Professor Augustus Keller[F]

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Augustus Keller

Well-Known Member
Character Name: Professor Augustus Keller
Images you want on the banner: (I can make small modifications to the image; i.e change hair color & eye color. They don't all have to be images of your character. Animals, landscapes, etc are accepted as well)

Picture 1
Picture 2

Text you want on the banner: Do you want your characters name? House name? Family Motto? A quote? etc. Characters Name, and this quote="Stupidity is Toxic"
Font: You can visit and pick a font, if you'd like, or leave it blank and I will pick.Bleeding Cowboys (hmm....dumb name <_< )
Banner size:
Other: Anything else you'd like me to add? Do you have a specific color scheme you'd like it in, etc? Anything Potion-ish would be appreciated; but you're the artist so you get the creative control on this one. :)
Sorry, yeah. I started yours last night, but I had to use my mum's computer today so I couldn't finish it :S Is it OK if I get it done tomorrow?
It looks great, but I was wondering if it was too late to add 'Professor' in front of my name? If it is, then no big deal. :) Just let me know!
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