Rebecca Gemstone

Rebecca Gemstone

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
The Basics
Character's Name: Rebecca Gemstone
Character's Birthdate: August 29 2017
Hometown: N/A
Blood Status: (Not sure yet)
Wand: Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Hair: Long kinda wavy, she likes to wear it down most of the time. Blonde
Eyes: They go between light and dark green.
Height: about 5 foot
Style: She generally wears what ever she feels like wearing that day.
Other Distinguishing Features: N/A
A Little Deeper
Personality: Rebecca is angry quite a bit of the time. She is angry at the world and everyone on it because of her parent's deaths. Things generally have to go her way or she'll throw a fit. She is very loyal to her friends but will probably act much different in front of lots of people than when alone. She is trying to be nicer to people know that she has realized what she's doing, but could use a little help sometimes.
History: Rebecca grew up with her brother Paul in a orphan edge in a small New Zealand town. She loves her brother and looks up to him a lot. They made the most of there childhood without there parents. They found company in each other and were bonded by the death of there parents.
~Paul Gemstone (older brother)
Age: 12
Occupation: Hogwarts Student (Slytherin)
Blood Status: ? (Not positive)
Rebecca and Paul have a good relationship they are close in age and get along fairly well. All they really have is each other so they are pretty close. They also enjoy a lot of the same things and act in the same ways making it easier to understand one another.

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