Reading up

Logan Stone

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Laura :D
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2" Tail of Charmed Newt
Logan sat by the lake front with a book in his hands. He was making the most of the good weather and sunshine by studying outside. He was sat on a large boulder with his legs crossed underneath him. He knew that he should maybe step back from studying a little bit more because that had been the reason why he and Lily had broken up but the harder he worked in school the better his grades would be. Once he left school he wouldnt need to studying again and he could focus more on other things, but until then he was making sure he was up to date on his learning and homework.

The wind blew pas him and threw his hair which sent a chill down his spine so he placed own his book and pulled on his jumper to keep him a little warmer. Even though the sun was out the wind as still chilly. Once his jumper was on he piked up his book again and began to read
Izzy had been walking aimlessly around the lake in no real hurry at all. It was a nice sunny day and she wanted to make the most of it by being outside. she didnt have any place that she needed to be at a certain time so could spend the day as she pleased. She had nearly completed walking around the lake when she saw a boy probably younger than herself, from the way he looked.She walked over to were he was sat, "can i sit here?" she said looking over his shoulder and noticing that he was studying.
Logan looked up when he heard someone talking to him. He smiled as he saw a girl asking him if he could sit down. As Logan wasn't one of those mean people who would tell her to go away and find her own place to sit down he nodded "Yeah sure thing." He said scooting over to he side to give her room to sit down. "Im Logan" He said introducing himself as he closed his book and placed it on the dry ground

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