- Messages
- 1,007
- OOC First Name
- Kaitlyn
- Wand
- Birch Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Dragonstone
- Age
- 5/1984
"I could be mean, I could be angry...
you know I could be just like you..."

you know I could be just like you..."
I could be fake, I could be stupid
What if walked without you, what if I ran without you
<SIZE size="50"><FONT font="times new roman">What if walked without you, what if I ran without you
[name] Prodan Vassil Zhefarovich
[etymology] The name Prodan means pledged to the monastery. It gives off the impression of a loyal and obedient man. The first name fits Prodan rather well, and he is a loyal and obedient man. The middle name Vassil means kingly. It gives off the impression of a charming and smart man. The two names put together fit him completely, since he is charming and smart, though he is not kingly at all. The surname Zhefarovich comes from from Bulgaria and it means powerful, dexterous, virulent enforcer which is true in the darker nature of the entire family, very few have been unaffected by this. Prodan is one of the very few that have been unaffected by the darker nature, until now.
[origin] The surname Zhefarovich originates from Romania and Bulgaria. However the heritage of Romanian has long since washed away. The Zhefarovich family are large, containing three branches, with one typically being the main branch, which is the darkest, another being the more likely to be in businesses, and the last branch being the quietest and also the more pleasant if one could consider them pleasant at all. Most of the Zhefarovich family are pure-blooded, and have laws and strict rules which they are known for, and many are either Death Eaters or associated with them. They are known for their tightness and also on how they hate muggles and anything to do with them. While allying with some other families, the Zhefarovich do control others. They are very isolated, and while some people consider them to be legendary, they are also very hostile and malevolent, and will not stop a fight until they die from it. More often than not, they keep to themselves in Bulgaria while some spread around, their main base is in a Manor where no one can access unless they know where it is, and have many other secret places. The Zhefarovich had this tradition to give into the inner dark nature, and many other traditions that if broken, one would die. Prodan's first and middle name are a first to be used together in the family's history.
[nicknames] Prodan does not go by many nicknames. However he does have a record of many names that others have called him. For example, Kalif seems to call him 'princess', and his ex-wife called him 'hurricane'.
[alliance] Actually, Prodan now allies himself on the side of darkness and evil, finding it more appealing.
[birthdate] Prodan was born in the Zhefarovich Manor from Asparuh and Liyla, around noon on May 25th, 1984.
[age] 54
[gender] Prodan is a male.
[sexual orientation] Heterosexual which means that Prodan is attracted only to the opposite sex, which is females. When it comes down to choosing whether Prodan is attracted to aesthetics or personality, it is both, though more looks than personality.
[dialects] Prodan can speak two languages, and they are Bulgarian and English. Bulgarian was his first language, however he is found speaking English more often than not. He will speak Bulgarian when he is mad or upset.
[hometown] Prodan was born in the Zhefarovich Manor. It was where he remained for the majority of his life, being raised by his father. He has a lot of memories of his life there, and occasionally visits there from time to time.
[residency] Prodan now lives in Chalcis, Greece, in a rather nice house. He lives alone for the most part, but now has Astrid living with him.
[heritage] Because of Prodan's parents being full-blooded Bulgarian, it makes him completely Bulgarian.
[blood status] Prodan is a pure-blood
[blood type] AB positive is Prodan's blood type. It is rumored that in his family, those with AB Positive align with the side of good, whereas AB Negative align with the side of evil. This has been proven both wrong and correct. There is a belief in Japan that a blood type would give someone good traits and bad. The good traits from this belief are cool, controlled and rational, and the bad traits are critical, indecisive and unforgiving. This is true to his character.
[wand] The wand that Prodan has to his name is Birch 14 1/4" Essence of Dragonstone. The wood that makes the wand is normally a weak wand, however it is associated with light, perhaps one of the lightest woods known and would produce a strong Patronus. The core however gives the wand the power that the wood is lacking, and dragonstone is a powerful ingredient for duelling and attacking, not for the faint hearted; it is capable of performing the most power spells out there. The wand itself is rigid, and it is not very yielding even when it was won over.
[occupation] Prodan has retired from the working field.
[health status] Prodan doesn't suffer from any sort of mental disorders, but due to the stress of his past, he tends to bounce from living in the past and mumbling in a corner, to where he becomes violent and lashes out. His family placed him on a potion to help with his moods. He was relatively normal, until Asparuh disappeared. Then he was off of the potion, and his moods stopped...when he gave in to his darker side.
[allergies] He does not have any allergies.
[pet] Prodan does not own a pet.
[title] Clandestian of the Zhefarovich Family
You thought you were standing beside me
What if I stand without you, I could not go on
[five words] Arrogant, cocky, cruel, cold, darkWhat if I stand without you, I could not go on
[personality] Prodan's personality completely changed once he gave in to his darker persona. While he is still protective over people, he had become significantly less caring and all about self satisfaction. Prodan cares more about himself than anything else, and has become rather arrogant of his abilities, often ashamed of what he had done in the past several years. He does not take kindly to jokes and pranks that would remind him of school, and find that most things are a waste of time. Prodan still has a lot of energy, and he is the one to go to for secret keeping. He does not pay much attention to his children anymore because of his ex-wife, but he does his best to satisfy himself, and give to the kids what he thinks they deserve overall.
[beliefs] There is no trying, just doing and succeeding.
[boggart] Seeing himself as an Auror, joking around and betraying his family.
[fears] Prodan has normal fears. He has a fear of dying and death in general, but he believes that it is a part of life, and he is accepting of it. He has a fear of his father however. He is afraid that his father will kill him and his family because of not being a good son, like he wanted to be but just could not. He also has a fear of going back to who he used to be.
[likes] Prodan loves to go swimming on the beach, go running, and working out. He enjoys to spend time with his family together, and he enjoys going out on picnics and playing sports. He also enjoys going out to parties, dancing and often finding young women to seduce. He also likes hitting on young women too.
[dislikes] He dislikes all pranks, because he wants to not have to see that stuff again since it truly brings out the worst in people. He also dislikes how someone can act like they had a stick stuck up their anus. He also dislikes it when someone tells him to do something that he did not want to do. Prodan hates it when people are ignorant of the fact that the Scitorari do not pose a threat, and does not like it when people trash his house.
[goals] To satisfy himself overall.
[good habits] To check on his appearance before leaving the house.
[bad habits] He doesn't have any habits that would be considered bad, unless he asked how their night of 'pleasure' was, which might just be annoying.
[strengths] Prodan's strength comes from his heart, which is quite large because of how much he can care for someone, and what he will do for someone when he wants to. Even though he has tried to hide it now, and rarely uses it anymore. He cannot hide a single thing that he feels, which can be a weakness if one thinks about it, but he uses it as a strength, especially his anger. He possesses the ability to be understanding, however he uses this to his advantage. Prodan also has a strength to produce the Dark Arts, and he utilizes it whenever he possibly can. Prodan is very talented at producing strong charms and defensive shields and charms. He can play Quidditch fairly well, but he doesn't have any interest in it. Prodan also has a strength in his knowledge for muggle things, which aren't looked positive on by the family, and he is ashamed of now.
[weaknesses] Prodan has many weaknesses, and one would be having too big of a heart which could be used against him rather easily (though not so much anymore). Prodan has a weakness to his family and his children, which he would do anything for, and that would include kill if he really had to. Prodan has a weakness to the Dark Arts, and if he used it continually, he will fall to the darkness and become the dark person that his family believes he will be (which has come true). Prodan also has a large weakness to potions, and he tends to experiment too much with them, such as mixing ingredients that should never be mixed. Then he would actually blow up something that he never meant to. He cannot understand anything with Arithmancy or Ancient Runes.
[loyalties] His loyalties rest within the Zhefarovich Family.
[magical talents] Prodan is talented at the Dark Arts. His knowledge for Muggle Studies were enhanced, and he was talented in charms. He can perform most charms, and can produce the Patronus charm. He can perform nonverbal magic and he can also perform wandless magic.
[other talents] Prodan is very talented at teaching, which he worked as a professor for a while before he retired early. He is talented at swimming and working out. He can also draw but it is rare. He can cut hair and play the organ quite well. He is good at learning languages, but he doesn't mess with it often because the two languages that he needs he has already learned.
[patronus form] His patronus form is a Tasmanian Devil.
[annoyances] There aren't many things that gets on his nerves, but liars tend to do that.
You were only in my way
What if I lived without you, what if I loved without you
[chinese year] Being born in 1984, it makes Prodan a Rat. People born in the Year of the Rat are noted for their charm and attraction for the opposite sex. They work hard to achieve their goals, acquire possessions, and are likely to be perfectionists. They are basically thrifty with money. Rat people are easily angered and love to gossip. Their ambitions are big, and they are usually very successful. They are most compatible with people born in the years of the Dragon, Monkey, and Ox.What if I lived without you, what if I loved without you
[zodiac sign] Prodan is a Gemini, the Twins. Being a Gemini makes him adaptable, versatile, communicative, witty, intellectual, eloquent, youthful and lively. While on the downside, the Twins are nervous, tense, superficial, inconsistent, cunning and inquisitive. They tend to like talking, novelty and the unusual, variety in life, multiple projects all going at once and reading. They also tend to dislike feeling tied down, learning, being in a rut, mental inaction and being alone. They tend to favor the color green. The starstone for the Twins is the Moss Agate.
[mutable sign] A Gemini is a mutable sign, and a person that is associated with this sign is associated with adaptability, service-providing and expansion. This is true to Prodan's character.
[personal sign] Also being a Gemini makes someone principally aware of and concerned with individual concerns. This is true to Prodan's character because he is concerned with individual concerns.
[planet] The planet that rules the Twins is Mercury. Under the influence of the planet, one would have a computer like memory that allows you to be able to assimilate a large amount of information and then present it to the masses in a more understandable manner. They are very good at expressing this type of thing but when it comes to something close to their heart, such as love or compassion, they find it hard to let the other person know and can thus appear to be aloof and cold They also can be argumentative, critical, nervous and tense and if they do not make a special effort to overcome these they will lose many friends and loved ones throughout their lifetime without a clue as to why. Though the good qualities are industrious, methodical, humane and loving while they can also be critical, petty, self-centered and picky.
[element] Prodan's element is Air. Airy people are usually natural communicators. On a positive note they are great and conceptual tasks and often tend to 'have their head in the clouds'. On the down side though, they may be so busy living in their head that they lose touch with reality. The lack of air in a birth chart can indicate difficulty in the expression of that person. Communication of ideas and the ability to conceptualise may prove difficult. Some of the positive influences that the element of air gives out are intellectual and thirst for knowledge, social, idealistic, rational and theoretical. While on the bad side, it seems to be unemotional, objective, impersonal, opinionated and distant.
[birthstone] Prodan's birthstone is the Emerald. The emerald was once linked to health and the curing of ailments, as well as being associated with the ability to see in to the future, giving them an almost spell-binding, magical reputation.
You're wrong if you think that I'll be just like you
What if I died without you, you left my side tonight
[martial status] Prodan is engaged, to his former private student named Astrid Castellanos.What if I died without you, you left my side tonight
[when] They have been dating since December 19th, 2036, and were engaged on their second year anniversary.

"I can't believe how you strung me along."

"What in the hell did I ever see in you."

"Oh, you are hot, so manipulative. I think I will have lots of fun with you."

"I finally got you, my prize, my love."
[innocence] Prodan's innocence was stolen from him in February of 2009, by Dorothee. This was when Austin was made.
[turn ons] Anger, force, flower scents, short shorts, green eyes
[turn offs] A tease, messy, dirty, childishness
[aphrodisiacs] Strawberries and honeysuckles
[the perfect female] Someone that would be able to fulfill his every need, someone that is younger and would have a hot body, and a personality that he could mold into one that he would be satisfied with.
[the perfect date] Going to the movies, and then spending hours in the hot tub.
You thought you were there to guide me
And I, I just don't feel right, but I, I can't let you out of sight
[playby] Jared Tristan PadaleckiAnd I, I just don't feel right, but I, I can't let you out of sight
[natural hair] Prodan's hair is the color of chocolate brown, and it is somewhat normal as well as wavy. He keeps it between his ears and shoulders, which is longer than most would keep. He keeps it neat. He has the exact same hair as his paternal grandfather, which is Asparuh's father. Prodan never dyes it, and he never puts in any hair products to help style it.
[eyes] Prodan's natural eye color is a liquid silver that seem to darken to onyx when he is in a bad mood as well as in the light. One would see his emotions easily, such as coldness and mischief because that is mostly what one can see his eyes. His glares can be frightening because he looks truly mad and insane with power. As part of the Zhefarovich trait, his eyes darken to onyx when he is mad. The meaning of the color of his eyes are riches, changeability, mysticism, and wisdom.
[height] With his genes, he gets then from his father's side of the family. They have many tall women and even taller men, and Prodan is no exception. He stands at a height of six feet six inches.
[weight] With his muscles and large bone structure, Prodan weighs a good two hundred and twenty pounds.
[complexion] His skin is rather normal, with freckles placed over his body though not that much. His skin tone is a tanned beige, which is much darker compared to his other family members due to him being outside in the sun a lot.
[scars] He doesn't have any scars that stand out.
[birthmark] A crescent moon on the left side of the neck.
[smile] His smile is warm and gentle. There is nothing negative about his smile, though he can use it to show that he is up to something.
[body build] His body build is rather large with muscles, though compared to his family, he is rather small.
[body modifications] Prodan has his tongue pierced. He has is the Zhefarovich symbol that covers his entire back.
[dominant hand] Prodan's dominant hand is his right hand. He uses his right hand for everything, including holding his wand.
[style] The style that Prodan carries is the laid back muggle style, which is what his style for everything is. He hates to wear wizarding clothing with a passion.
You're wrong if you think that I'll be
Without you I'm no one, I'm nothing at all
[school] Prodan attended Durmstrang for all of his years of schooling.Without you I'm no one, I'm nothing at all
[special titles and awards] He did not earn any special titles or awards.
[extracurricular activities] He participated in the Academics club.
[favorite subject] Charms
[best subject] Dark Arts
[loathed subject] Transfiguration
[worst subject] Potions
[favorite professor] The Dark Arts Professor
[loathed professor] The Astronomy Professor
[grade average] Exceeding Expectations
[owl grades]
Potions: Poor; Exam: Dreadful
Charms: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Exceeding Expectations
History of Magic: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Outstanding
Dark Arts: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Transfiguration: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Exceeding Expectations
Astronomy: Dreadful; Exam: Troll
Herbology: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
Muggle Studies: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Arithmancy: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Exceeding Expectations
Divination: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
[newt grades]
Charms: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
History of Magic: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Exceeding Expectations
Dark Arts: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Transfiguration: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Exceeding Expectations
Muggle Studies: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding
Arithmancy: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable
[graduated] June of 2002