Rayn Jung

Rayn Jung

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OOC First Name

the basics*
Character's Name - - Rayn Jung (English),
Jung Young-Jae (Korean)

Character's Birthdate - - 26th April
Hometown - - Paris, France
Blood Status - - Muggle-born
Educated At - - Beauxbatons
Occupation - - Student

Hair - -
[sub]Rayn is born with jet black locks but he frequently charms his hair into various shades or browns and blondes. Dark hair doesn't particularly suit his skin tone nor his personality, or so he thinks. Occasionally, he will sport his dark locks depending on his mood. [/sub]
Eyes - -
[sub] Rayn has large round eyes, inherited from his father's side. His eyes are a deep shade of brown like his mother's and can easily be mistaken for being black. For the sake of fashion, he is seen sometimes sporting the occassional glasses. He saw it being done once in a muggle magazine one of his sister's owned (Vogue, it was called) and have taken a liking to it since.[/sub]
Height - -
[sub]Rayn isn't very tall, standing at only five-feet-seven. Despite living in France where the average height is at least five-feet-nine, he doesn't mind being below average height. However his height does sneak up on him from time to time, especially if he's stuck in a crowd and is trying to look for someone.[/sub]
Style - -
[sub] For the most part, Rayn is a T-shirt-and-Jeans kind of guy in the Muggle. He likes to keep his shirts relatively simple but his pants very edgy with shredded or washed out jeans. His style is casual but edgy, fitting his lean and tone build very well. He usually incorporates sunglasses and a simple cross necklace into the look for a well rounded appeal but that's as far as he goes with accessories aside from the occasional typical Parisian scarf look. In Beauxbatons, aside from the usual school robes, he likes to bright coloured wizarding robes. [/sub]
Other Distinguishing Features - -
[sub] Rayn is a lover of tattoos and has one on his body. It is of very simple star tattoed below his collar bone and near his heart. This represents that to all whom he loves, he cherishes them like a star. [/sub]

a little deeper*
Personality - -
[sub]Upon first glance, Rayn is said to possess a cool outer exterior which many people often mistake for arrogance and aloofness. However this isn't the case at all. He is just shy upon the first meeting and is never the one to be the first at initiating a conversation. He also wouldn't be the first to smile or wave at you if you happen to pass him by in the hallways unless you and him are relatively close. Though once you get to know him, you'll find that he's actually quite a funny and laid back guy with a big heart. He loves a good laugh and is usually known as the eccentric of the group. He has a playful and childish streak about him and loves to have a good time. Talking about nonsensical, random things and telling jokes is all part of his norm.

The only time that you can ever see him being serious is during his studies as he takes his education very seriously. Rayn is a perfectionist above all else and tries his hardest in everything he does. He doesn't settle for mediocre success when he knows he can achieve higher. He sets high expectations for himself, so high that sometimes it borders the line of impossibility because that's exactly how far he will go to perfection. When he does not meet his expectations, he falls into a small lapse of depression for awhile. Truth be told, Rayn isn't the smartest but he still does his best. His favourite subject is Charms with his least being History of Magic.

Rayn is a particularly forgetful guy so despite his rigorious studying, he usually only manages to barely scrape an E in his exams. He is also known to be No to mention, he is also is a huge klutz. Even on perfectly even land, he is able to trip over his feet and fall flat onto the ground face first. He refrains from associating himself with fragile objects as he knows the odds of him breaking it is always in his favour.

Rayn is also a part of a very musically inclined family. He has had his fair taste of music in his life and is able to play several musical instruments under the wish of his parents. Of them all, his particular favourite is the piano. He enjoys how it can sound low and rich yet be able to resonate into something soft and gentle. He feels that the piano simple represents him as a person. Loud but gentle at times.

Loyalty and trust are the two things he values the most in any relationship, be it family, friends or more. If you tell him a secret, his lips are sealed. Even in the most dire circumstances, he will never betray one's secrets. Rayn knows that such ways could lead to terrible consequences but he is willing to accept it. Rayn is the type of person who easily places his trust in anyone, therefore making him an easy target for betrayal. If in any case you do lose his trust, you have been warned. Rayn can be a good friend but a bad enemy.

Rayn had known that ever since he was young, he was more attracted to guys than girls. He could appreciate their beauty but not one girl has ever caught his attention. He has been on several dates although nothing has ever progressed further than a kiss here and a touch there. Despite this, Rayn will not rule out the possibility of ever marrying a girl. Perhaps he hasn't found the right one yet, that's why he hasn't felt anything for the ones in the past. He calls himself a bisexual but prefers men slightly over girls. He came out to his parents the year before and they were appalled at first but slowly eased into the idea they may have a possibility not ever having grandchildren from him. He hasn't told many people, aside from his family and closest friends, about his sexual orientation. It isn't that he would mind people knowing, it's just that "Hey! I'm bisexual!" is not exactly a good conversation starter.[/sub]

Special Talents/Abilities - -
[sub]Rayn is about as talented as a dead fish. The only thing that can be considered a talent about him is that he can sing. His vocals falls between a tenor and a soprano. Singing to Rayn is more of a therapy than anything. Music had been his life for over a decade and it has something he'd always turn to when he needed a sense of escape from reality, to make sense of what is and what was and what isn't. He knew that just about anyone could play anything if given the proper training but not everyone can sing. Singing made him feel closer to music in ways an instrument couldn't. Instead of being an extension of him, it was already part of him.

Also, being of Korean heritage and living in Paris, Rayn is naturally multilingual. He is able to speak in Korean, English and French. He switches between the three easily and finds no problem adjusting to situations that requires him speaking either of them.[/sub]

History - -
[sub]On April 26th, 16 years ago, the Jung family was blessed with a beautiful baby boy and they knew a first sight that this boy would be special. It hadn't been raining properly in the last few months and France desperately trying to harvest what was left of its vineyard. Amazingly enough, hours after Rayn was born, the first sign of rain had begun to show. His parents were stupefied at such a coincidence and proudly (and ironically) named their youngest child "Rayn" as a symbol of hope and happiness.

Rayn is the baby of the family. However, aside from his father, he is the only male of the family. Due to his job, his father was never a strong figure in his life and took more to his sisters and his mother than anyone else in the world. As the years passed, Rayn grew into a effiminate-looking young man. This had brought on many insulting remarks from the kids around him. Rayn knew not to listen to them but it didn't stop him from feeling every prickle of the words. It during this time when Rayn had just begun to discover the solace he received from music.

At the tender age of eleven, he was more than elated to see that he was part of Beauxbatons. He was finally able to escape the kids and their constant bullying. One of his older sisters (the third one) who is 2 years older than him was also a Beauxbatons student and he had heard many wonderful stories about the school from her. Aside from his sister and him, the rest of the family were muggles. Their parents were more than happy to know that not only do they have a witch in the house, they now had a wizard too.

When Rayn first arrived in Beauxbatons, he was immensely shy and had a hard time making friends. It was an after effect from the bullying back home. He had a low self-esteem and being surrounded by strangers only caused him to worry more. His sister, despite being 2 grades apart, tried her best to help him. In the end, he warmed up to his surroundings and has been more than happy ever since. He has managed to secure good grades and made some pretty good friends over the years. All in all, he is happy... for now. [/sub]

Family - -
[sub] Han Su-Yeong
45, mother, muggle music teacher

Jung Gi-Kwang
52, father, muggle music producer

Francesca Jung, Jung So-Hyang
24, older sister, muggle university graduate

Amelia Jung, Jung Sun-Mi
22, older sister, muggle university student

Rochealle Jung, Jung Ri-Na
18, older sister, Beauxbatons graduate [/sub]

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