Psyche Grym

Psyche Grym

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OOC First Name
Yew 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
today's on fire
the sky is bleeding above me
and i am blistered
<FONT font="Georgia">

Full Birth Name Psyche Kasandra Deianira Grym
Meaning The sinister and savage soul who destroys and entangles men.

Birthdate November 8, 2019
The Day of the Borderline
Current Age 11 years old
preparing to be sorted
Zodiac Sign Scorpio
Life Path/Destiny Number 22
Handedness Left-Handed

Place of Birth the Skeleton Coast in Namibia
Her mother had insisted on traveling to this harsh land to procure some very rare bone shavings to use in a recently requested wand. She never left a customer waiting, even though she was nearly 9 months pregnant and Apparition was intensely uncomfortable for a woman so far along. The pressure involved in her travels to Namibia resulted in an early labor. Cloaked in veils to protect them from the sand, some local nomadic wizards, one of whom was a powerful Seer named Baptiste, helped Aphrodite to deliver her baby in a makeshift tent. The birth of Psyche nearly killed Aphrodite, but Baptiste held the contemplative infant who didn't cry but watched him as he spoke, and told Aphrodite that she was healthy and would survive the journey home just fine. And so Aphrodite named her daughter 'Psyche' in honor of the new little soul now in her arms, 'Kasandra' for her mother who was a Seer like Baptiste, 'Deianira' for her near death experience birthing the child, and 'Grym' for her father.

Area of Residence Ravenlark Manor, an old Gothic mansion originally built upon Glastonbury Tor in Wales, but magically moved generations ago when tourism of the site became popular, and now located on a small but private, wild, and overgrown island off the northeastern coast of New Zealand, headed toward Tonga. The entire island is hidden from Muggle view by various charms and enchantments, and when they're boating, if they get too close, Muggles seem to just get confused and head off in another direction, rather than crashing into the invisible, but still solid, island:
Fundamentals of Appearance Long, dark chocolate brown hair; steel grey eyes; 5'0 tall (at 11 years old); 75 lbs; she has a dancer's grace and naturally long, slender limbs, with sensuous lips that form a stark contrast to her otherwise slight, youthful appearance, she thinks they make her look like some kind of sea monster, but there are two men in the Janus Thickey Ward at St. Mungo's who would beg to differ.

Clothing Style Psyche gets so frustrated by everyone's focus on her looks. She never did anything to earn them; she was just born this way. They don't have anything to do with what actually makes you you, because actions and decisions cannot be dictated by looks. That's why she often downplays them. She dresses almost entirely in black loose-fitting clothes, never wears makeup, and leaves her hair plain and unstyled. She does however have a kind of pride about not looking goofy, so she flat-out refuses to wear a witch's hat because, in her words, "I'm not a jester for the Queen's court."

Personality Psyche has always felt different from the rest of her family, and indeed has tended to be the most contemplative and orally poetic among them. She can get a bit carried away with what her father calls "flowery twaddle". She supposed that philosophy and art didn't really mesh in his books. But she has a decidedly artistic temperament, though she's hardly an artist. She loves to play around with words and language and sometimes this shows in how she interacts with others. As someone to whom words are all-important, she naturally believes in trying to be honest with herself, even when it hurts. But sometimes her pride gets in the way of her admitting any flaws to others, though she feels like they're written in huge letters across her forehead.

While her parents prized intelligence and ambition above all else, learning usually came so easily to her that she always focused more on the benefits of knowing stuff, which was partly that she didn't have to be stuck doing mindless work on something she'd already grokked. She could move on to something new and learn about that and the next thing and the next thing.... Much to her father's chagrin, she'd never been driven by money or possessions, so the light-fingered contempt with which she'd treated everything but her animals constantly had her father chastising her about when she was going to learn the value of a Galleon and other such nonsense.

Tragedy has been a constant companion for Psyche, and so, deeply afraid of getting close to anyone, she habitually keeps everyone at a distance. She's not generally one to fight other people's battles for them, because, she reasons, she's always had to fight her own and to figure out her own way. Why should she expect any less of others? Independent and autonomous to a fault, strong-willed and secretive, guarded and cold, Psyche is a strange child.

Perhaps the most surprising facet of her personality is the freedom of laughter that naturally bubbles up when she's exhilarated, though to excite her in this way usually means doing things might make her seem mildly crazy, such as swimming in the Black Lake in winter, or trying to hug a Blast-Ended Skrewt. She has a sense of adventure that few get to see, but it's part of her inner strength and what has allowed her to see some measure of light in even her darkest hours.

Personal Motto Faster . Further . Freer
i walk these lines of blasphemy every day
like a bad star i'm falling faster down to her
she's the only one who knows what it is to burn

Siblings Only Child
Father Adonis Nocturnius Grym, Slytherin, Spellwork Philosopher & Spell Crafter
Mother Aphrodite Urania Grym (née Ravenlark), Ravenclaw, Boutique Wandmaker

A Little Family Background Psyche comes from a violent and troubled background. Her parents were always fighting, screaming at each other, throwing things across the room, and hurling hexes and curses at each other when in high tempers. Alone on the island, they grew reclusive and letters were sent off to the Daily Prophet to announce that her father was retiring to work on various books and that her mother wanted to keep her wands exclusive, and was therefore closing shop and focusing, instead, on other pursuits. Since that last bit of owl post was received, no one has seen or heard from the elder Gryms.
House-Elf Cobey - named after the Cobra, which is the symbolic serpent of the ancient House of Grym.

Pets a Thestral named Bladethorn (a gift sent by Baptiste (who knew of her love for animals) when a distraught Aphrodite wrote to tell him that the young child (then 6) had witnessed her father's apprentice die when a spell they were creating went horribly wrong, leaving Psyche, already emotionally scarred by her parents' fighting, virtually catatonic with shock), a yellow Python named Lilith, and a family Barn Owl that the then 3 year old Psyche named Merlyn, and a new Bombay Black kitten named Bastet


Blood Status Unknown
Her parents had always told her she was a Pureblood, but it's never mattered much to her, so she's never bothered to study up on the family history. She might decide to get curious once she's in Hogwarts.

Heritage 3/4 Celtic Briton, 1/4 Celtic Galatean (maternal)

Interests or Hobbies Reading; Practicing Spells from her father's books; Runes; Tarot; Astrology; Numerology; Archery

Special Abilities Non-verifiable
She has a unique affinity with animals and she sometimes gets sense impressions when she touches something energy-laden. She wants to explore further and see if she might be a Seer like her Grandmother Kasandra Babylonia Ravenlark.

Additional Skills fluent in Celtic (with English, the primary language of the household growing up); Fire & Water Affinities; Wilderness Survival; Latin (she has been home-schooled in the language since the age of 4)
i feel diseased, is there no sympathy from the sun?
the sky's still fire but i am safe in here from the world outside
so tell me, what's the price to pay for glory?

Strengths learns very quickly and easily, not afraid to stand up to anyone no matter their status, self-sufficient
***She has the capacity to be an intensely loyal and caring friend, but it'll take some work for her to overcome her loner tendencies as she feels like a perpetual outsider.

Weaknesses commitment-phobic (secretly afraid to get close to anyone so she keeps people at a distance even when she's desperately lonely inside), often believes that the normal rules don't apply to her (which tends to get her into trouble, and while she tries to show that she doesn't care, she really does), and prone to depression and to emotional overwhelm

Describe your character in five words Loner, Intelligent, Searching, Dark, Strange

Favourite place to be Out in the wild, eyes closed, training her ears to hear everything around her and enhancing her weapons skills, or home alone in the empty stone tomb one of her ancestors created under Ravenlark Manor. She often lays in the tomb to study and read and think about anything that captures her ever-spinning mind.
Lucky Number 13
Favourite Colour White
Favourite Flower White Casablanca Lily
Favourite Foods Strawberries Romanoff, Camembert Cheese, & Raspberry Sorbet
Favourite Book Other than the books written by her parents, her most prized book is her Oxford Unabridged Muggle Dictionary

Friends Her only friends are her four pets: Bladethorn, Lilith, Merlyn, & Bastet. She tells them everything and they are the only creatures she truly trusts and loves deeply.

Hogwarts House Ravenclaw
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions To learn more than anybody else and to be the best. To see if she has the gifts of a Seer. To become an Animagus.
Best school subjects Newly sorted
Subjects Most Desired Divination and Transfiguration
Worst school subjects Newly sorted
Anticipated Worst Subjects History of Magic and Astronomy due to the tedium
Extracurricular Activities None

Plans for your future Can't imagine having a future
like a bad star i'm falling faster down to her
she's the only one who knows what it is to burn
today is fire and she burns

Your Patronus A Tiger because it is symbolic of sensuality, darkness, confidence, and courage.
Your Patronus memory The first time she rode Bladethorn after finally earning his trust.

Your Boggart Seeing herself in chains and controlled by anyone but herself because she values her freedom above all else.

Your Anticipated Animagus A Tiger because it is symbolic of sensuality, darkness, confidence, and courage.


Mirror of Erised Her headstone in a forgotten cemetery.
today is fire and she burns
she burns she burns she burns she burns
she's the only one who knows what it is to burn

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