only grandchild of Belladonna Fletcher and Carson Walker. Her paternal grandparents died before she ever got to know them but she has often heard many things about them. She grew up in Oxford with her parents and enjoyed a rather idyllic life. Her mother was a font of knowledge regarding magic from around the world and its history and was researching it for the English Ministry of Magic in order to compile a more comprehensive and factual account for the curriculum. Her father was a law enforcement office within the ministry and was well respected. Her mother died during child birth so Reisha never knew her but again, much like her grandparents, she was never short of stories about her mother - her father spoke about her every day as did her uncle who came to live with them when Reisha was still a baby.

To the best of her knowledge her father disliked his in-laws greatly because they were constantly trying to interfere with her upbringing, wanting her to attend the school in New Zealand instead of in Scotland. He refused to move her all the way there and also refused her leave to go and visit them on holidays - he was always afraid she would never come back to him. At the start of her fourth year news of her father’s death reached her. She returned to Oxford for the funeral but went directly back to school submerging herself in her school work.

She has been made aware that her uncle Leon is now her guardian and that her father’s last wish was that she move with him to New Zealand so that she have whatever family she has left to care for and support her. This she knows will mean she has to leave Hogwarts Scotland in the new school year of 2044 and she does not want to, she is absolutely dreading it!

GrandFather; Daniel Messier | half blood | deceased | Gryffindor Alumni | occupation: Healer
GrandMother; Marissa Burke | half blood | deceased | Hufflepuff Alumni | occupation: Alchemist
Father; Gregory Messier | half blood | deceased | Gryffindor Alumni | occupation: Magical Law Enforcement
Uncle/ Guardian; Leon Messier | half blood | alive | Gryffindor Alumni | occupation: Beast division of Control and Regulation of Magical Creatures

GrandMother; Belladonna Fletcher | half blood | home schooled | occupation: house wife
GrandFather; Carson Walker | half blood | Mahoutokoro Alumni | Gold robe | occupation: herbologist
Mother; Carragh Walker | half blood | deceased | Mahoutokoro Alumni | Gold robe | occupation: Global History of Magic researcher


Birthdate Symbols:

The Horned Sea Goat Is The Symbol For The Capricorn Astrology Sign

Birthday Tarot Card: The Tower. This card shows that some untoward happening may occur in your life but you need to learn from these situations. The Tower symbolizes the impermanence of not only physical structures but also of relationships or vocations in our lives. The positive elements of the card include overcoming catastrophe and confronting challenges; however, the Tower cautions against rising unjustifiably high, risking destruction at the hands of one’s own invention and succumbing to the lure of fanciful enterprises.

[li]high expectations</LI>
[li]strong moral attitude
[li]straight forward
[li]reliable for sound advice
[li] thoughtful
[li] responsible
[li]does not always know when to take chances
[li]inflexible where the feelings of others are concerned
[li]can suffer from an inferiority complex - constantly striving to prove her worth
[li]sometimes unrealistic expectations
<LI>[li]sees good and evil in very black and white terms

Goal: Fulfilment
Reisha craves a feeling of satisfaction in all she does, she likes to complete all endeavours but just as much as this she wants to know that she has done all in her power to realise her full potential, to fulfil her dreams and wishes.

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