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Hazel Ashworth

🧵Quirky | Try-Hard | Fashion Designer| ACCIO 📸
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 10 Inch Flexible Birch Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
6/2049 (13)
Hazel was bored. She was trying to focus on her Transfiguration essay but it just wasn't happening. She had doodled various designs for clothes in the margins already, as well as a few flowers and goofy faces. She would have to start over on a blank sheet of parchment anyway, she wouldn't be able to turn this in. Professor Odegard was nice, but she didn't think he was that nice. She glanced aroud, spotting a boy from her year nearby. Zaros always seemed so serious, he probably had no trouble focusing on his studies. She wondered if he was working on the same essay. She wanted to ask, but there were a few older students nearby who had already cast her a few disapproving looks when she had been humming earlier. She tore a bit of parchment from her notes and scribbled on it. Then she used her wand to float it over to the boy, letting it land in front of him.

Hi! Are you working on Transfiguration too? Isn't it boring?
I'm Hazel
[a drawing of Hazel, waving, alongside a few doodles]
Zaros was in the library, just reading a history book out of curiousity. He was content, enjoying himself, when a note slipped down between his pages. He raised a brow, reading it over before scribbling out a much quicker reply.

Hello Hazel. No, I am not working on Transfiguration. I am in Hufflepuff, I do not have the subject this semester. I am just reading history.


ps your drawings are nice
Hazel was pleasantly surprised when she got a response from the boy. She didn't know Zaros that well, but he seemed like a serious boy. So she had half-expected him to ignore her note or get annoyed with her. Writing notes was definitely more fun than studying. She smiled as she read the response, before writing one of her own. She folded it into a bird this time before flying it over to him. It wasn't a perfect bird, but it was close enough.

Hi Zaros,
Do you have History homework? Or are you just reading it?
Thank you, I like drawing. What do you like to do?

[drawings of a few flowers and a happy cat]
Zaros was only half paying attention to his reading now. This was definitely interesting. He liked notes- it was easier to talk through notes. He was sure this was a on off thing- outside of letters or notes he doubted anyone would want to spend any real amount of time with him. But that was something to deal with later, for now he'd just enjoy it. He bit back a smile as the next note appeared, scanning over it before scribbling out a response.


No, it's just interesting to me. I'm just reading to read. I find it relaxing. How is your homework going? I'm going to guess not well.

I like to take walks, listen to music, read sometimes.

Hazel was happy with this distraction from her essay, though she knew seh should finish it today so she wouldn't regret it later. She glanced over at Zaros as he got her next note, trying to figure out if he looked annoyed at the distraction. He didn't seem to be, and that was encouragement enough for her.


If you like reading, isn't it more fun to read an exciting novel or something? Something exciting?
My homework is not going well, how did you know? : P
That all sounds nice but a bit quiet, I guess it suits you.
If these are annoying you can tell me.
[a drawing of a small hazel with a question mark above her head]
Zaros was getting in a few paragraphs between notes. He cracked the barest smile- just the corner of his lips tilting up the barest bit as he recieved the next note. He read it over, considering his answer, he scribbled out a new note and sent it back to her, simply folded in half.


I do read novels sometimes, but I like to occasionally read non-fiction as well. History can be just as interesting. There are all sorts of fun things hidden away if you just go look for them. For example, did you know the shortest war in history was forty minutes?

I do enjoy quieter hobbies. What hobbies do you have?

I don't think these are annoying. Your drawings are cute.


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