Raylee Colette Lagowski

Raylee Lagowski

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OOC First Name
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Straight 15 1/2 Inch Sturdy Acacia Wand with Veela Hair Core
4/2029 (28)

R A Y L E E ;; L A G O W S K I
B u r s t i n g  t h r o u g h  a  b l o o d  r e d  s k y...

[FULL NAME] Raylee Colette Lagowski
[FORENAME] Raylee is a Modern English combination of the names Ray and Lee. Ray is a nickname for Raymond
meaning "advice; protector" and Lee is an Old English name meaning "meadow." Following Reuben and Rudolf,
Raylee's parents wished to continue naming their children with the letter 'R'. Not particularly fond of standard and
common names, 'Raylee' seemed to fit perfectly.

[MIDDLE NAME] Colette is a French name meaning "necklace". Raylee was given this middle name after her

[SURNAME] Lagowski is a Polish surname, and is likely to derive from one of the many villages in Poland called Lagow.
The name came from her Father, who is half Polish, though has never himself lived in Poland.

[NICKNAMES] Raylee has two commonly used nicknames: Ray, and Lee. As such, it is often assumed before meeting her
that she is going to be male. Raylee is not overly fond of her full name and will request (or demand) that she be called Ray
by her peers.

[ALIAS] None.
[DATE OF BIRTH] April 27th 2029 (age 10)
[PLACE OF BIRTH] Burdett, Schuyler County, New York (home birth).
[WEIGHT] Seven pounds three ounces.
[TIME OF BIRTH] Roughly four PM.
[COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE] United States of America
[STATE] New York.
[HOUSE] Swallow Barn. The barn is set in the Burdett countryside, in the middle of several acres of farmland. There are
only four bedrooms for seven people, but being the only female child, Raylee has her own room. (click to see inside).

[PREVIOUS LOCATIONS] None. Raylee has always lived at her current residence.
[HERITAGE] 25% Polish, 75% American.
[DIALECTS] American English only.
[RACE] Caucasian.
[EDUCATION] Home Schooled
[HOGWARTS HOUSE] N/A (no preference).
[BLOOD STATUS] Mixed blood
[OPINIONS] Raylee is not prejudice against any types of blood status. She has been raised to treat everyone equally.
[ORIENTATION] Undecided.
[WAND] Not Allowed Yet
[WAND HAND] Right.


A P P E A R A N C E ;; F A S H I O N
I t ' s  e n o u g h  t o  l o s e  y o u r  h e a d...

"I get two comments a lot. The first is, "Wow, you're a girl?", and the second is, "How come you're ginger when your
brothers aren't?". Like, do they think I don't get asked that every day? Yeah, I'm a girl. Girls can be called Ray, too. And I'm
ginger because my parents carry the genes and I guess I just lost the genetic lottery."
- Raylee describing her appearance.

[HEIGHT] 4"10 (still growing)
[COMMENTS] Raylee is currently the same height as her older brothers, which she finds particularly amusing since they
try to treat her like a younger sibling.

[WEIGHT] Average For Height (still growing)
[EYE COLOUR] Blue-Hazel
[VISION] Perfect (20/20).
[STYLE] Naturally wavy, with bangs.
[LENGTH] Long.
[TEXTURE] Thick, soft.
[GENERAL] Very pale freckles on cheeks and arms.
[SCARS] None noticeable.
[TATTOOS] None, with no plans to get any.
[PIERCINGS] Same as above.
[MAKEUP] Too young to care.


P E R S O N A L I T Y ;; I D E A L S
D i s a p p e a r  a n d  n o t  r e t u r n  a g a i n...

"I admit, I do like to be in charge. But in a house full of boys, it's the best way to get things done. Someone has to keep
things in order, and my Mom relies on me to be that person. If that makes me bossy, then whatever. I don't really care what anyone
thinks. I'm a hard worker, but I snap at people quite easily when they irritate me. Which is lot. Yeah, I'm talking about you,
brothers. Oh, and I hate it when I'm treated like I'm so much younger than Reuben and Rudolf. They're only a year older, but they
make out I can't do anything for myself. It's seriously infuriating."
- Raylee, aged 10, describing her personality.

"Raylee is... full of life. I think she tends to believe she can face everything by herself, which is extremely courageous, but also
a little foolhardy at times. Once she has her sights set on something, she'll never stop fighting for it, but she's hesitant about
making big decisions. Perhaps it scares her. I can't really tell - she doesn't talk to me about her feelings. Other than that, she
often acts on impulse, striving for what she wants right now rather than weighing up her options.
Raylee's a lovely girl, but she does find it difficult to make friends. Her personality can be a little... overpowering. Especially
to those who haven't had a chance to get to know her better. But to those she cares deeply about, I've never known such a
fiercely loyal and dependable girl. The needs of others seem to take priority to her, even when attending to them puts her own
aside. Fortunately, she knows how to say "no" when asked to do something she's uncomfortable with. I'm proud of her for that.
If there was one thing Raylee could work to improve, it would be her attitude. She's very defensive when faced with situations
that might reveal sensitive emotions. This means that whenever she's hurt, scared, or otherwise, she immediately adopts a
sarcastic, snappy attitude and hides her real feelings behind the bravado."
- Thalia (Mother), aged 42, describing her personality.

"Raylee haaates it when I call her my little sister. Or when I call her Raylee. Or basically when I go anywhere near her. But
that's OK because we don't let her into the boys' play fort. She nags everyone to do their chores, just like Mom. Although to be
honest, she's really good fun when she plays our games with us. She's super duper creative and doesn't mind getting all muddy.
Not like most girls. Actually, she's pretty cool to hang out with. But don't tell her I said that."
- Reuben (Brother), aged 12, describing her personality.

L I K E S ;; D I S L I K E S
Y o u  a r e  t h e  p o r t  o f  m y  c a l l...

[WHY?] It's the colour of denim and water, both of which are things she likes. It's also not too girly, and a pleasant colour to look at.

[FAVOURITE FOOD] Macaroni Cheese


[WHY?] The days are longer, and working on the farm on early summer mornings can actually be enjoyable.

[FAVOURITE WEATHER] Cool and sunny, or light rain
[WHY?] Though Raylee likes the summer, she does not like getting hot and sweaty the moment she steps outside. She also loves the
refreshing smell of rain on grass and concrete.

[FAVOURITE TIME] Early Afternoon
[WHY?] This tends to be the time Raylee finishes her chores (until the evening), so it's the best time of day for playing games and having fun.

[WHY?] Whilst horses are a lot of work to look after, they're the one animal Raylee gets something back from. She has been able to ride horses
since she could walk.

Y o u  s h o t  a n d  l e a v i n g  m e  r a w ...

[WHY?] It's much too harsh, and also the colour of blood.

[WORST FOOD] Oatmeal


[WHY?] The days are short, the ground is frozen, the harvests are bad, and doing chores in the ice and snow is awful.

[WHY?] See above.

[WORST TIME] Evening
[WHY?] Though Raylee does not mind working hard, having chores to do in the evening when she's already tired makes her cranky.

[WHY?] Snakes tend to hide in the long grass, which makes farm work a little scary sometimes.

W A N T S ; & ; F E A R S
N o w  I  k n o w  y o u ' r e  a m a z i n g...
<FONT font="georgia"><FONT font="georgia"><FONT font="georgia"><SIZE size="50"><FONT font="georgia"><SIZE size="50">


Death of a family member


Being left out

Growing old

[th colspan="5"]5 Biggest Fears[/th]

Raylee has never lost anyone particularly close to her, but, much as she would deny it, she does depend on her family for
emotional support. If one of her parents or brothers passed away, it would completely break not only Raylee, but also her entire

Working on a farm means that Raylee encounters many snakes, and though she herself has not been bitten, she has
watched her father get bitten by one. As such, she is phobic of snakes, and will avoid walking in long grass or heavy undergrowth
where possible.

Raylee thrives on company. She works best in a group, and is happiest when in charge of it. If she were to be shunned from
social situations by her peers, she would be completely distraught.

Although she isn't yet sure of what she wishes to do with her life, Raylee fears that she will not have enough time to get it
done before she gets old.

The barn Raylee and her family live in is inhabited by quite a few different spiders. She's not phobic of them as such, but will
refuse to enter a room with one in until it has been disposed of because they creep her out.


To succeed

To find herself

To learn magic

To make friends

To find love
[th colspan="5"]5 Strongest Desires[/th]

Even though she doesn't yet know what she wants to be successful at, it is one of Ray's biggest desires to be good at what
she chooses to do. She cannot give something half of her effort - if she doesn't consider herself a success, she will improve what she's
doing until she does.

This goes hand in hand with success. Raylee would like to know her place in the world, and hopes to discover that once she
attends Hogwarts New Zealand.

Raylee hopes that in learning magic, she will come to discover her true passion. It's also exciting, and she is envious that
her older brothers get to start learning magic before her.

Since she is currently home educated, Raylee only has her family to call her friends. As a girl who thrives on company, she is
eager to make her first friends at Hogwarts.

Finding love is a long term desire. It could be debated that this is actually a desire to be loved, or even a fear of not being


F A M I L Y ; & ; H I S T O R Y
C a u s e  a l l  I  n e e d  i s  t h e  l o v e  y o u  b r e a t h e...
<SIZE size="50"><COLOR color="#705E52"><COLOR color="#705E52"><COLOR color="#705E52"><COLOR color="#705E52"><COLOR color="#705E52">

Name: Nathaniel Lagowski
Relation: Father
Age: 37
Occupation: Farmer
Blood Status: Mixed Blood

Name: Thalia Lagowski
Relation: Mother
Age: 35
Occupation: Farmer
Blood Status: Half Blood

Name: Reuben Lagowski
Relation: Brother
Age: 12
Occupation: Student
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Name: Rudolf Lagowski
Relation: Brother
Age: 12
Occupation: Student
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Name: Stella Lagowski
Relation: Cousin
Age: 12
Occupation: Student
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
[th colspan="5"]Family (in progress)[/th]

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