Quinn Star

Quinn Star

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OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn

Full Name: Quinn Angelus Star
Nickname(s): Bookworm (by McKayla, his fiancé)
Etymology & How The Name Fits: Quinn’s name is one that is much better suite for someone else. It means that he should be bubbly, spontaneous, and more or less happy. Quinn, however, is very reserved and almost on the boring side of things. Being serious was not in the psychologists description of his name. The one thing that the shrink did get right was his intelligence, because he exceeds in many things that are school related or even book relate.
A full 'psychoanalysis ' of Quinn’s name, can be found here
Date of Birth: February 29th
Hometown: Dublin, Ireland


Hair Color and Style: Quinn’s hair is shaggy and black-brown. In his opinion, the description stops there. However, it has a silky texture and is well taken care of. He does not spend much time on his hair, but knows what kind of organic products work and what don’t. Quinn used to have very short, almost buzzed hair until he started hearing he looked like his father. This made Quinn want to rebel in his own way, and he began growing his hair out. He h asn’t had a haircut in almost two years now, and is going to continue growing it. He finds that it is much easier to just leave it be then cut it once every four or five months, and for him, convenience is key.

Eyes: when looking into Quinn’s eyes, unless you stare har, his pupils are not visible. They are a dark black color, though flecks of almost chocolate brown can be seen upon further inspection. They are not a hard black color, but rather soulful, though without much emotion behind them. His eyes hold a serious tone to them at almost all times. They are very much like his mothers eyes. They are almost almond shaped and wide, with a slight droop in the outer corners. His eyelashes are thicker than most men’s, and are almost girly. Something he would get picked on sometimes.

Body Type, Height, and Weight: Quinn is tall and slender. Because he does not avidly work out or go to the gym, he has little to no muscle tone in his body, other than his legs. They are toned, but not massive from running for so many years. His height comes from his dad, and he stands at about 6’ tall. He weighs in at only 154 pounds, due to the fact that he is so skinny. Some people used to think he was anorexic, though he just has a fast metabolism.

Complexion and Skin Type: Quinn’s skin, like his mothers, is tinted a dark color. His mother was Indian, which is the cause of that. He has small pours and smooth skin, which has led to few and far apart break outs. He no longer suffers from the minor ones that he used to have and has not really paid attention to the ones he still gets from stress. Because of the Irish heritage on his father’s side, Quinn tends to burn easily. This may have led to his reclusive attitude and love of books.

Smile: Quinn has a very toothy grin, and tends to smile often. He smiles when he reads books, being so entranced by them that he gets into the humor. He also smiles with his eyes as well, like little lights that dance behind the orbs. Sometimes, on days when its on his mind or around his slightly judgmental fiancé McKayla, he tends to hide his overly-sharp canines from view, being a bit self-conscience of them

Scars: When Quinn was about eight he fell out of a tree. Coming down hard on his left leg he shattered the tibia. He was taken in for surgery and now has a rod and some screws put in to help with the leg. This makes it difficult for Quinn to go through airports undetected.

Birthmark: Quinn has a rather large birthmark on his right shoulder blade. It’s a lighter patch of skin that’s in no particular shape other than a blob.

Personality: Quinn is the typical shut in. He enjoys curling up by the fire and reading a good book with a hot cup of cocoa. He can be considered socially awkward, though not to a crippling level. He does not have many friends outside of his almost emotionally abusive wife, so he does not interact well with other people. Because he has not seen the relationship between a man and a woman he has come to be in almost a fearful state for commitment. His current fiancé is the only woman whom has been in that sort of position, and Quinn feels like he should want no other woman. He is very chivalrous and well-mannered, trying hard to be the opposite of his father who is sexist and rude. Quinn is also a major bookworm, something that McKayla has constantly picked on him about. In a sense he is considered goofy, but only to those who have really gotten to know him. Mckayla rarely sees this side of him, because she has him whipped in the worst way. He is like a puppet, but only when she is around.

Boggart: Being high up with no way to get down. Since falling out of the tree and breaking his legs, he’s been afraid of heights; deathly afraid.

Fears: Quinn is a very superstitious man. If a black cat crosses his path he will walk the other way. He cannot handle horror well, therefore does not rad that genre of books.

Interests or Hobbies: An obvious hobby that has been mentioned before is reading. Quinn enjoys reading and spends most of his free time doing so. When he worked in Salem to make ends meet, he was a librarian’s assistant there. He had read almost every book in the extensive library, excluding the restricted sections and any horror books. Quinn actually rather enjoys romance novels over anything else. Besides reading, he is also a big fan of philately, or, stamp collecting.

Strengths: Quinn is extremely responsible, which is a cause of having to take care of the house in place of his mother. For most girls, Quinn is also considered handsome, which is something he has never understood. He also fins his strengths in his adaptableness and ability to carry on emotionally.

Weaknesses: Though intelligent, Wuin can find him in awkward situations where his know-it-all-ism has caused silences and even angry people. Besides that he is socially awkward and serious, giving him trouble when he wants to make friends. Lastly, Quinn is considered almost a girly man because of some of his hobbies.

Describe your character in three words: intelligent, handsome, bookworm.


Name: Sunny Lynn Star
Age: 27 at time of death.
Relation: Mother
Job: Deceased
How They Get Along: Sunny dies during childbirth, so he never had a chance to meet her and get to know her. He thinks they would have gotten along well though.


Name: Angelus Andrew Star
Age: 48
Relation: Father
Job: Accountant
How They Get Along: There is no respect nor bond between Quinn and his father. His father is a pig in Quinn’s eyes, and Quinn is the reason his father lost the love of his life. There is a mutual distaste between the two.


Name: Mckayla Anne Swift
Age: 21
Relation: Fiance
Job: Model
How They Get Along: Mckayla is rude, stuck up, and a bit spoiled. She always gets her way with Quinn, and because he's blinded by his "first love" he does not see how she uses him and abuses him. He treats her like a princess, but she always wants more

Pets: Quinn owns a white mouse named Lennie, like in ‘Of Mice and Men’.
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Special Abilities: Quinn has a knacked for training mice. Lennie has learned many tricks, almost as if he was a dog, and it makes Quinn feel accomplished to know that, though his father thinks it’s a waste of time.
Additional Skills: On top of being a rat trainer, Quinn also reads and learns at an exceptional pace. He is also very patient, which for some people is a talent.
Best school subjects: Care of Magical Creatures and Astronamy
Worst school subjects: Divination and Defense Against The Darks Arts
Your Patronus: Loyal and intelligent, a husky is Quinn’s patronus.
Your Patronus memory: When Quinn was nine he was entered into a world record book for having the largest stamp collection ever. He was surpassed the next year, but he remembers how good it felt to get that one pat on the back from his dad. That one sense of approval.
Your Animagus: Because deep down Quinn is cunning and sly, his animagus would be a fox.
Mirror of Erised: Quinn would see his mom. He doesn’t care how, when, or where, he’s just meet her. Hug her; be around her.

Favorites - -

Number: 54
Explanation: Five plus Four adds up to the age he was when he was entered into the record books.
Saying: The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool. – William Shakespear
Explanation: Quinn believes that those who brag of their intelligence are the dumbest of all. He thinks this so that he will not become a braggart and lose anything he has now, like his dignity.
Movie: Titanic
Explanation: Romantic and historic, what more could he ask for.
Song: Death Waltz – John Stump
Explanation: this song is both intricate and beautiful; impossible to play as well. All the making sof something great and original.
Music: Classical
Explanation: He believes it takes great music to touch the heart without words
Color: Blue
Explanation: He believes that of all the girly things he likes, blue has a sense of masculinity
Animal: Mouse
Explanation: He has raised mice most of his life.
Item of Clothing: his Mother’s wedding dress
Explanation: This dress is the symbol of the love that his mother and father felt before he was born. It’s a symbol of happiness, purity, and love.
Food: Shepard’s pie
Explanation: it was something that came from his irish heritage, something he learned to do at a young age, and the first thing he had ever cooked.
Holiday: Leap Day
Explanations: not only is it his birthday, it is actually a real holiday too. He feels almost privileged to share his birthday with a holiday.
Season: Fall
Explanation: It’s not too hot or cold, plus the leaves look beautiful just at awn when he usually runs.
Color Of Eyes: Brown
Explanation: Though he lacks an Oedipus complex, his mother’s eye color still remains his favorite. That dark brown that is warm and inviting.

A huge thanks to Cole for setting this up and putting hours of work into it!

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