Quincy Ashe Cavell

Quincy Ashe Cavell

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
Ivy Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Veela Hair

Full Name:

- Quincy Ashe Menzure Cavell

Date of Birth:
- April 5

Current Age:
- 10 and a half-years old.

Basic Appearance:
-Long wavy dark brown hair, pale white skin, height is around 5'2" and blue eyes.

- Is vegetarian like her mother.Cunning, ambitious, trustworthy , straight forward , kind.She is able to put up with lot of stress. She has a strong willpower with moral and emotional courage. She is capable of handling any serious problems. She is really dependable and faithful. She has got lots of patience. She is able to withstand great hardship. Is highly independent and self reliant.is capable of doing all things that a man can do.


- Father: Ludwig Andrew Cavell is a cartographer who works in London. He pretty much likes to spoil Quincy Ashe.

-Mother:Alicia Menzure Cavell is a instrument maker who own a shop in London. Can play about 20 instruments. Her mother is also a vegetarian and practices yoga.

-Brother:Lawrence Andrew "Enzo" Cavell is a aspiring musician and goes to Dumstrang. Age is 14 years old and loves to goof around unlike Quincy.

- Derby a male weasel.

Area of Residence:
- London, England

Blood Status:
- Mixed Blood

- Mother is French-American and Father is English/British.

Special Abilities:
- Clairvoyance

Interests or Hobbies:
- Can sing, swim and loves gymnastic. Loves to read novels.

- Being fun loving and adventurous makes her a very good companion to be around. Easy to get along with, among their closed ones.

- Being cold and detached,being perfectionists, is being highly critical and aren't tolerant of faults in others. Family/Friends.

Describe your character in three words:
- Cunning, independent and Trust-worthy.

Favourite place to be:
- Library and Home.

Hogwarts House:
- Hufflepuff though she wants to be in Ravenclaw.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- To graduate and have a high grades and lastly to somehow have a award. Hopefully to be a prefect or a head girl?

Best school subjects:
- Herbology, History of Magic

Worst school subjects:
- She tries her best to like be good at her subjects.

Extracurricular Activities:
- Still deciding.

- After 7 years I think.

Plans for your future:
- To be become a professor here in Hogwarts or to own a shop.

Your Patronus:
- Sparrow

Your Patronus memory:
- Enjoying time with my family and friends.

Your Boggart:
- A professor telling her she failed her exams.

Your Animagus:
- Porcupine

Mirror of Erised:
- Seeing herself successful.
Hey there, I have a few questions for you, hope you won't mind.

1. How does she feel about having two nicknames?
2. How tall is she now?
3. Is she comfortable with her appearance?
4. Which relative is she closest to?
5. Can you provide more about this 'clairvoyance' characteristic that Quincy possesses? (Making sure it is a natural characteristic or else you'd need approval)
6. How trustworthy is she?
7. Why did she transfer to Durmstrang?
8. Why would her patronus be a sparrow?
9. Why would her animagus be a porcupine?
10. What are her favorite colors?
11. What sort of talents does she have?
I haven't updated this, so sorry about that and the long wait.

1. Quincy herself doesn't like her name so much so it's nice to have nicknames.
2. Currently she's 5'5", will grow an inch more sooner or later.
3. Yes, but just like any teenage girls she has her insecurities.
4. She's close to her brother.
5. Posted that when I was thinking non-sense so exclude that.
6. Very trust-worthy.
7. She hated being sorted in Hufflepuff and didn't like her life in Hogwarts, away from her family .So she decided to just transfer in Durmstrang.
8. Free and Witty
9. Because of Porcupines' spiny protection, she liked to be guarded.
10. Purple, Red and Gray
11. Ashe isn't much fond of any instruments but she is athletic and loves gymnastics.

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