Quiet time

Kailey Harrington

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
12 1/2" Firm Fir Wand with the essence of Dragon Heartstring
Kailey walked up the stairs of the north tower and walked over to the large window. She really loved the view up there, She often came up here when she wanted to be alone or think. She hopped up onto the ledge and sat on it making sure not to put too much of her body weight over the outside edge of it as she sat. She looked out at the view once more she was often amazed at how much you could see from that point. She quickly got lost in the view and her thoughts as her shoes made quiet thuds as they hit the castles inside wall in a slow rythym.
Njord creeped up the stairs to the North Tower. He had just had a particularly tense conversation with his mother and wanted nothing more then to be alone with his thoughts and the view. He had only been up to the North Tower once and he remembered it as being quiet and peaceful.

He opened the door and stepped out into the cool night air. It was chilly but not cold. He wrapped his cloak around himself and walked over to the side to look at the view. Suddenly he realized he wasn't alone. "Oh..." he said loud enough for the girl to hear, "I didn't realize anyone was up here..." he said it with a bit of disappointment in his voice and hoped she didn't notice.
Kailey was thrown out of her trance like state by an unfamiliar voice. She gripped onto the availible part of the edge to keep herself from falling off of the tower and to her death. No, Dying would not be good. she thought as she turned her head to seek out the voice. She recognised the person from her Astronomy class but couldn't think of a name to go with the face. She did notice the note of dissapointment in his voice. So it sems I'm not the only one who sees this as a good place to be alone then. she thought Maybe I should just let him have the tower. I can go sit under my favorite tree on the lawn. "I can leave if you want." Kailey said quietly
Njord felt bad for sounding disappointed, and then he noticed that she was sitting on the ledge. "Jeez, what are you doing up there? Ya aren't gonna jump are ya?" He took a step forward and was with in arms reach of her now but was not anxious for any heroics after the bad day that he just had.
KAiley was about to swing her legs back onto the inside part of the ledge but realized that the boy was within arms distance and she would probably end up kicking him in the head with her long legs. So the opted to swing one leg over the ledge momentariy straddling it before putting her other leg over it as well. She was glad now that she had opted to wear a pair of her jeans rather than her uniform up here now. She then lifted her weight with her hands and landed softly on the ground. "The higher up you are the better the view I think. It is pretty dangerous being up there though. No jumping off the tower for me." she replied
"Well that's good. And I didn't mean to disturb you, you don't have to go, you were here first." Njord looked at the girl through the darkness and realized she was in one of his classes. He couldn't remember which one, they were all a blur to him these days. She was taller then him by a little bit, but then everyone was and she sounded kind enough, so he ventured an introduction. "I'm Njord by the way, I think we have a class together..." he said attempting to sound confident.
"Okay then" Kailey replied before going on to say "Hi Njord, I'm Kailey. I think I sit near you in....Astronomy? Oh I can't remember." Kailey admitted for some reason she thought she had seen him in Astronomy. But then again Kailey seemed to have a knack for getting things wrong quite often even though she was a Ravenclaw.
"Yeah that's it, and Herbology as well...." Njord added. Then the silence began. The awkward silence you get when you have met someone knew and have no idea how to proceed. "So..." he tried to continue, "What'cha doing up here then?" Was all he managed to spit out. Nice going idiot. he thought to himself. No wonder no girls besides Alice like you.
"Oh yeah, Herbology..." Kailey replied having forgotten that she'd seen him in Herbology as well. She then answered his next question. "Just thinking and taking in the great view." She found the silence growing again so she just blurted out the first thing that came to mind. "How has your mandrake been growing?" Wow...I'm the queen of all idiots. she thought mentally slapping herself.
"Pretty good I guess....I haven't killed it yet." He said with a laugh. "Actually Thursday...that's what I call it, is kind a cute in a creepy weird plant kinda way." He added. "How about you, do you like Herbology?" He asked thinking who wouldn't like it with a great Professor like Professor Rambolt. He inwardly sighed as he thought about her.
"Thursdays a good name" Kailey replied "I never thought I'd call a plant cute, not even in an odd plant way. But I have to say that's how I feel about ookii, Yeah I know. Weird name, even for a plant but I just thought that it suited it. I like Herbology, It's a change of pace from all clases where it's all written work and Professor Rambolts a great Professor." she then realized she was starting to ramble and cut herself off.
"Yeah, I agree, and ookii isn't a weird name. John, that would be a weird name for mandrake but ookii fits." he smiled and chuckled as he spoke. "So..." he continued. "Are you choosing electives for next year?" He thought that might be a good question, to see what everyone else was taking. Njord had no clue about what he wanted to do when he left school and figured hearing other peoples thoughts might help him.
"True...I could imagine someone tending to their mandrake and calling it John." Kailey replied with a snicker "Yeah, I'm in the three I knew I wanted from the start Divination,Arithmancy, and Ancient Runes. Then I'm begrudgingly going into Care of magical creatures." Kailey replied still a bit dissapointed at having to take the ONE class she said she didn't want. She couldn't take care of animals at all, She had killed many animals by accident when she was younger and didn't want to get a T on her grade card for that class.
"Wow, that's a lot. But why are you taking Care of Magical Creatures if you don't want to?" Njord inquired, then added, "If you don't mind me asking."
"Well, One of my career aspirations is to be an Auror. Which to be one I'd have to, by some miracle, get an E or higher on the Care of magical creature NEWTs. But I took alot of classes because I'm prone to change my mind." Kailey replied "So what electives are you taking? Or have you even picked yet?"
"Wow, an auror. That's cool. I have no idea what I want to do. And our Professor hasn't really spoken to me about it yet. I'm not sure I really want to take any but I guess I have no choice....Perhaps arithmancy and divination. But I'm certainly not loading up....that's for sure." Njord admired a girl who worked hard and who had a clear idea of what she wanted. Unfortunately he was still wishy washy on his future so he didn't want to get bogged down with useless classes like Ancient Runes.
"Thanks." Kailey replied "So you don't know what you want to do...Well, I'm not 100% on what I want to do either which is why I took on so many classes. But I know that even if I change my mind about being an auror there may be something interesting in that field of work. So your going to take Arithmancy and divination? I guess I'll see you in those classes too."
Njord screwed up his face in a manner that depicted confusion. "I don't know. I guess. I just wish I had some idea of what the future would hold. I know my mother would want me to take everything and of course I'd have to get all O's but that seems to be getting harder and harder these days." He realized he was rambling and stopped rather abruptly. "Sorry, I shouldn't bore with my problems. Tell me, what's your favorite class this term? Or would you rather be gazing at the stars then attending class?" He tried to be gallant as he spoke but it never really turned out the way he wanted.

((OOC, sorry for the delay, RL got a stranglehold on me the last couple of days.))
"Everyone wonders what their future will hold. I mean, when I was little there was a man who was on top of the world. Well, as high up as you could get where we lived at the time. He had everything going for him and he screwed it up and lost it all. While others gained a whole lot with hard work....and I have no clue why I just told you that." Kailey replied, the last part a bit sheepishly. "As for my favorite class...Herbology definatly. No star gazing for me, well atleast not astronomy wise."

[It's fine, lifes gotten me in quite the chokehold as well.]
Njord laughed. Girls had been opening up to him with strange stories lately. "Don't even get me started with Astronomy. I swear they aren't speaking English in that class. Heck they aren't even speaking Norwegian." He walked over to the side of the tower as he spoke and leaned over to see the view. "Wow, it is great up here..." he said more to himself then to Kailey.
"I know what you mean." Kailey replied to the not speaking english thing before stopping abruptly "You speak Norwegian?" she couldn't help but ask but seeing as he seemed to be enjoying the view Kailey turned her head out and looked at the view not knowing if he had even heard her or not.
Njord turned to her and laughed. "Yeah, I grew up in Norway with my grandparents." He thought for a moment. "Himmelen ser vakker i kveld." Njord said, and then laughed at the expression on her face. "That means, the sky looks beautiful tonight." And smiled more. "Where are you from?"
Kailey turned her head back to Njord and nodded in acknowledgement when he said he had grew up in Norway. But she was quickly confused when he started speaking Norwegian, It was apparent on her face, I should have figured it was something along those lines...But then again who really knows with a language that sounds nothing like your own. "Oh, Well that's true...The sky is beautiful tonight. I'm from the U.S, Tennessee to be more specific." she replied
"Wow the United States. Amazing." Njord kept an eye on the sky as he talked. "I have to say, I"m really glad I came up here tonight and bumped into you. I can't even remember what brought me up here to begin with and that is a good thing." Njord then turned to look at Kailey. "Thanks for helping clear my head."
"Norway, now that would be amazing..." Kailey replied turning her gaze back up to the sky. "I'm glad you came up here too...It's been nice talking to you Njord." Besides Hadan, Njord had been pretty much the only person she had had a meaningful conversation with all semester. "No problem. Happy to help" she replied

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