Randy Scott Bourne

Randy Bourne

Active Member
OOC First Name

Full Name:
Randy Scott Bourne

Date of Birth:
1 April 2018

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
- Randy has black hair and brown eyes. He also has a bright smile when when he does smile. he is quite short for his age He is of average build and has a light tan.

- Randy has a mental disorder called 'Intermittent Explosive Disorder' or 'IED' which causes him to go into rages with very little provocation. He is extremely clever and cunning and knows how to turn things to his advantage. He can sometimes come off as arrogant but it's just because he's confident in himself and his abilities. He hates having to wait for anything and is protective of those close to him.

- Mother: Roimata Lorna Bourne, Muggle, 35 Years Old.
- Father: Ryan Aaron Bourne, muggle, 35 Year old
- Brother: Xander Michael Bourne, muggle, 13 Years old.

- a tortoise shell cat called Apache which he is going to take to hogwarts with him

Area of Residence:
- Paparoa, Northland, New Zealand. It's a small village 55 minutes out of Whangarei

Blood Status:
- Muggleborn

- part New Zealand Maori part NZ European

Special Abilities:
- n/a

Interests or Hobbies:
- Quidditch
- swimming
- fishing

Additional Skills:
- none of as yet

- Confident
- Outgoing
- Caring

- has a few problems with his temper
- reckless.
- stubborn

Describe your character in three words:
Good, Cunning, Intelligent

Favourite place to be:
Anywhere near the water because he finds the water peaceful and a good place to relax.

- he has few friends but he is going the miss his muggle friend, John Ferguson

Hogwarts House:

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- To be the head boy or quidditch captain

Best school subjects:
- potions possibly

Worst school subjects:
- charms maybe

Extracurricular Activities:
- quidditch,

- n/a

Current Job:
- n/a

Plans for your future:
- to become a auror

Your Patronus:
- a viper, Randy has always been obsessed with snakes

Your Patronus memory:
- Finding out he was a wizard and getting his letter

Your Boggart:
- being rejected by all his friends

Your Animagus:
- a viper again

Mirror of Erised:
- being free from the problems of his disorder

A page from your diary:
Dear Diary,

I am so sick of being seen as the problem child at home because I have IED. It doesn't mean I'm any less of a person, does it? I'm just a specail person. I didn't mean to hurt my little brother's arm, I can't control my aggression when I have an attack. I really hate being the one with a mental disorder in the family. I feel like I'm a stranger in my own home.

But guess what I found out today? I'm a wizard and I've been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry New Zealand. Of course mum and dad are not sure if it is safe to send me because of you know what. I'm going though and I can't wait.

>>>Randy S. Bourne
I thought that I would ask you some questions regarding your character.

1. How does he like his middle name?
2. What kind of style does he wear?
3. How did he discover that he had this mental disorder?
4. How does he feel to be a muggle-born Slytherin?
5. How does his family feel about having a wizard in the family?
6. If he were to try out for Quidditch, what position would he play?
7. Does he have any siblings?
8. How well does he get along with his peers?
1) He doesn't mind it, he sometimes prefers it over his first name
2) He normally wears t-shirts and jeans and hoodies. He usually dresses very casually
3) He found out about his disorder after he had his first attack when he was nine and broke his brother's arm. He was diagnosed after that.
4) He feels out of place because of his blood status and that he is judged unfairly because of it.
5) His mother doesn't mind either way because he is her son and nothing is going to change that, His father is a bit wary of it but he is more worried of Randy losing control when he has an episode and Randy's brother thinks it's cool.
6) If he was to try out he would try out as a beater.
7) He has a younger brother, Xander
8) He tries to get along with his peers but it is hard when he tends to withdraw himself because he is scared of hurting someone in an attack.

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