Pub? Club? Rub-A-Dub-Dub!

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Rodolph Murdo

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2" Tail of Charmed Newt

Your Name, Please: Rodolph (Roddy for short)
Your Age, If You Would: 30 (31 soon)
And Your Specialist Subject: Cocktail Umbrellas

. . . . .

Yes, Rodolph is one of my favourite characters that I roleplay. He's very down to earth, plays Quidditch for a living, has a phobia of large crowd, likes muggles and spends most of his time crawling around bars with miniature umbrellas tucked behind his ears. Once upon a time there was a plot for Roddy to eventually wed (quite epically) but the other person involved, has gone A.W.O.L. Sadface. I do intend to marry Roddy off at some point, but not yet-awhile. For the time being, he wants a good male friend (preferably mid 20s to mid 50s) who can be there for him when he needs someone to drag him home after a night out clubbing. I also would love for some single ladies (who enjoy clubbing) to flirt with him a bit so he can flirt back (which he is utterly rubbish at) And a female character for Roddy to finally get with.

Roddy lives in the UK, but he often takes holidays abroad (mostly in the more lively countries to do some clubbing) to visit friends. Travel will not be an issue, so any country is fine. Happyface. Roddy is still very much only semi-developed and so I am still a little unsure as to what he is like. What I can tell you is that even I am sometimes amused by his actions. He lives not far from my own area (though I have no listed exactly where he lives) and visits Brighton a lot for pub crawls. He doesn't smoke and he has never tried drugs (though I can't say he wouldn't enjoy a legal high). Roddy likes the concept of romance, but he often messes things up by falling off chairs or breaking something. He is the sort who will only go for one person and commit for life. From what I know of him at the moment, he has never had a girlfriend before (though he has come close) and, I believe also, he has never even kissed a girl. He does get some girls flirting with him because he's a Quidditch player, but Roddy rarely notices such things, usually too interested in actual conversation.
Interested in any of the above? Post a reply here or PM Rodolph Murdo^_^
Hey there.

I have Abby here and she could either be a flirt or an eventual final. She is sort of in a relationship right now, but its only short term as her "boyfriend" is actually not interested in girls if you get my drift... he just doesnt know it. :D

Anyway, I am in the process of writing Abby a bio and so I havent put it up yet. But she is Smart, and she loves a good conversation. She is also quite athletic as she always has to chase after her brother, she is also used to clumsy people, she lives with two of them :p and she does not know too much about sport but she does enjoy watching it, so she wouldnt use him :) . She is the kind of person that wont put up with anyone's shiit and she loves to cook. She is quite a good cook. She grew up in America and attended Beauxbatons where she met her Now boyfriend. But like I said it isn't going to last much longer, so they will have heaps of time to build up a relationship or something... If thats what you want. Coz similarly she could also be a flirt. Though I like the idea of her being a final :)

Let me know kay :)

I have Ellen here that could be his go to chick friend. Maybe a future love interest. Friends develop feelings, ect.

Her bio:

Has info for you to determine whether or not you want to be involved with her.
Abby: I do like Abby and she sounds like a nice enough person. I don't plan to have Roddy dive head-first into anything, but it'd be great fun to have them meet somewhere and start flirting. Well, Abby could start flirting and maybe try to get Roddy drunk (which isn't difficult) and they could have strange, drunken conversation. Are you up for RPing 'now'?

Ellen: I do like the idea of him having a female friend- he'd probably ask her advice on a lot of things, such as why women are so complicated xD Maybe they could build to something? We shall see. You up for roleplaying 'now' or would you rather leave it to a later date?

I'm happy to start topics (although, could you let me know what country to do it in? xD )
As for finals; Roddy wont end up in a relationship for a couple of years, maybe. Might be less, depends how things go. But I am in no rush to get him hitched just yet. (He was originally meant to get married this/next year, but that plot is kind of dead)
I honestly don't know who Roddy will end up with and it really is just a matter of who he has chemistry with.
Yay! I'm glad you want to do this. :D I am deffo up for roleplaying now. You can do it in the UK if you'd like. Sometimes Ellen goes there to get away from her family for a bit.

Anyway! We'll see how the two interact. Maybe they will be finals, but who know. ;D

Roleplaying now is great for me coz I have heaps of Net time. And coz I'm so lazy :p could you please start. Somewhere in NewZealand, as that is where she is living right now. So yeah. I hope they get along great :) I look forward to roleplaying with them :)
It's absolutely perfect. :D Thank you for creating it.
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