Professor Evie Brennan

Evie Brennan

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
10" Veela Hair Oak
▽ ▽Evie Brennan ▽ ▽

The end is near I feel it dear,


But I am not afraid

November 12th

Blood status:


Position at Hogwarts:
Muggle Studies Professor

10" Veela Hair, Oak

Evie is a quite young woman, not one to be outspoken nor bring unwanted attention to herself. It is this reason why she usually has a lack of friends. When you do actually crack the outer shell of her personality you'll find that she is a very friendly person and is readily able to lend an ear if anyone has need of it.
If you study her closely you'll also come to see that her manner is also a bit suspicious, which will be explained in her bio.

The first nine years of Evie's life were spent in various foster homes. Finally one day a married couple came in and adopted the girl. She expected her life to turn around and for her to spend the rest of her life surrounded by a caring family, but it was not so. She grew up being mostly alone, except for the maids and various other servants. However, although by herself most of the time, she was happy being that she was not particularly social.
Most of her time alone was spent writing stories about people that came and went in the house, which explains why she wanted to be a journalist.
What was suspicious, however was that strange things had happened in her childhood. When she was seven she had blasted open the locked door of one of her foster brothers that had stolen her favorite stuffed animal and ran into his room, locking the door.
When she was nine she had innevertly made is rain for a few minutes in her bedroom when she had been playing with matches and set fire to her pillow, extinguishing the flames.
And finally at ten years old she had blasted herself up to the surface in her adoptive parents pool when she had gotten a cramped foot underwater.
So it was odd yet unexpected when she turned eleven and had gotten a letter from a school called Hogwarts. She showed her parents when they had gotten back from yet another business trip. Both, scoffed, thinking it was a prank and completely ignored all of the letters until finally it seemed that the school had given up trying to contact them. Evie never forgot about the school, and when she turned seventeen she ran away with all the money she had saved up, hoping to find this Hogwarts in New Zealand and attempt to learn some spells.
What she did find was an ad carefully placed in the paper for a new Muggle Studies professor. Evie felt she was perfect for this job, for she had grown up with muggles and knew everything there was to know. So, she applied and with luck was accepted. She now lives at Hogwarts.
She found herself in New Zealand, and luckily ran across a few magical folk that led her to Brightstone, and helped her purchase a wand and a few books to study up on. She is still new to New Zealand, staying in random inns, trying to save her money so she can survive all by herself. She has not heard from her family since she left, and although they were never close, she misses them terribly.

Mother:Edith Brennan

Father:Ken Brennan

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