Raleigh Rhodes

Ebony wood, dragon heartstring, 12'', springy
The Basics
Character's Name: Raleigh Cathleen Rhodes
Character's Birthdate: September 27, 2020
Hometown: Melbourne, Australia
Blood Status: Muggle Born
Wand: Ebony wood, dragon heartstring, 12'', springy
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor

Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'0''
Other Distinguishing Features:
A Little Deeper

Personality: Raleigh is very honest and doesn't care if anyone finds her comments offensive. She's been taught that honesty is the best policy and that it's better to insult someone than to lie to them. As a result, Raleigh can be utterly brutal when one asks her a question. In addition, she's very talkative and rather tactless. She is prone to blurting her thoughts out, occasionally offending others. Raleigh will also give her opinion whether its asked for or not whenever she feels the need to.

As a result of her upbringing, she is also very open and trusting. Secrets are a foreign concept to her, and she keeps very few, if any. Raleigh sees no shame in telling people things about herself that are normally considered private, and she doesn't understand why other keep things to themselves. She's rather used to people always telling the truth, so most of the time, she'll believe whatever someone says unless it's blatantly obvious that s/he is lying.

Raleigh has a love for the arts, both visual and spoken. Drawing is her sanctuary, and she can lose herself in her art. However, Raleigh keeps this hidden because she's afraid her parents will find it a waste of her time and make her stop. This has plagued her as she sometimes wonders if keeping her art secret is considered a form of lying. However, she loves it too much to stop. Raleigh also enjoys debating for the sake of debating and will sometimes provoke others into a debate on purpose.

However, she can't stand to lose. At all. If she does lose, she will insist that the winner cheated and make dirty comments. Raleigh's not a great winner either as she will constantly remind those who lost that she's the "best". Despite her love for winning, she refuses to stoop to lying or cheating. This hatred for losing probably stems from the fact that she's been spoiled by her parents. Raleigh's used to getting whatever she wants and having them do things for her. She is also very narcissistic and believes herself to be the best at whatever she does.

Another one of her flaws is that she's irresponsible. One cannot count on her for anything. Promises and such usually slip her mind. Raleigh's continually late to school, and if one wishes to meet with her, s/he should count on her being at least ten minutes late. She also doesn't plan ahead and believes in living in the present. Raleigh doesn't have much self-control and will prefer anything that results in instant gratification.

Warm colors
Rebelling against her parents
Lemon-flavored anything
Substitute teachers

Tree nuts and peanuts-- She's allergic.
Her glasses-- She tries to wear only contacts even though they make her eyes itch.
Open bodies of water-- She can't swim.
Bugs, rodents, and anything that's creepy
People who incorrectly pronounce her name
Her middle name
Being told "no"

Talking—She can be very persuasive and is a wonderful debater.
Creative and imaginative—Her imagination is huge, and she love channeling this through her art.
Artistic—She draws very well. She wishes she could paint as well, but she would have trouble hiding an easel.
Honest—If she says something, it’s almost always the truth.
Lively—She’s definitely enthusiastic, and her energy seems to be endless.
Confident—She believes in herself. A lot. Annoyingly so.

Sweets—She’ll do practically anything for them.
Easily trusts others—Unless a person’s blatantly lying, she’ll trust him/her.
Lazy—She much prefers to daydream and isn’t hardworking at all.
Unathletic —Her stamina is awful, and she’s very clumsy. However, she does enjoy sprinting because it makes her feel like she’s flying.
Loose-tongued —She’ll tell you the truth even if it hurts. A lot.
Lying —She couldn’t lie to save her life. It’s very obvious when she tries.
Water— She can’t swim, and she’s terrified she’ll drown.
Bugs and rodents—They creep her out. The more legs, the worse.
The Story Behind It All

History:(How did your character grow up? Where? How did they enjoy their childhood? Anything interesting happen to them? How did they first learn about magic?)

Lisa Rhodes
46 || Attorney || Muggle

Arthur Rhodes
48 || Attorney || Muggle

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