Open Quidditch Practice Beside the Park

Aurora Archer

strong-hearted | audacious | dependable | beater
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 18" Unyielding Willow Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
12/2043 (17)
Aurora had decided since the weather was nice that she would take the time to do some quidditch practice. Aurora didn't often practice at home, there wasn't really the space for it. So with her sister at the park taking pictures of flowers, Aurora was just outside of the park. She had her broom with her, and was just planning to fly around for a bit and practice her swing. The gryffindor was wearing some light sports wear, with a good thick jumper outside to be able to keep her warm, since it was proving to be rather cold. If she was flying around it was bound to be more cold. Aurora took her broom and with her broom care kit was getting her broom ready for she would take to the air.
Isaiah was glad to be away from school for a while but at the same time he couldn't wait for the new year to start. If only because he was excited for another season of quidditch. A season during which he would be leading the team. At least now he finally had been able to tell Chloë some quidditch related news that didn't sound disappointing compared to her current career. While his siblings and dads were off somewhere getting some shopping done Zay had made his own way around the village, eventually ending up in the park. He grinned when he noticed a younger kid with a broom, hesitating walking up to her untill he realized he recognized her face. "Hey." He said casually as he stood next to her. "Is this for fun or are you already getting in some extra practice for tryouts next year?"
Aurora wasn't yet up in the air yet when she was approached by Isaiah...from the team. He was a beater like her, but obvious was older, better at it and had been on the team for much longer than she had. She hadn't noticed until now either that he was cute..older...but kinda cute. She pushed the thought aside, and unable to help how she ended up blushing lightly. "Practicing mostly, can't really do it at home..," she replied with a little smile. "Are you just hanging about...or doing something in the village?"
Isaiah glanced at Aurora's broom for a second, wondering if he could get his dads to buy him new quidditch gear for the new season. His was old and could definitely use an upgrade so perhaps it would be a fair question to ask. He made a mental note to do so later before focussing back on what the girl was saying. "Is there not enough space back at home?" Zay questioned. He shrugged at her question. "Just hanging about. My siblings wanted to do some shopping so I thought I'd come chill in the park for a while."
Aurora gave a nod. "We've some outdoor space but not so much," she replied with a little shrug. She knew that if she flew closer to the ground or there was a little more planning they might be able to do it, but she was just trying to practice. She nodded as he said what he was doing. "It's nicer to come to the park than to shop. Is Kiara doing well? My twin Rosie appreciates that Kiara always tells her whats going in the games," Aurora asked. She didn't see Kiara nearly as often as she wanted to. But they were still friends, she knew even that Kiara was probably closer to Rosie because they watched them play quidditch. "Do you want to practice?" she wasn't sure he had his broom, but they could practice without brooms....or something.
Isaiah nodded when Aurora mentioned they didn't have too much outdoor space back at home. That definitely made it more difficult to practice at home. "For sure." He agreed when she mentioned going to the park. He hadn't even realized Aurora was friends with his sister untill she brought it up. He knew they were friends, knew Kiara had even asked him to keep an eye on her during practice but that must've just slipped his mind for a second. "Yeah, she's good. Like I said, shopping somewhere around here." He answered, vaguely motioning in the general direction of the shops. "Huh, I never knew she paid so much attention to the games." Zay responded with a small smile. He knew she came to their games to support him even if she wasn't a huge quidditch fan but he didn't know she followed them in detail just to report what was happening to someone else. That did sound like his sister though. "Honestly, I would never say no to a little practice but I didn't exactly bring any gear. Don't let that keep you from practicing though. Maybe I could try to give you some pointers? I mean if you'd take them.."
Aurora gave a little smile. "My twin gets worried easily, about like me or our brother getting she watches the games through her hands. Kiara has helped her with that," Aurora replied, she wasn't sure how often that was done, but she knew it was something that Kiara had done. She thought it was nice and could appreciate anything which helped her sister feel a little calmer. She nodded at the offer. "I'd like some pointers...I don't think I played very well last season, and I want to do better this coming season," Aurora said to him, he was older, better and knew what he was doing it would be a really great help for her to learn from him. "Do you want me to get in the air and then.." she wasn't sure how he was intending to give her pointers.
Even though Isaiah knew his sister had made some friends it was still good to hear that they were actual friends. People she thought were nice enough to do things for that she might not fully enjoy. He was sure Kiara wouldn't want to see him get hit by a bludger either but apparently that didn't matter anymore when she could help out someone else by watching. "Nah, you were fine. I mean I want to do better this year too. I think we all have that." He responded with a small shrug. Zay didn't think he had done badly last year but there was always room for improvement. "Right, uh.." He tried to think for a second when Aurora mentioned getting up in the air. While giving pointers wasn't something he had done a lot before doing it from the ground sounded like even more of a challenge. "I guess that was a bit of a rushed idea. I might not be worth a lot when I'm down on the ground and you're up in the air." He added with a sheepish grin.
Aurora was a little reassured that he said she was fine. It didn't stop her wanting to improve, but it was reassuring to hear that she hadn't been doing terribly. It did appear much like herself being unsure on how best to do this, he didn't either. She gave a little laugh and then glanced back at what she'd brought. "I do need to work on my swing...maybe we could do some tossing and hitting?" she suggested, it wouldn't be too complicated for them to do, just batting something back and forth which would help her be better at the swing, even if these conditions would be entirely different from a practice. It would just make sense to try and be good at batting it away, with any amount of strength which would help her in the games.
While Isaiah had perhaps been a little too excited to be considered good enough to give someone else pointers he was glad Aurora didn't seem disappointed by the idea of him not being able to do so. "Yeah, that could totally work." He nodded when she mentioned tossing and hitting. It would be strange to be the one tossing rather than hitting but his arm wasn't all bad to he was sure he would be fine. "I have to warn you though I have a killer arm. Some say I should've gone after a chaser position." Zay joked. "You got something we could do that with?"
Aurora was glad he liked her suggestion. it would be weird to do this while stood on the ground but Aurora didn't mind it. She needed to work on her arm and this would be the way to do it. She went to her bag and took out the ball she had brought with her. it was magical in that while not an actual bludger it could be charmed to function like one. But in its dormant state was just a slightly heavier ball. "You're a good beater though..," she assured him as she held out the ball to him. "I did think about going for seeker, I'm not too big and I can be fast, but I prefer being a beater," she said. She had mostly not gone for seeker to avoid giving her sister a heart attack.

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