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Crimson Sterling

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 ½ Inch Vine Wand with Imp Hide Core
Hey guys, so this is my newest First Year in like, a year? I forgot how exciting starting out was and it brings back so many memories. :wub:
Originally I wasn't going to post here, but I noticed that No one is nice enough to have an open RP. So, I had to resort to this to find people to role-play with.
Anyway, here we have the creature-loving Crimson. His name is made up of colours. Don't even ask why, just go with it. Instead we'll touch briefly about who he is, though he's still barely developed.</FONT></COLOR>
Crimson comes from Salem, Massachusetts where he grew up with his parents, Millicent and Walter, both magical folk with a shared interest in Magical Creatures. Walter works with dragons and other larger beasts whilst Millicent takes care of smaller stray or injured creatures and may possibly even breed some. Because of their interest, Crimson grew up seeing a lot of different kinds of beasts and ended up gaining an interest in them himself. His father's work also meant he was away a lot so he was mostly raised and has a stronger relationship with his mother. Also, originally meant to attend the Salem Witch Institute, Crimson ended up moving to New Zealand and applied for the Hogwarts branch there.

Though Crimson had a mostly magical upbringing, he did have a few Muggle friends that he played with when he was younger, but does find them kind of silly and weird due to them lacking magical abilities, but he's young and doesn't really understand it too well.

As a person, Crimson enjoys learning new things and can be pretty intelligent, within his age standards (Durp, he's a Ravie) but is still rather naive and tends to go along with other people on dumb little adventures that probably wouldn't end too well from the start, so I can see him being influenced by troublemakers. He's especially eager to do something if it involves a creature. "Oh, come on Crimson, lets sneak into the Forbidden Forest, maybe we'll see a centaur." He's also a little self-conscious and worries over the most unimportant things.
Crimson will befriend anybody nice enough to talk to him and is easy to get along with, but will at least try to avoid anyone he witnesses be outright nasty to others. Interest wise, Crimson would enjoy a bit of reading by himself, but would prefer mucking around with friends and spending time outdoors or finding something to do to pass the time. I believe he'll get into flying once lessons start up and might even try for the Quidditch team when the time comes. He'd also have a bit of a creative side and may frequently draw.
If any of his friends, or even strangers have their pets with them, Crimson's attention may tend to drift more towards them than the actual person.

Crimson's cousins also attend Hogwarts New Zealand, Turquoise and Lilac, so he has some family there as well.​
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So yeah, that's about him so far. My last characters group of friends consisted 99% of females, so if I had a preference I'd rather try a male group of friends with fewer female friends. I don't want outright enemies straight up just yet, I don't know how I could keep a role-play going as him yet if its one on one hatred, but some hostility in a group would be fine. No love interest just yet either, he's only eleven. :lol:

I have exactly what you are looking for :D !
A male friend is in need for Eugene too because most of the charries I have so far planned to RP with are gals :r and most Hufflepuffs tend to be shy so none will venture with him into the forest (and that is quite sad because Eugene loves adventure).So here is a bit of Background on him.

He was born and brought up in a muggle suburb on the outskirts of Glasgow,Scotland.His father William Smythe was an Auror and his mother Mary Ravenheart-Smythe was a house wife and they were quite well off.They lived in a manor with Eugene's grandmother Alice Smythe.However, when Eugene was only 8 years old his mother went missing and soon after his father initiated a search for his mother and after a few months he went missing too.

After that his grandma looked after Eugene but he ended up learning how to do all sorts of housework without magic including cooking,which he loves.In his free time he liked to wander the woods behind their manor house and he learned how to hunt animals with a bow and arrow and can also identify many different types of herbs and magical plants.He also liked to ride his father's old broom and he learned how to fly on it.He also played pranks on the muggle children sometimes because he didn't have any friends to play with and he was bullied by some of them.

So generally Eugene is friendly,intelligent but not bookish,a prankster,adventurous and a bit mean sometimes.He likes reading,flying broomsticks,muggle music and cooking.He wants to learn everything there is to magic and then he wants to become an Auror like his father.

And also if we do end up in the forest we should roughly plan the rp out so that we know what trouble we will end up in xD

So tell me whatcha think kay?

Oh, he's perfect! :woot:
How/where would you like them to meet? We'll wait a little bit and see how they go before charging straight off into the forest, especially unprepared. :lol:
Hmm thats true xD ....maybe they could meet in the Great Hall or one of the corridors and start talking! I think it would be better if we make a lot of conversation and keep the RPs to two or three medium paragraphs so we can make quick replies ^_^ Its just a suggestion though...
Probably a corridor would be easier because they'd be at totally different tables if they were sitting around in the Great Hall, plus role-playing in areas with food and/or eating is starting to annoy me because people do they whole "unlimited food and drink" thing. :lol:
I'm fine with however long or short you want posts to be. Quality over quantity. :)
Did you want to start or should I?
Okies ^_^ I think you should cause i'm just going for lunch right now xD
Alright, I'll get on it in a minute.
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