Professor Elodie Kesslar

Elodie Kesslar

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Melissa [2nd Main]
Yew 10"core of powdered Raven's claw (heirloom)
This is in first person, Elodie's perspective. Warning, she can use crude language.
Elodie Mirielle Kesslar​
One girl, trying to make it on her own

~the basics~​
Full name:
My full name is: Elodie Mirielle Kesslar. I wanted to get rid of the Kesslar and use my mother's maiden name, (Raevin) after she and dad broke up. But mom wouldn't let me. Something about family ties... not that I want to be tied to my father. I did think about hyphenating it, Elodie Mirielle Raevin-Kesslar but it was a bit of a mouthful. So Kesslar it is.
My nicknames are: Ellie or Elle (or 'Ellie belly' to my father.) But not even he is allowed to call me that anymore. It was a reminder of my father that I could do without.
Birth date:
I graced the earth by rocking into it on the 15th October 2011 at 3.47am
Current age:
Twenty. Finally I am considered to be a 'proper adult' whatever that is supposed to mean.
Blood status:
Mixed blood. I'm a little bit of this and that but magic enough to attend Beauxbatons.
Relationship status:
Single (looking) Ha! 'looking,' if by looking you mean desperate because I don't really want to spend my life forever alone. I say desperate I mean that it would be nice to find someone but I'm not going to go hurling myself at any passing guy or girl. I haven't reached that stage yet! Thank god for that!
Sexual orientation:
I'm bisexual. I honestly do not care if I date a boy or a girl. I have dated both and I don't have a preference, either one is fine with me.
Health status:
Healthy! I find that rather surprising, I was constantly sick throughout my childhood then suddenly wham! I'm not sick anymore I mean what the hell?
Favorite color:
Purple. Definitely, how could it not be when I have streaks of it in my hair?
Favorite food:
I would say Grape fruit for the lack of foods I like. I try to eat healthy and choose vegetarian options but it fails completely with my obsession with junk food. So yeah Grape fruit followed closely by chocolate.
Vegetarian. I hate meat, it just tastes gross and stuff. I can't even watch people eating it. It makes me barf at the thought of it.
Desired occupation:
I would love to be a teacher. Whether it is muggle or a magical I don't care. I would love to be able teach my knowledge to the younger generations. Hey and guess what? I am now a professor at Hogwarts, the charms one to be exact, years 5-7.
Heart song
Face Down - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. After all the things my mom went through I guess it's only natutal for me to latch on to this particular song.

<U>Basic appearance
Right where do I start? Well I have long dark hair, it's brown but it's bordering on black. It's cut to just above my shoulder blades and it is as straight as anything (which sucks because I always wanted curly hair like my mothers.) I have it side parted with a side fringe. I got the purple streaks in it a three years ago in honor of my mother, (and also because I had wanted them for a long time and she wouldn't let me have them.) I have a very pale face, I shy away from the sunlight so I never get a tan and subsequently look a little like a ghost. My eyes are dark and look a bit bottomless which is pretty damn cool if you are going for that kind of bottomless, no soul look (I'm not). I have a rounded face and an annoying dimple in my chin. I hate that stupid little dimple, but I deal with it, I can't change my face. I have thin eyebrows and plump lips. I am tall 5 foot 10 inches - 177.8cm, (a little bit too tall if you ask me) and thin. I have a dancers build so I am thin but muscular especially my legs. Urgh don't even get me started on my legs. I wear quite rockish and gothic clothes, not extreme gothic but just black clothing and lace and that kind of stuff. My favorite colors to wear are white, black and red, and fishnets are fun too. I have a 'tramp stamp' on my lower back a blue and pink tattoo butterfly. I got it as an act of defiance, mom said that I wasn't allowed to get one but I did anyway. I mean it's my body I should be able to choose what I do with it. I also have a scar on my stomach from when I got my appendix out when I was 5, its a pretty knarly scar and although I feel quite proud of it, I am rather self conscious about it sometimes.

~delving deeper~​
My personality. Ha! What a complicated story that is. I guess Im a bit of a b!tch sometimes. I mean I sometimes tell it like it is. But that's because I'm straight up and expect that to be returned. I couldn't care less what people think of me so what ever. If people want to b!tch about me I want it to be said to my face, backstabbers really piss me off! They are cowards and they just annoy me. I am a pretty hard person, I have a hard exterior and strong walls to keep out the pain and fear in my life, I hate feeling vulnerable so I block it out as much as I can. The events of my life turned me this way, because of what my father did I found it so hard to trust the people that I should have trusted in my life. It didn't help with my @ss of a boyfriend cheating on me. I am kind, deep down, really deep down. I show it occasionaly, I do but it's hard to notice sometimes. I don't like to show it in case I get hurt again, I don't want to have to deal with any more heart ache. What else? Well I am an ex dancer so I strive for perfection and I am a bit obssesive about it. But that just makes me sound like a fussy b!tch, I'm not! It's just in my nature. So what ever. If I come across as obsessive than so be it, I don't really care. I just want to do things well the first time, then I don't have to do it over. That isn't a sin! I love to learn, and teach, and kids in general. I guess that's why I want to become a teacher or a nanny, that would be a great job for me I think because it's so much easier to be nice to kids, because as a teacher you aren't so much of a friend where you have to connect with people on another level. You can be a friend with out having to share bits of your history and your feelings with them, so you don't put your heart on the line. So yeah...

~home is where the heart is~​
Home town:
I was born in Saint-Maxime in France, I was a great lover of the area, as I adored the French Riviera. But between you and me, it never really felt like home there. I liked Saint Tropez better.
Current Residence:
I have recently left Coventry and moved to Dunedin, New Zealand for a fresh start. I'm quite enjoying the weather as I hate warmth and the sun. I am currently renting a house.
Just myself. All aloney on my owney, which I don't mind, there's no one to nick all my buscuits or use up my internet.

I was home schooled by my mother, my father was always to busy 'away on business trips' to bother with my pre-magical education. Not that I cared, even then I could tell there was something off about the way they acted towards each other. I preferred it when he wasn't around, mom was happier too. So under careful supervision I learnt everything I needed to know before going to Beauxbatons.

~magical education~​
Educated at:
Beauxbatons. And I'll tell you I hated the prissy blue robes. I guess I just hated the school in general. I was too much of an outsider to really enjoy it. Besides it was just to stuck up for me anyway.
Ravenclaw (if I went to Hogwarts)
Best subject:
I guess my best subject would probably be... either Transfig ot Charms. I don't know I think I just enjoyed them. There was just something about practical magic that I liked. In a good way! I don't go hexing people or anything. Geez I'm not that bad!
Worst subject:
Divination, straight up. I totally bombed it. I guess I never possed 'the sight' needed to do well in it. I'm clearly not a natural born seer.
Favourite place in Beauxbatons:
Anywhere indoors. Just so I could shy away from the sun. I think the library was my primary hang out, peace and quiet and no sun worked perfectly for me.
Least favourite place in Beauxbatons:
Anywhere out of doors, I can't stand the sun and the outdoors provided too much of that for my fair skin, not a great combination.
10 inches core of powered raven's claw (heirloom)

~inner magic~​
Patronus form:
Fox. I would like to believe that I was cunning like a fox but would expect most people to label it as 'sly as a fox' but whatever foxes are smart. So suck it.
Patronus memory:
That would be when Mom annouced to me that we were leaving Dad and moving to Saint Tropez. I have to say that was the happiest day in my entire nineteen year long life.
Cobras. Well any kind of snake. Ugh I can't stand them at all! They scare the crap outta me and I don't ever want to get near one again.
If I were to become an animagus, I think I would become a gazelle. They can run fast and escape their enemies and problems a lot like I did when I moved to NZ.
Mirror of Erised:
Me, standing next to my mother with a non-angry non-violent version of my father, an impossible dream now! Seeing as mom's dead and my father, god only knows where that prick has got to.
To me this smells like: freshly baked bread, apples and freshly cut grass. Although I could argue that the first two are food cravings. Good gravy I'm hungry!
My deepest darkest secret eh. . .? That would be that I once drunk my mother's Vodka and got drunk on it when I was 17, just after she died.

~finer things~​
Where do I begin? Well I love dancing, I was a pretty good ballet and hiphop dancer when I was living in France. I had to give it up due the fact that I broke my ankle and it hurt to much to carry on. Ugh that really annoyed me I can tell you that. What else? Well I love babysitting, I used to do it as a part time job when I was studying to become a teacher in Coventry. I also love poetry, not the lovey dovey sh!t that makes me want to puke happiness and sh!t rainbows, no I like the deeper more angsty stuff. I dabble in it myself but none of my poems are ever very good so they are kept a secret. Rock music! This is my current passion! I love listening to it, singing it and writing it. I took up guitar a while back so I good do rock as a hobby. It's self taught of course, when would I have time to actually attend frequent lessons, I would rather learn on my own terms, this way I take all the credit for my guitar skills.
Special ablilities/skills:
Weeeel. . . I'm fluent in French (my native tongue) and English. I know snippits of Spanish too, not enough to uphold a proper conversation, just key phrases like, 'where's the toilet?' and 'how much does this cost?' I know Ballet and hiphop. Magically I can do nonverbal spells and produce a patrounus. that sounds alright doesn't it? When you say it like that I don't sound so useless after all.
Dust, pollen and b!tchy people, I swear I break out in hives whenever they get near me.
Role model:
Ooh. . . now that's one to really think about. Probably my mother, for deciding to leave when we did. She saved us and though she could have easily gone back but she didn't she was some much stronger than she gave herself credit for.

Star sign:
I'm a Libra, which with extesnsive research I have taken to mean that; I want to find true love (but it's better if I saty alone - er mixed signals much?) and that I am a good business woman. But I'm apparently flirtatious, indesiscive and self absorbed - as if! I do not act like that!
Air - oh wow how exciting! All sarcasm intended.
Venus - is this a joke, aren't all women from Venus anyway?
Birth stone:
Opals - okay I admit it they are pretty. So not everything about my star sign is crap.
Birth flower:
Marigolds - Ugh they are so nice and bright and so totally not me!
Life pursuit:
Apparently it's to be consisitant whatever the hell that means. Consistant in what? Work? Happiness? Bed? Note to the writers of horoscopes, be clear and tell us exactly what you mean! Mmkay?
Unsteady - Okay this could be taken in a really dodgy way. Hey! get your mind out of the gutter you dirty little wotsits!
Secret desire:
To live an easy uncomplicated life - Ooh that genuinely sounds nice, if this were to come true I would never doubt the mystical horoscopes again, and I would eat my hat, or something of that nature because I like my hats too much to actually eat them. Maybe a shirt or something. . .
Tarot card:
XI Justice - Unusual seeing as I'm not a justice kind of girl. I'm more a revenge type person.
Anatomy ruled:
Kidneys, lower back and appendix. Seriously am I supposed to care which internal organs I am supposed to rule because honestly, I don't.


So you want to know my story eh? Really?! Okay, you asked for it but I must warn you it's a bit of a sh!t boring story. I, Elodie Mirielle Kesslar was born on October fifteenth in Sainte-Maxime. Arriving kicking and screaming at the insane time of 3.47am! - (I've never seen this time of day again) I was the first child to my mother and father, DUH! And I spent my first few years of life being a happy-go-lucky toddler, who was, of course my parents pride and joy. I mean how could I not be, as perfect as I am, Ha! Any who I was kept company through the most part of my toddler years by an imaginary friend, her name was Genevieve and she was my pretend twin sister. We did everything together and had loads of adventures. Were completely identical and we enjoyed all the same things. Anyway, at the age of five my mother decided that I should be educated about both the muggle and wizarding world before I attended Beauxbatons. My father, well I’m sure he had a lot to say on the matter but in the end he couldn't care either way. He was always away on his 'business trips' so he couldn't care less about what I did to fill my time, much less what I was being taught in that time.. So with the all clear my mother began to teach me everything I would ever need to know about muggle appliances and ways of life and how witches and wizards lived. It was at this approximate time that Genevieve disappeared, I had obviously out grown her and I never saw her again.

For the next year I savoured the hours I spent with my mother, she taught me so much and I soaked it up like a sponge. I enjoyed learning so much that I never wanted the makeshift lessons to end. My father occasionally came to my lessons to insert his input on the topic of conversation, but honestly, neither I nor my mother really gave a rat’s @ss what he had to say. So we usually just ignored him. I could tell that he wasn’t impressed that we ignored what he thought was his ‘important advice’ so he occasionally got mad at us. Telling us that we needed to take in what he was saying and that we were stupid if we didn’t. It was now that my opinion of the man I called my father changed. Up until that moment I had adored my dad despite his prolonged absences and occasional mood swings, but that changed, he was scary, the villain if you will, (I used to describe him as the bogey man!) And I didn’t want to spend time with him. So instead of dreading the frequent trips away I longed for them, longed for his week long absences from my life.

Admittedly I didn't assume my father's absences to suspicious until I was seven, he was spending more and more time away from home and when he was around he was moody and distant. I had never realised just how grumpy he was, particularly around my mother until then. It hadn’t been just a once off it was on several occasions. I had sometimes overheard the whispered arguments but being a naive kid passed it off as superficial. Besides what parents didn’t have their disagreements? It wasn't until I was awakened by an all out screaming match in the middle of the night. Unbeknownst to my shouting parents I watched from the doorway to the living room only to witness my father slapping my mother hard around the cheek. I was horrified- this b@stard of a father was hitting my mother, the woman who meant the world to me. Both outraged and terrified I snuck back to bed vowing to protect and stand up for my mother the very next morning. However to my great surprise the next day things seemed to be back to normal, better even. My mother and father were no longer fighting and they were all loved up again. Bemused I thought nothing of it and forgot all about it. However when I was ten, almost at the beginning of my magical education at Beauxbatons school, I arrived home after a ballet lesson (of which I had taken up the year previous) to my mother and father in the heat of what appeared to be a very violent argument. At the time I didn’t understand the majority of what was being said but one word that stuck out throughout the exchange was the word ’affair.’ My mother repeated it over and over and it was what stuck in my mind as I ran from the house terrified of what my father would do. As I look back on it now I should have stayed and taken care of my mother but I didn’t, I was too scared to. Terrified and crying I sought refuge in the public library, a favourite muggle hangout of mine. I went straight to the computers and researched ‘affair’ on a Google search. What I uncovered was both horrifying and disgusting. I felt ill at the thought of what my father was doing to my mother and I planned to stop it.

Over the next few months I began to rebel against my father. Doing the complete opposite of what he told me to do and ignoring everything he said. He hated this, much to my delight. But he also began to yell more and more. He also lashed out against both me and my mother, I had had enough. One evening during one such argument I screamed that I never wanted to see him ever again. A long silence followed as I watched as my father deflated from his rage and suddenly became apologetic. I just turned and walked away. It was that very same week that I was sent my letter of acceptance from Beauxbatons. I wasn’t sure I wanted to go given the current situation. I was scared to leave my mother behind with my father. I told her my concerns and she tried to talk me into going. I refused saying that she needed me here more. My mother admitted that she was touched but she still wanted me to go. Over the next few weeks my mother would tell me all about Beauxbatons and how I would enjoy it so much. How I would be missing a fantastic opportunity. I held my ground. (Even then I was one stubborn b!tch.) For weeks they didn’t mention me going to Beauxbatons and I had assumed that they had finally accepted that as long as my horror of a father was around that I wasn’t going to go. But then one evening my parents sat me down and told me that they were going to be getting a divorce. I was obviously ecstatic by the announcement; I wouldn’t have to put up with seeing my father very often. Then came the bombshell. My mom and I were going to be moving to Saint Tropez. Despite my enthusiasm for the divorce I had assumed that my father was going to be going elsewhere, maybe to live with one of his wh*res that he had been sleeping with. But no it seemed that he wanted to turf us out of our home. I was already angry at him for treating my mother the way he did so I couldn’t get any more furious. I accepted the move after a few days, I wasn’t going to be able to stop it so I had to roll with it. Go with the floooow! (Insert 30 second dance break here!) As we packed up our belongings and packed them away in the car, the whole experience began to become more and more real. The only good thing about moving was that Saint Tropez was literally ten minutes down the road so I still knew the general area. My mother’s and my new life had finally begun. Living in Saint Tropez was weird. It was weird to arrive home after a day at ballet or hip hop practise to a quiet, empty house without the chance of my father bursting through the door and giving us a verbal or physical thrashing. It was nice, pleasant. It was at this time that I backed down from my original stubborn claim and decided to go to Beauxbatons. I hoped that it was going to be the right decision.

In 2022 I packed my trunk and headed off to Beauxbatons, the start of what I hoped was an adventure that I would thoroughly enjoy. (How wrong was I?!) I arrived at the school nervous and shy, I flinched at every loud noise and anyone who came to talk to me felt disconcerted by my distant demeanour. It was clear at that my father’s behaviour had affected me more than I had realised and it was clearly going to affect my social life. So I quickly became the quiet girl that no one really noticed in my year. Always in the background, quietly getting things done, but (being me) I got sick of people walking all over me like they did when I didn’t speak up so I adopted a new persona. Deciding that I was going to stand up for myself and tell people exactly what I thought of them. Something that I knew wouldn’t earn me many friends but would eliminate those who were taking me for granted. Fake friends annoyed my so FREAKIN’ much! So I did just that, became a b!tch in order to make sure that I had only true friends on my side, this approach also ensured that my protective barriers were in place so that I wouldn’t get hurt again. My father’s treatment of my mother and I had severely rocked my confidence in the genuine-ity of friendships and of people in general and my attitude deflected those who potentially were going to hurt me. A very clever countermeasure if I do say so myself, which I do by the way. So with being a b!tch I lost the ‘friendship’ (if you could even call it that.) of those who took me for granted and gained the respect of fellow b!tches. I admit that I didn’t like being called a b!tch but I took it in my stride at least I wasn’t being treated like I was a door mat any longer.

In my third year I experienced what can be only described as puppy love. I developed a small crush on a slightly older boy (ooh shock horror! Oh calm the farm he was only a year older. Geez he wasn’t a freakin’ cradle-snatcher or whatever.) By the name of, wait for it. . . Matthieu Lacoste! Ha! What a name! But seriously, I did like him, a little bit. He was a bit of a bad boy, someone who hung out in the boy equivalent of my friendship group. He was attractive in the sense that he didn’t give and actual f*uck about the rules. But as we were only thirteen and fourteen we still pretty immature (him more so I assure you) so our relationship was very fleeting, lasting only a few months. Despite it being so damn short I did experience my first kiss as a result of it. We were standing under the shelter of a tree due to the heavy rain that was coming down and he took my face in his hands and gave me my first lingering kiss. I felt special, like I was finally worthy of him. So several dates later we had progressed to what I could only describe as full on making out. I didn’t want to take it any further as I was only thirteen but he was pushing me, trying to get me to further than I felt comfortable with, when I refused he got angry and it resulted in our first fight which ended with me on the verge of tears, due to the striking similarities between his reaction and my fathers. Not exactly something I wanted to be reminded of. We agreed it was best to take a break and see if we could come to some kind of an agreement without the need of shouting. So that’s what we did. But I was surprised to hear of the news of him cheating. One of my b!tches told me the rumour that he was in fact seeing a prissy girl by the name of Isabella as well as me. I wasn’t sure if I should believe the rumours that were going around but when I was confronted with the two of them in a tight embrace in an empty corridor I was forced to face the truth. He was cheated on me. I was furious, I had let someone in, let them get close to me and the ripped my heart out. In a moment of anger I performed the bat-bogey hex on the pair of them. Matthieu broke away to look at me and I calmly shouted at him that he was nothing but a cheat and that we were over. I felt empowered and also enraged that I could have made such a bad judgement of character. I vowed then to be even more careful about the people I let into my life.

My fourth year pasted without too much hassle. I kept myself distant from people and didn’t seek out any further relationships with any new people. Matthieu cheating on me had stripped down the little bit of confidence I had with my ability to befriend the right people that I had made over the last three years. I kept to myself and walked the halls in silence. I no longer b!tched to people and I slunk back into the back ground once more. However in my fifth year I was confronted with yet another dilemma; that was my sexual orientation. Up until that point I had thought I was as straight as a board but then along came Annie Urie. We were potions partners one day and in that particular lesson we were brewing love potions. (Corny, I know but it’s the complete truth.) Anyway, whilst brewing I got a whiff of Annie’s potion. I didn’t realise that it had taken any effect on me until after the lesson when I realised I was actually brazenly checking her out. I began to develop a little crush on the pretty blond but due to the nature of the potions class I naturally passed off the crush as a side effect. However for the month that followed whenever I caught sight of the familiar blond head I began to feel all butterfly-sie (again corny I know.) I realised that what I had passed off as the effects of the love potion was an actual crush. From then on I began to talk to Annie, slowly become friends with her. I was admittedly being rather reckless, after the Matthieu debacle I was risking a lot to let someone else into my life. Nevertheless I began to trust her and we became good friends, and honestly I thought that was all that was going to happen. But in our sixth year I was invited to Annie’s sixteenth birthday sleepover. During a game of truth of dare I was asked who I liked. I was extremely reluctant but I told her the truth. That it was her that I liked. It was at that moment that my worst fears had been realised. She didn’t feel the same for me, she was really nice about trying to let me down easy but inside I was still hurting. However later that night be started cuddling and one thing led to another and we ended up making out. (Something I could have never predicted but there you go.) We decided to try to have a relationship and we went on to have a few other dates and make out sessions. But two months into our relationship Annie admitted that she had developed feelings for someone else. As she was honest and didn’t go behind my back we parted on good terms and still remained friends. That was my last relationship during my time at Beauxbatons.

My long awaited seventh year arrived. I was eager to get out of the school and into the real world however the happiness of my eagerly anticipated graduation was marred by the untimely death of my mother. Her lack of sobriety had caused her health to deteriorate and she had been drinking heavily. I had been regularly in contact with her and she was becoming more and more depressed. Her abuse at the hand of my father had left her damaged, distant and drinking herself to death. And with a letter of apology to me she took behind the wheel and drove her car into a concrete power pole. The news of my mother’s suicide shook me to the core and I fell into a haze of confusion and grief. My grades nosedived and I found myself on a rocky path. Now having no one to invite to my graduation I finished school alone and was thrust out into the world alone and upset. I tried to deal with my pain in usual ways. I got the tramp stamp that my mother had forbid me from getting and I also streaked my hair with purple. I went to her funeral in tears, I was hardly coping and the appearance of my father, his new wife and my half sister drove me to extremes. It was this time that I drunk all of my mother’s vodka in memory of my mother. It was at this time that I clumsily packed my clothes and possessions from the empty house and moved to Coventry, England.

Post Graduation
I had always wanted to move to England and the fresh start allowed me to revaluate my current situation. I was now sober and I decided that it was best to get my life back on track and try to make something of myself. After I had settled down into the bustling life of Coventry I started training to become a teacher. I always wanted to pass down my knowledge to the younger generations and I’d be damned if I was going to let my sh!tty past stop me from doing what I wanted. I began a teacher’s course and took on part time work as a nanny to pay my way. I also learnt to play the guitar and took my musical passion to the streets to busk whenever I had a spare moment. After completing the teacher’s course 2 years later I was bored with English life and I decided to embark on a new journey. I decided to move to New Zealand. I country I heard so much about. Packing my bags once more I moved to Dunedin, New Zealand. I found a nice little flat out the outskirts of the main center and I set up my life as a part time teacher in the area. On my free days I would explore the country, apparating to various parts of the magical and muggle towns and cities. On one such visit to Obsidian Harbour I met a rather nice girl a year or two older than me by the name of Johanna Murray. We began talking over an ice cream cone one sunny afternoon. I broke out of my tough outer shell and began to make friends with her.
To Be Continued.

Something nice - Elodie & Johanna Murray
The devil. - Elodie & Jaden West
Following the black brick road - Elodie & Quil Makwa
Long time no sea - Elodie & Annie Urie
Busking - Elodie & Victor Dodge
I've been screaming on the inside - Elodie, Dulciana Raevin & Lapis Lazuli
Just Keeping Up - Elodie & Malachy Scythe
I'm Kinda Dumb - Elodie & Noboru Hiroto

</i><SIZE size="50">
<SIZE size="50">Name: Elisabeth Frances (Raevin) Kesslar.
Age: Forty years old.
Blood status: Half blood.
Status: Desceased.
About her: Elisabeth was born in Essex in England in 1987 before moving when she was 5 to Saint-Maxime in France. She attended Beauxbatons where she met and fell in love with her highschool sweetheart Jonothan Kesslar. They got married in 2008 and gave birth to Elodie three years later. Elisabeth moved to Saint Tropez in 2017 and passed away due a successful drunk driven suicide attempt in 2028.​
<COLOR color="#000">Name: Jonothan Kesslar
Age: Forty-three years old.
Blood status: Mixed blood.
Status: Alive.
About him: Jonothan Kesslar was born in Dijon in France in 1987. He attended Beauxbatons where he met Elisabeth Kesslar. He moved to Saint-Maxime to court her and in 2008 and his wife gave birth to his daughter Elodie three year later. He divorced Elisabeth in 2017 and married Daniella in 2018. He became a father again in 2022 to Jaymie Leigh Kesslar.​

Name: Daniella Kesslar.
Age: Thirty-six years old.
Blood status: Mixed blood.
Status: Alive.
About her: Daniella was born in Nice in France in 1994, she moved to Reims when she was 14 years old with her family. She attended Beauxbatons in 2005. And after graduating she moved to Sainte-Maxime just after her 18th birthday and began to date Jonothan Kesslar. After his divorce the pair married in 2018 and she gave birth to her daughter Jaymie in 2022.​

Half Sister

Name: Jaymie Leigh Kesslar.
Age: Eight years old.
Blood status: Mixed blood.
Status: Alive.
About her: Jaymie was born in Sainte-Maxime in 2022. When she was 6 she had her appendix out. She attempted to reunite her father and her half sister at her eighth birthday but was unsuccesful as they continued to argue. She has been homeschooled through her schooling years so far.​

Name: Dulciana Raevin
Age: Forty-two.
Blood status: Mixed blood.
Status: Alive.
About her: Dulciana was born in Essex in England in 1984 before moving when she was 8 to Saint-Maxime in France. She attended Hogwarts Scotland. She graduated and met Demetrius Van Laar Veth when she moved back to England. She gave birth to her daugther Angela in 2022.​

<COLOR color="#000">Name: Angela Lucretia-Belle Van Laar Veth.
Age: Eight years old.
Blood status: Mixed blood.
Status: Alive.
About her: Angela was born in Essex England in 2022. She lived with her father Demetrius Van Laar Veth when her parents separated and Dulciana moved away to London. The two moved to Dunedin New Zealand in 2027.​

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