Professor Anzhelika Malik

Anzhelika Malik

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Anzhelika Khirad Malik

Anzhelika - The name Anzhelika is the Russian derivative of Angelica, meaning angelic or like an angel.
Khirad - Khirad is a Muslim name, meaning intellect in both Urdu and English.
Malik - The surname Malik is Arabian for king.

Anzhelika was named three days after her birth, her parents could not decide on a name and chose the Russian name randomly out of their short list. There is no real significance behind her first name, although her parents agree it flows nicely with their family name. Her middle name, Khirad, is more meaningful. It was her father's mother's name, seeing that she passed a week before Azhelika's birth. Her father was extremely fond of his mother, and giving Anzhelika her name meant a great deal to him. Anzhelika very much appreciates her name, and find it suits her quite well; although she is impartial to her surname seeing that there was no real choice in handing it down.

Anzhelika had many nicknames growing up, the fact that her name has four syllables made her name easy to shorten. As a girl her name frequently became: Anzhie (Angie), and Lika - she didn't mind Lika, but loathed Anzhie; her older brothers adopted the short form as a method of irritation. As an adult, Anzhelika chooses to primarily go by her full name. Very few call her by a nickname.

Anzhelika was born on April 22, 2017 in a private hospital within the downtown of Lahore, Pakistan. She was born via cesarean-section due to her mother having high blood pressure - resulting in Anzhelika being born two weeks prematurely. She was born mid-afternoon, with her parents, and grandparents present. Anzhelika stayed in the hospital with her parents for twelve days before going home.

Being born in 2017, Anzhelika is currently twenty-five years old.

After graduation, Anzhelika decided to travel a bit before starting her profession. This allowed Anzhelika to really ponder and think through what she wanted to do with her life. Her plan started to click as she met and furthered her education about magical creatures around the world; Anzhelika also realized that she loved to be with people, and to express the qualities of a teacher. When Anzhelika became a professor at Hogwarts NZ, she knew is was where she was meant to be. Being with, and educating, the students has by far been the most rewarding thing in her life.

Mother - Rubya (Ali) Malik. Born and raised in Lahore, Pakistan. She is a muggle librarian in Brighton, England. Married at twenty-six, to Aashif Malik. Mother at twenty-seven, again at thirty, thirty-four, and thirty-five. Immigrated to England at forty with her family. Divorced at fifty-five.

Father - Aashif Malik. Born in Quetta, Pakistan he moved to Lahore in his early twenties for a job opportunity. Currently, a veterinarian in Brighton, England. Met Rubya at twenty-five, married at twenty-nine. Father at thirty, thirty-three, thirty-seven, and lastly at thirty-eight. Immigrated to Brighton, England with his family. Divorced at fifty-eight.


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