
Ravynn Mandy

Well-Known Member
Curved 8 1/2 Inch Whippy Yew Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Ravynn Mandy wasn't often anywhere other then the library, so it was really no surprise when she found herself heading towards the back of the shelves for a nice and quiet place to read. Though the library was normally quiet anyway, she found that towards the front of the library, there tended to be some noise from the continuous comings and goings of different people. Though a second year, Ravynn was sure she had not made anywhere near as many friends as she possibly could have. She knew maybe three people with any certainty. Most others annoyed her greatly in some way and she would often wish them to disappear. Though that was not likely to happen. Her brother was her greatest challenge of course, though they were in separate houses which did give her time away. Still, she often wondered what kind of trouble he was getting into without her guidance. He had a loud mouth and a temper to match at the best of times, what else was she to think? She supposed he could have grown up some at this point, but there was no guarantee of that at all. Shaking her head and heading deeper into the library, Ravynn continued her search for a quiet space before coming upon a place surrounded by walls of books. They were not on shelves, but that mattered little to her. She had homework to complete, she couldn't do that in the confines of the common room, as the noise was too much for her. Silence was her friend.

Pulling her homework from her bag, Ravynn made herself comfortable and set herself to her work. There were a couple of books she would need to find as well, so she decided that after she had made herself comfortable she would move around the shelves to find what she sought. She was sure they would be here, as she had waited a little longer then she should have to do the assignment. Still, most would have done it earlier and so maybe this meant she would be better off to find the books. So long as they had been returned of course.
Mason Greene made sure that his hair was neatened. So far, he had a similar style to his brother, but since he wanted something that he could use to tell them apart, he cut his hair and it was shorter and a lot worse than he wanted. Over the break, he got it fixed thanks to his uncle. Now, it looked normal but with a little layering. Matt's was longer and a little less tamed. Either way, Mason was just glad to be looking back to normal! The third year Hufflepuff had some essays to work on, so he walked toward the Library. This was one of the days where he did not have either Snow twin hooked onto his arm. It was a rare sight indeed! As he entered the library, silence welcomed him greatly, which got under his skin a little bit. But, he needed some books. He had to go through this, and he had to be a man! He walked through the shelves, looking for one that he needed. As he walked through one shelf, he noticed a second year girl in his house, but she looked to be studying. Smiling, he passed her and over to the shelf on the other side.

Ah! He found the book he needed! However, it was all the way on the top shelf. Seeing as the summoning spell might have worked, Mason did not even think of it. He instead climbed on top of a chair to reach it, but he was still a couple feet from the top shelf. Oh bugger, this would not do. Mason climbed a little higher, using the tip of his shoes onto the next shelf up. This was a really bad idea, but he did it. He reached for the book and he had it within his hands! He beamed as he held it close to him. However, his foot slipped and down he went. "AAAAIIIIYEEEEEEE!" Mason yelled as he fell onto his back, with a couple of other books falling around him. He was just amazed that he managed to break the silence with a yell like that, but it was out of instinct. He flushed a brilliant red when he looked to the side and saw some students giggling and pointing at him.

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