Quincy Ashe Cavell

Quincy Ashe Cavell

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
Ivy Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Veela Hair



I Walk Alone Through The Valley of Death

Name: Quincy Ashe Cavell
"Seriously, I hate my name. I forbid to be called Quincy, thank Merlin for me having another name."

Name Meaning: Quincy : Means "Born Fifth", as Quincy was born on the fifth of April. Ashe : Fortunate.
Cavell : nickname for a bald man, from a diminutive of Anglo-Norman French cauf.

Nickname/s: Ashe, Quinn, Cycy but never Quincy.
"Since I hate my name, people needs to call me by my second name Ashe.
Quinn or Cycy can work but only if were close and I mean really close."

Play-by: Saoirse Ronan.

Date of Birth: April 5

Place of Birth: London, England
"I love growing up in London, that's all I can say."

Sexual Orientation: Staight
"I'm a female which means I like male, I'm not gay."

Blood Status: Mixed Blood
"My father is a half-blood, my mother is a pureblood."

School: Durmstrang
"Originally I was in Hogwarts New Zealand, sorted in Hufflepuff.
Damn, I hate my house. Never did I understand why I was sorted there, thought
HNZ was hell lot of fan. Until I decided to just transfer in Durmstrang. I can visit
my parents almost every other day, during breaks. Also my brother graduated there,
he said it was an awesome school."

Wand: Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
"What more can I say?"

I'm So Beautiful I Can Make Your Eyes Bleed
Special Race/s: Part-Veela

Basic Appearance:
Born with piercing blue eyes and brown hair,
but as she grew old everything seems to change. As he mother is a blond and
her father born with brown hair, his brother inherited their father's
hair and she thought she too. Until she reached fourteen and her hair
began to lighten, making her hair dirty blonde. Also her eyes began to
softer, turning into a lighter hue. More like hazel and nearer to blue,
she looks so mature now. Her complexion is fair, rather pale.
Ashe's lips are rosy pink and her cheeks too, over all she looks angelic.
She's a part-veela, as he mother is a half-veela, explains her irresistible charm.

Style: Ashe's style is pretty much laid back, she's quite tomboy.
So she loves her sneaker and boots with her, though she's
not very fond of flats and heels. T-shirts, jeans and some jacket,
it's usually what she wear everyday. Although almost her clothes
branded, Ashe like to dress-up for someone special.

Personality: Ashe is pretty much mean to start with, she hates people and
mostly muggles. Cunning, ambitious, trustworthy , straight forward and is able
to put up with a lot of stress. She only trust people she thinks are strong willed
like her, including her family. Ashe is pretty much close with her brother, she considers
him as he bestfriend. Also she's used to being alone most of time, some people may call
her a b!tch but she doesn't mind. She grew interest in magic and hopes to become a
Death Eater one day. She gets everything she wants, pretty much spoiled by her parents,
she can also can be kind but only people who are close to her. She's fond of action, bloody,
anything brutal and sometimes drama. Ashe is Brutal and is sadistic, laughs during the pain of
others which she just cannot help but to do so. Speaks in a British accent, though likes
to speak in American Accent.Lastly she's independent, and is a vegetarian.

Interest and Hobbies: Ashe is fond of ruining other's lives, she doesn't care
if they hate her as long as she hates them more. Other than that she likes
to read thick novels, write sad poems about death. The girl also loves sports
and is athletic, likes QUidditch just like his brother. The two of them also plays
pranks on almost everyone, she can play the piano a bit. She's into gardening
at times, currently she tries to find more hobbies.

Likes: People like her who's witty, Quidditch, Music, Nature, Vegetables,
animals and Fruits, Her brother, Spells, Magic and seeing people suffer.

Dislikes: Animal Slaughter, Hufflepuffs, HNZ, Rainbows, People who are too nice,
Muggles, People, Humans, Crowded Places, Squibs, Skirts, Dresses and Dirt.

To Be Apart of A Family Like Mine is So Divine
Area of Residence: London, England

Heritage: Ashe' mother is French and partly German, as for her father he is English and
is partly Italian. Which makes her a decent of French, German, English and Italia.

"I love my family, it's the most perfect thing I have."
<FONT font="Georgia">

Mother: Alicia Cavell née Menzure
Age 48 : Beauxbaton Graduate : Play-by is Radha Mitchell
Alicia Menzure Cavell is a instrument maker who own a shop in London.
Can play about 20 instruments. Her mother is also a vegetarian and practices yoga.
She's really kind-hearted and loves her children, also she likes to spoil them both.
Is French and grew up in Paris,France until she moved with her husband in London
to start a family. Alicia came from a very wealthy family, a bloodline of purebloods
it was broken until she married Ludwig who was a half-blood. She graduated from
Beauxbatons and later opened her shop in London. Meeting her husband, also she's
a activist and a orchestra pianist during her younger days.

"I love my mother, she's always there for me no matter what.
She accept my fault and imperfections, including me being sadistic.
My mother is so gentle and is our first teacher, she loves to cook
vegetarian meal, which explain me being one too. My father doesn't mind it
but often sneaks out to buy some burgers outside."

Father: Ludwig Andrew Cavell
Age 49 : Durmstrang Graduate : Play-by is Sean Bean
Ludwig Andrew Cavell is a cartographer who works in London. He pretty much likes
to spoil Quincy Ashe and is fond of giving her presents. Ludwig is a humorous guy
who even likes to play pranks with his children. Kind, Generous and Understand, he
strives he best to make both of his children happy. He grew up in London, England
as well and he is a half-blood. His father died a couple of years ago when he's first
born child was around nine years old. He once dreamed to be an Auror but never
got near to his dream, when he graduated from Durmstrang he worked for the
Ministry of Magic then later left his career there. And decided to just continue his
other passion and that was to be a cartographer. He's pretty much a simple man,
quiet, though he isn't much good at handling stress at all.

"My father is my rock, he loves me so much as I love him
too. He always tries his best to make us happy in every single way, also
he's a greatprovider to us. He started out as a middle class man, into
a rich man now. Althoughmy maternal grand parents doubted him, we
never doubted him. I just wish he couldaccept my dream of being
a Death Eater someday."

Brother: Lawrence Andrew Cavell
+ Age 18 : Durmstrang Graduate : Play-by is Aaron Johnson
Everyone knows Ashe's brother Enzo, he is her idol and superhero.
Ashe looks up to him most of the time, being him as her big brother.
They spend almost every minute when they were still young, also he
was her only sibling. Enzo is a a laid back guy, he's smart but does
not make an effort to show his skills. Also he's great at Quidditch and
muggle sports. Girl's are dying to have him as he is very handsome indeed,
plus he's a gentleman. Just like her he's cunning and ambitious but compared
to Ashe's he is a nice person. Enzo just graduated from Durmstrang and is
currently Falmouth Falcons Keeper. Her sister still doesn't' know that he's
an Auror just yet, as it will break her sanity. As the two dreamed to be both
Death Eaters but it was really Ashe's dream not his. Enzo is very protective
for her sister and the two likes to good around, one thing thing they like to
do before was to wrestle each other. Lastly, Enzo is a big flirt, he's fond of
flirting with girls young or old.

"My brother is my best-friend, I can always trust him no matter what.
He's been there for me like always, even though he's nice and the
complete opposite of me I love him. I do wish someday to make him proud
of me. One reason why I transferred to Durmstrang is because if him, he
left a good name there and I want to continue it. When I was younger
I wanted to be just like him, smart and amazing. So whoever you're
going to end up with, she'll have to please me first."

Pet/s: Derby
Ashe only have one pet at the moment, Derby. He is a male weasel,
her brother has a tarantula as their mother is allergic to dogs and cats.
Making them have a pet other than dogs and cats, so Ashe decide on
what pet to have. At age ten she saw a Weasel wandering around their
backyard, she saw it has a wound on his little ear, which explains his ear
looking like someone bit it off. She took care of it and decided to keep it
when it agreed to stay. She named the weasel Derby, and ever since
the two are inseparable.

"Derby is my bestfriend, I know he's an animal but he's
not an animal to me. I trained him for years and knows how to bite a
human being, we share the same attitude. He's quite mean in a way,
Derby is my partner in crime."

History: <i></i> Ludwig Andrew Cavell and Alicia Menzure met in Alicia's shop that she owns.
As she got tired of living the rich life with his spoiled, rude brother in
Italy and after graduating she decided to move on with her life. She
then later moved to Paris, France but thought she needed a new place
to live in. Until she decided to stay in London, she rented an apartment
there and got an offer to be an orchestra pianist. Soon Alicia saved enough
money to open her own store, a music store. In which she makes Instruments,
on the other hand Ludwig just a fresh graduate met Alicia in her shop until
the two fell in love at a young age. Alicia's parents didn't agreed on their daughters
decision, as they asked her to come back home in Italy. They wanted her to marry
a pureblood just like her but she when she heard of their idea, she ran-away from them.
Hiding in Ludwig's parent's house. Ashe's father was just nineteen when he married
Alicia. Later he decided to work for the ministry for the time being, five year later
Alicia bore a child, Lawrence. During that time they had enough money to buy a house
and unexpectedly they afforded a big mansion. In which Ludwig decided to leave the
Ministry and take another career. Being a cartographer, years after Quincy Ashe was born.
They had a good life to start with, sooner or later they were having lots of money.

Lawrence and Ashe grew up close and manage to be contented, soon as Enzo turned eleven
he decided to follow his father's footsteps and went to Durmstrang. Leaving Ashe alone in
their mansion, also years later Alicia's parents accepted Ludwig when Ashe was born.
Currently Ludwig is still in his career as a cartographer and Alicia still owns her shop.
When Ashe turned eleven she received a letter coming from Hogwarts New Zealand,
informing her that she was accepted to join them. She packed her bags and decided
to go to Hogwarts New Zeeland, although luck wasn't on her side. As she was sorted
in Hufflepuff in which she disgraced also she'd been experiencing home sicks. In her Third
Year in Hogwarts New Zealand, Ashe left and transferred to Durmstang. Where she felt
she belonged, currently she's in her fifth year in Durmstrang and is enjoying her stay.
Also she fancied Dark Magic there, in which she can't wait to be a Death Eater soon.
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<COLOR color="#650335">So that's all you need to know. Now get the h3ll away from me or I'll rip your heart out & it won't be pretty.
</i><SIZE size="50">

Code andtext/name banner by moi,
gif from Tumblr. Images and other things
from Google. Kthanksbyebye.

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